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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries I had an aspiring Dark Lord collecting the works of Freud, Kierkegarde, Fromm, Jung etc and annotating them, mostly with 'LOL' or 'ROFLMAO' comments. While His collection of the Blue, Brown, Green fairy story books were used as training manuals for his officer corps. What not to do and how to get out of trouble if it does happen.
  2. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy was once mentioned in dispatches by Lord Kitchener. Something about Camels and boot boys I think.
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above SatinKitty was banned from joining the World Wrestling Federation. The reasons are shrouded in secrecy but it was leaked that she wanted too show them how to really fight and mean it.
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Big Love - Robert Plant's album "Manic Nirvana"
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above Meanwhile Marcus sits in his Grim Tower of Ultimate Evil and gloats over his collection of Minmay dolls and action figures.
  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above Everybody knows about Marcus and the Roxette / Aha scandal. But if you want to know more, PM him, he's dying to tell ALL the real details.
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above Radio Shack have banned death tribble from entering any of thier stores after the embaressing incident with the robot dog.
  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above I once saw death tribble go roller skating through Hyde Park carrying a small orange custard. I've got a picture here somewhere.
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above SatinKitty used to cause furor and ruckus at fantasy gaming conventions by wearing architype standard chainmail bikini's and insisting on arm wrestling, not rolling dice, to decide any and all combats. She'd rise from 1st to 85th level anything she chose and nobody EVER argued.
  10. Re: Complicate the Person Above As I recall it was only after death tribble announced that he was going to buy the freehold of Nandar Parbat that the Nazi's really got into the whole Thule thing and stated sending expeditions into the Himalayas. I remain positive that they are linked in some way.
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble was Lord Kitcheners Valet, they were EVER so pally, Lord Kitchener and he.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above See, tkdguy would know that, he was the stunt Merkin's understudy at the time.
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above I did a write up of Marcus for Champions II Enemies... it got cut by Marcus who claimed copyright violation.
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above I once sat and watched death tribble arguing about life, the universe and everything with somebody who was trying to sell him a used copy of The WatchTower. I had to leave on the 14th day as moss was begining to grow.
  15. Re: Complicate the Person Above I was at my tailors once, collecting a debt, when Marcus ran in and asked if I knew anybody who could make shoes for gilamonsters, really quickly. Then he ran out again. I never did find out what that was all about.
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above If you check the last remake of that classic film "The 39 steps", you'll see the death tribble is credited as 'Step 37'.
  17. Re: Supers: How'd they get that way (and why do so many of them wear long johns?) I've either followed the super soldier path or the mutant genetic route. The whole radiation accident has never much appealed to me. Likewise costumes. Most of my characters never bother with the spandex (are you pitching or catching?) route. Just daily clothes unless battle armour is involved.
  18. Re: Foxbat for President Picked up the PDF (Hero THEN Drivethru, Hero THEN drivethru goshdarn!) quickly ran eyeballs thru it, offered a small prayer to whatever diety was paying attention that Foxbatmite wasn't mentioned. Now I've something to do for this evening. Very nice work. Hmmm, President has a secret service detail... Leroy with an ear piece, wearing a black suit? Maybe I can read it at lunch time...
  19. Re: Declaration I'ev never thought of something that wide spaced. Nicely done and repped. Some 30 years back I ran a D&D (no, not AD&D, count years) campaign for a few years then shelved it when the superhero RPG's started coming out. So I did have my Champions characters help thier old D&D characters a few times and vice versa. But it was only across 2 game worlds and the same players were involved in both. What you've got there deserves a medal or possibly a lobotomy.
  20. Re: Would you allow the white knight defense? I'd allow it but I'd have to question the sanity of the player who wanted it. It's a lot of points for not much gaming ability.
  21. Re: How to encourage RP? When I was GM'ing I never detailed out the nights too much. Instead I created story arcs, 3 to 5, each supposed to run of 5 or 6 gaming sessions. Each game night I passed out a sheet of paper purporting to be the front page of the "Lincoln Gazatte" There were cribs from News of the Wierd stuff and a paragraph concerning each of the arcs I had roughed out as well as a few red herrings. This was before PC's people, luckily I had access to an entire print department and an admin clerk who was an avid RPG'er. The players spotted references to previous gaming sessions and to stuff that took thier interest. They'd talk about what the group was going to do that night. Sometimes they'd ignore some story arcs completely, sometimes they'd get episode 3 and 4 but miss the intro and the ending. It was as close as we could get to "real life" activity in an RPG. But it created interst especially when they could look back over past sessions and start a round of serious head slapping and "Duuuuh!" comments. The set up for this is hard, but once it's going, you'll see your players talikng and interecting more, especially with pictures (clip art, love it!) of thier characters in action on the hand out sheets. If you want to spend the effort, try this.
  22. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble once tried his hand at organ harvesting. Had to invent a special miniature scythe to do it, don't know if the patent has yet been awarded though.
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above Have you ever seen SatinKitty do her famed glove puppet reenactment of the Battle of Britain? Her depiction of Churchill always draws a round of applause.
  24. Re: Complicate the Person Above Once, when the death tribble was playing 3 card monte with the Banks of England, France and Germany I asked him why he did it. He said it was all to do with the variable interest rate on a Reliant Robin he was being forced to buy. Strange world.
  25. Re: Complicate the Person Above I remember watching Marcus on TV when I was just a kid in England. He'd be standing there, mixing some sort of cake mixture and then both Sooty AND Sweep would take him down with a flying tackle! Oh my, that was fun!
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