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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Which makes it okay, right? It's just incredible how people keep setting the bar lower for this guy. Well, of course he lies, but it's okay, everyone lies, right? Of course he steals, and defrauds, and rapes, but it's okay, because they all do that, right? You know, even if you're right, I really think the current president elect takes it to a new, frighteningly unacceptable extreme.
  2. The GOP is the party of Shock Doctrine. Trump's cabinet includes people who have publicly called for the dissolution of the very departments they now control. His Treasury secretary personally profited from illegal foreclosures on ordinary homeowners during the housing crisis. I think repealing the ACA and ending Social Security are the bare minimum of what these guys are going to try. tl;dr: Bend over and prepare your ____: Congress is coming in dry.
  3. So... you're getting the Triple Crown?
  4. Could someone please slap Jeff for me?
  5. Logically, wouldn't space maggots come from the eggs of space flies? And why exactly would the space flies be laying their eggs on Earth?
  6. Boeing selected to develop High Energy Laser pod for tactical aircraft
  7. I could do Pest Control. See? *slaps L. Marcus*
  8. Only if it threatens to have real consequences for the GOP Congress. I expect Hair Furor to mostly rubber stamp whatever Congress attempts to do over the next two years, except for occasional Twitter outbursts like this one.
  9. “These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us. Who thinks I should fly the plane?”
  10. Have you guys been switching Cancer's meds around again?
  11. I very much like Turakian Age, but I really feel that it's a victim of its own size. It's so all-encompassing that it winds up having little identity of its own. Voted here for Tuala Morn which is the most distinctive of all the 'official' FH settings.
  12. Well... um... how shall I put this?
  13. It's hard to keep passwords secret from your other personalities, isn't it?
  14. How about the color of dried feces, is that close enough?
  15. How do you decorate padded walls? Especially when the sleeves of our jackets are strapped down like this?
  16. You think this was my fault? Am I not the victim here?
  17. And there are those for whom personal aggrandizement is limited at least by plain human decency if not a genuine desire to help their fellow man.
  18. Yeah, 2016 broke my kid's arm the day after Christmas. He'll be okay, but it was a crummy few days.
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