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Everything posted by Ternaugh

  1. A couple of new tracks from Animal Logic, available on their Bandcamp page.
  2. Which makes the old slogan, "Hey! Where's the cream filling?" even more inappropriate.
  3. The "clown horn" going off on my work phone saying I had a text message. (From a number I don't recognize): "Lili, what are you doing today for a day's work?" "No Lili here" "You are" "No Lili only Zuul" "Who are you?" "Not Lili"
  4. The Maltese Falcon: The Friends of Mr. Cairo go on search for the black bird in this classic. It's been recently released on 4K home video, and looks and sounds excellent. (4K UHD Blu-Ray).
  5. Flash Gordon: This adaptation from 1980 has become something of a cult classic. I had originally seen it in the theater during the original run, but it's taken me some time for it to actually become movie I'll regularly watch. This Arrow Video edition is a 4K release sourced from the original negatives and approved by the film's director, and the HDR makes the vivid colors pop in a way that they haven't since that first viewing on 70mm film in the theater. It has a 5.1 DTS-HD sound mix, which has a good balance between music, dialog, and special effects. (4K UHD Blu-Ray)
  6. Those books were too popular for an outlet mall bookstore in the mid-nineties. Much of what we sold were remainder books. Paperback books were sold 3 for $5, and most hardcovers were $4 to $7.
  7. I worked for a deep discount bookstore back in the nineties, and my store manager had a story about a former employee and "yellow book people". Customer: "I'm looking for a book. I don't know the title or the author, but the cover is yellow." Employee: "Let me take you to our yellow books section." Customer: "You have a yellow books section?" Employee: "No, not really."
  8. Sunshine pop from 1967, this track reminds me very much of the various Oompa Loompa songs in the 1971 movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
  9. I've received my first physical political advertising for the 2024 presidential race. It's a glossy, multi-page ad for Ron DeSantis from the Never Back Down people, trying to introduce me to Which immediately reminded me of the Dirty Harry quote from Magnum Force, "A man's got to know his limitations."
  10. Matilda: A neglected child educates herself and develops psychokinetic powers in this adaptation of the Roald Dahl story. (Netflix) Coraline: A dark fantasy tale about a girl who discovers a small door in her apartment that leads to an alternate world with delights (and dangers). (HBOmax) Casablanca: Classic film, now remastered onto 4K. The picture looks amazing. HDR works well with black and white, and the film is clear but preserves some film grain. Sound is also much improved. This one's definitely one to buy in 4K if you have the equipment to play it. (UHD 4K Blu-ray)
  11. Four nights ago, I dreamed that I had bid on an online auction for a cursed doll, and the auction included a special box for the doll, and documentation about the curse and its previous victims. Two nights ago, I dreamed that I was assisting some co-workers set up a small convention, and a medium wooden box arrived addressed to me. I opened it to find a wooden box shaped like a coffin, with segments of the top that were hinged to fold back. Inside was a doll, about the size of a Barbie, but with black hair and a pained expression molded on its face. Below the coffin-box was a large manila envelope, which had a label explaining that it was the documentation about the curse, and the known history of the doll. I wasn't afraid of the curse, but one of my co-workers saw the package and asked me, "Why did you have it sent here?" I laughed and said that I didn't believe in the curse. Around that point, the co-worker accidentally dropped what he was carrying. Some time later, the lights began to flicker and then went out. They came on a moment later, and some computers wouldn't start back up. More time passed, and I was sitting on the floor in what I assume was an office lobby on a higher floor. There were several other people around me, and one was complaining about the broken elevator, that hadn't come back in service after the power outage. Another said that it was too hot, and she opened up a window to get air. I woke up a little bit after that.
  12. Nevada Senate advances bill to preserve abortion protections
  13. My friend quoted Johnny Dangerously once. Once!
  14. Cinderella: Disney's version of the Charles Perrault version of the story. It's been recently released through the Disney Movie Club in an Ultimate Collector's Edition, featuring a new 4K Blu-ray, a standard Blu-ray, a DVD, and a digital copy. The transfers for the Blu-rays are new, and have corrected an issue with the last release, where the film grain was scrubbed a little too much, and colors were a bit off. This one looks and sounds great (4K UHD Blu-ray) Johnny Dangerously: Spoof of the gangster film genre, this film's become a kind of a cult film. It's a fun watch. (HBO Max)
  15. I received an email earlier today. Netflix is planning on reducing the amount I pay them every month. https://about.netflix.com/en/news/netflix-dvd-the-final-season
  16. Unsurprisingly, it's not being covered on the Fox News website's front page.
  17. I had backed a Kickstarter for an Intrada project to re-record the Bernard Herrmann soundtracks for The Man Who Knew Too Much and On Dangerous Ground. The high resolution digital files were sent to me today, and are wonderful. The CD will be shipped to backers starting tomorrow, and to the general public on the 25th.
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