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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I didn't know I was GMing the Walking Dead campaign.
  2. Intelligence community (including FBI) agrees Russia tampered with US elections
  3. Now you're just trying to confuse me on purpose.
  4. At what point does it stop being a small arm and start being a fieldpiece?
  5. That's not even the hard part. The hard part is when your SO is exposed to one of these babies and then wants to have That Conversation as soon as you get home.
  6. Trump also held a press conference today, only he didn't, because he chickened out. Buck-buck-braaawck, ladies and gentlemen, the president-elect of the United States.
  7. Small company == no leverage with the insurance providers. Providers that know my employer must provide health plans to its employees. Really the entire for-profit healthcare industry needs to be beaten to death with a barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat. But I digress.
  8. How much do you weigh? Totally unrelated question, I swear.
  9. I would be one as well, but in the end it's going to drive up health care costs for all of us. As it is the employer-provided insurance options at my work are so outrageously expensive that I was going to have to go over to Obamacare next year anyway.
  10. Yes, but all the evidence points to the Russian government. Russian metadata, Russian servers, Russian infiltration techniques. In the intelligence world, "high confidence" means "smoking gun".
  11. Do you think you're going to get away with shifting the blame this time?
  12. Full page ad addressed to electors in many states today:
  13. I've often thought that I should develop a drinking problem. I've certainly earned it.
  14. After you told us to cut aylwin's mike? Isn't that kind of mean, by the way?
  15. We already have instances of these clowns rushing into pizza joints, assault rifles blazing, to rescue infants from the child trafficking rings that they know are in there. Literally.
  16. Is it any wonder that Tarkin and the Emperor faced a revolt led by members of the landed aristocracy?
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