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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus and H.R.Puffenstuff used to hang tight, until the day Witchiepoo left for Kansas. It was all downhill from then on.
  2. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer once ran the Boston Marathon backwards. Oddly enough nobody noticed.
  3. Re: I Replace your Reality with My Own! (Power Ideas) Bigby gave me an idea, his name cames from Willingham's Fables. (True/False?) So, the fables must exist somewhere. A childhood where his mother read him stories at night and then, when she had gone, the characters came to tell him what REALLY happened. Where teh big bad wolf was his pal and protected him. Where he could borrow the Tarnhelm any time he needed it and sometimes had a beer with Rumpelstiltskin who gave him the real low down on what the blonde did of an evening... So many possibilities, so little time.
  4. Re: Music-themed groups You might throw in odd spurious threads. An encounter with "Josie and the Pussy cats" perhaps? Or "Wyld Stallions" from Bill & Ted? Or that band Howard the Duck played with in the movie.... (Bwwaaaha haaah hahahah) It's a comedy run, you might as well go all out, hold nothing back including the Phantom of the Opera and possibly the Abominable Doctor Vibes.
  5. Re: De-Irradiate Remember to make the effect permanent, no time or running endurance restrictions.
  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above Bazza supplies both of them with content. Luckily his Mother has yet to find out.
  7. Re: Creatures from Skull Island Cruising the News of the Wierd I found this item. ----------------------------------------------- Among the species discovered recently in Papua New Guinea were tiny bear-like creatures, frogs with fangs, fish that grunt, kangaroos that live in trees, and what is probably the world's largest rat (with no fear of humans). Scientists from Britain, the United States and Papua New Guinea announced the findings in September, among more than 40 new species from a jungle habitat a half-mile deep inside the centuries-dormant Mount Bosavi volcano crater. [The Guardian (London), 9-7-09] ----------------------------------------------- Come on! Indy' vs Fanged frogs?
  8. Re: The Envelope The Night Watchman - As his working day has just ended, throw it down near the coffee pot. It was a tough night, another three bag ladies and a wino used as raw material by The Herd... at the same train station as well... Sod it, let Crimson King and the day shift handle it.
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above Marcus habitually counts to 9 before lossing his temper. Claims it gives him 'an edge'.
  10. Re: Greatest Western Movies of all Time Got to start with Stagecoach, but what about John Fords cavalry films, don't they count as westerns? 'She Wore A Yellow Ribbon' for example was mined for several spaghetti westerns.
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Of course, Bazza spent his years in prison being the significant other of a 400lb enforcer for the LA based gang "The Bloods", called Ramone "One Nut" (he always left the people he visited with one nut you see) Simpkins. And, after all these years, they still send each other Xmas cards.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer was once known as the Sudoku Kid for his speed in completing these puzzles. But that was before the tragic road crossing incident involving the bag of goldfish, a small German financier and a spring loaded umbrella. He's yet to live it down, although the German still writes to him.
  13. Re: I Replace your Reality with My Own! (Power Ideas) Perhaps, instead of the stoner demigod, he's got an interfering 'Q' type personality? Picking on somebody and pestering the beejeezus out of them - Hmmmm....no. don't Batmite/Mr. Myxyzptlk this thing. Stay with the basement dweller or the guy who runs the news stand and just likes talking to people.
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above I once spotted Bazza delivering pizza to the Bolivian Embassy, he never told me why. Said he'd have to kill me first. And then gave me a slice of Sausage Supreme with extra cheese.
  15. Re: I Replace your Reality with My Own! (Power Ideas) I think you need to cnsider his personality a whole lot more. With this ability to replace bits of this world with bits of another world or an alternate world he could stop crime dead - literally - with relative ease. He could be and probably is undisputed ruler of all he surveys. Afterall, what's the difference between bringing bits of an alternate reality here and sending the target to that alternate reality? And don't say points. This guy is a slacker. He has limited enthusiasm or needs. (Think on the later appearences of the old FF foe, the Molecule Man. A person with godlike ability settled into domestic bliss after the Secret Wars). No real abilities, knowledge areas or skills. He doesn't need them. So where has he been all this time, what's he been doing? Does he do temp work at a little bar in a run down neighbourhood? Works as a janitor perhaps? Runs an outdoor newspaper stall as he's an inveterate people watcher? Don't fret the powers, nail down the personality.
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above I have a great picture of the Allied army entering Paris in 1944. Bazza can be see off to one side, he's the one on the pogo stick.
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above Marcus used to be Perry White's 'go to' photographer, until Jimmy Olsen appeared. My, how times change.
  18. Re: I Replace your Reality with My Own! (Power Ideas) I like the VPP. Concentration, as Wyrm notes, is a good mod to use. But how about a varible mod' depending upon location and action. Say minimal concentration, a half phase action perhaps to stand in a bar having a beer and slowly rotate through the possible bars until you find the one where spare change has been left to pay for the beer. More time, several segements, to find the world with the alley where the brick wall blocking your escape was never built or had a door in it. And then huge great 'don't touch he's thinking' turns to find the world where the control codes to turn off the thermonuclear device were left on a slip of paper under the door mat As an alternate thought, this is going to be a honking great power. So don't do anything with martial arts abilities, detective skills, knowledge areas etc. Make this an overcoat, suit and tie wearing everyman. He's never had to study much, he could always pass exams by letting his mind wander through other dimensions until it came across an alternate self who was sitting /had sat the exam. Likewise money. One of his alternates must have had cash. Just go through thier worlds collecting some. And you wondered what happened to that $5 bill you put in your wallet? It's been collected by an alternate you. Neat idea with lots of possibilities.
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above When he last visited the DC universe Bazza let slip that he had once held a Boomarang... What followed was not pretty.
  20. Re: Complicate the Person Above Baza used to design merkins for Hollywood stars.
  21. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy has been seen walking Illium's towers late at night dreaming forgotten dreams.
  22. Re: Complicate the Person Above Bazza is known to dream in Iamabic pentameter
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above Bazza once chained himself to an Anglican Bishop as a protest against the introduction of "New" Coke.
  24. Re: Music-themed groups Hey novi, as you've got everything music based, do you have an overall campaign arc? Like your mastermind villain is a Phantom of the Opera type? Secret genius, failed musician after some nasty accident seeking revenge upon the world. Tried with punk , then rap, now probably J-pop... Or it's really a hidden war between two or three competing factions of musical creators. Sort of Chinnichap vs SAW vs independent music writers. Or, still with the secret war, major recording studios vying for cash (situation normal then) or maybe it's Satan's way of drumming up business - 'Devil Came Down To Georgia' style. Some factions (Viper / Demon etc) trying out low level mind control techniques - who can promote a no talent bum into a position of fame and... hang on a minute... hasn't this already been done?
  25. Re: Complicate the Person Above It's a little known fact that death tribble comes the year 3009. He's here hiding from a tax audit and accounts inspection... something about a pyramid - ponzi scheme that he runs selling 28th edition Champions.
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