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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. I dont think I have ever seen anyone say "Conan isnt fantasy" before....
  2. Funny. Except foe the elves thing, I tend to so the same thing.
  3. You remind me,of half a thread I stumbked,into in the way back,machine a few nights ago. One person had ripped the core system,out of an old school game and was,working on doing a swords-and-sorcery thing with it ("sworcery? Hmmm... Has potential...) Anyway, think Conan meets Thundar for tone and setting. He and some,other forumites hash out a few issuws he has, and he starts a nrw thread for playtesting so that the folks who helped him could,play if they wish. For the record, I hunted all through the way back,for bits od this, because I had fotten interested in his project. Everyone was sort of familiar with it at this point, and he had established in a prior thread that there were three races in this world: humans from the norther lands, reptilians from the equatorial regions, and avians from some geological hotbed of activity and jagged mountains. About thirtt people express interest, and out of fairness he takes the first five to pipe up. They do character gen and poat the characters. One human. Three elves. One half-elf.
  4. Holy cats! An entire Vanity Fair magazine isnt as long as that article! And it says more.....
  5. Oh, you're married, too? I have a question for any ladies on this board: Why must the same thermostat that has to be set at 70 in the summer be set to 80 in the winter? Why is 75 too hot in the summer _and_ too cold in the winter? My entire life is trying To cope with the quest for Schroedinger's comfort zone....
  6. Have I gotten so old that what I thought was "just the way it has akways bewn' is now something to be 'rediscovered?!' Man, this -sucks-!
  7. What sick @$#@f%$ plumbs an outlet waste in DWV?! Tubular! That's what it's for! Who runs a dishwasher drain that low the trap?! The slightest sluggiahness in that drain and your solids are goonf to settle in the tube or funk up the dishwasher itself! But no; let's make sure any potential problem goes from a twelve dollar, ten minute repair to a thirty-dollar, two hour repair! Man, do I _not_ miss my days as a plumber. The single biggest problem with Do-It-Yourself is that there is no knowledge or intelligence test required to purchase the materials or the tools.
  8. "Welcone to our seminar on refocusing pleasure and redefining personal fulfillment benchmarks. We are going to cover a lot of ground here, and fairly quickly. Please, as you don your VR headsets, remember always that there is nothing worse than a dirty brain...."
  9. "Oh, him? Yes, indeed; very important man. He's the Head of Commodities and Consumables."
  10. Dude! I _liked_ that movie! Except for the Slim Pickens bot, mind you.
  11. Thanks for the info on Other Suns: I accidentally dodged a bullet just by not having enough cash on me when I first saw it in the nor-so-local game store. By the time I gor back that way, both copies were gone. oh, hey: tell your furry buddies that one of the core concepts of Expendables made it into our first Traveller campaign: the idea of beta-humans custom tailored to specific environments, etc: they were our replacement for true alien races.
  12. Thanks, but it is not mine. I have magnificent friends. As I mentioned in a different thread, I prefee thw compqny of decent human beings. 9h 6eah! Fortune cookies are awesome! Unless it is thise citrus-y ones. They are just "meh"
  13. We should eliminate _all_ imag8nary numbers!ci4cles would be so much m9re interesring!
  14. My oldest is 16, and this isn't feudal England. Remember that my first wife and I had twins, who we lost to two separate drunk drivers: Moria on the stoop of her dance studio, and Moriah (their mother's idea, but I allowed it) on the way to the funeral. I Siobhan a few weeks after that. It was a very, very long time before I was remotely interested in another woman. I didn't marry K until I was 42, and for her own reasons, she decided we would not have kids until we had been married three years. (I think she wanted to be the first woman in her family whose baby wasn't six months 'premature' and yet remarkably healthy..... ) So no. No grandkids. Given the heart trouble and my daughter proudly following in her uncle D's tradition of being- and I quote- "queer as a football bat," my heart and health, etc- well, my son may one day have kids, but I dont expect I will ever see them. (Not maudlin; just realistic)
  15. Thank you! i tokd myself nearly 59 years ago that if I ever got off the farm and out of Circle, Alaska, I woukd _never_ eat another biscuit. (You have to understand that in a bad year, you might go six ir wight weeks in the winter where every meal was biscuits and some kind of warm grease. Gets real old, real fast). To this _day_, I have kept that promise. And bicycles must be quite the logistical nightmare in England. I mean, you have to squeeze a hirse in there somewhere.... Or trains. Enter the train, select a horse, ride to work...
  16. I turned sixty-two Sunday, and spent a lot of time ceyong on the inside-- not about being old; He'll, I love that! I have reached that point where I if I dont feel like goinf inside, I can just pee ofd the front porch and people oretend it didn't happen (just ignore the crazy old man; he cant help it...). Unfortunately, I have rwached the age where I cant make it inside, and have to pee off the front porch. The great thing is that at two hours a year, I have saved exactly one-hundred and twenty four hours of daylight! If I withdraw them from my daylight savibgs account judiciously, figuing twelve daylight, twelve dark, twelve daylight, etc- I have nearly eleven extra days! (That.... That _is_ how this works, right? There _is_ daylight actually being saved, right? We can cash it in on something useful, right? Right?!) But no; that is not what upset me. Nah. What got me was spending the day working toward this: You dont get it. Just yesterday she was too feet tall, and squealing with delight when she ran up to hug my leg when I came home from work. Growing old isnt bad. Youve been practicong for it your whole life. But you just arent ever foinf to be prepared for how lonely the last part gets.
  17. Just ask Alister Crowley Even a great sorcerer is no match for Yeats.
  18. Yes. But since I want to make something spicy, I am going to have to look everywhere else.
  19. Not British, but a battered and fried fish fillet and a mess of tater logs is one of the finest bits of breakfast you can eat. The single most common holiday on the planet is, in any language, loosely translated as "freedom from the English" day. And yet they _still_ carry on like they are somehow significant. The nerve of some people...
  20. The next time I do a 4e-style write up, that is going to be the character quote.
  21. Lots of great mentions of lots of interesting organizations, masterminds, and agents. And no mention of that gkorious day the all united forces to blow CLOWN completely out of the timeline and into an ignoble non-existence. Seems they built a time machine and slowly and painfully murdered each of their great-great grandparents as children just to sure CLOWN couls never actually happen. At first, they thought "I know we are villains, but we can't just murder innocent children--!" Then they met CLOWN and thought "quickly enough. We cannot murder innocent children quickly enough!" To this day, the team they left behind travels up and down the timeline, looking for any possible traces of CLOWN. When even a single hint arrises that someone might still somehow bring CLOWN into existence, that someone's great-great grandparents are reduce to smouldering carbon in nano-seconds. It's a horrifying job, exhausting, physically and mentally, but the one thing that all agree on is that it will never not be worth it. That was the best organization supplement _ever_! I cant believe no one mentioned it yet...
  22. Truthfully, there is _always_ that one guy, and you know it. That one guy addicted to the false hope that if he givws one hundred percent to the company, the company might one day give a tiny sliver of a crap about him.
  23. Sounds like you are a wizard at heart, Sir.
  24. That was sort of the vibe I got from Delvians in Farscape: elves, but plant-based. I have less issues with the idea of living for thousands of years when the species isn't mammalian.
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