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Everything posted by Ternaugh

  1. Broadcast News: All the cool kids were watching it. Now I need to watch Defending Your Life again. (Netflix DVD) Encanto: Fun animated musical about a magical family, this one's a re-watch. (UHD Blu-Ray)
  2. The Munch-verse is a reference to his character, John Munch. He had played the character in multiple series, including The X-Files. A muppet version appeared on Sesame Street in the sketch, "Law and Order: Special Letters Unit". RIP
  3. And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?" And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?" And you may ask yourself, "Where are those 10 crocodiles?" And you may tell yourself, "These are not my 10,000 rats" And you may tell yourself, "These are not my five gorillas"
  4. Many years back, I worked next to a Starbuck's at a Barnes and Noble with a small outdoor patio. The local sparrows would get fed bits of the baked goods by the patrons, and over time began to look like a tennis ball with a beak.
  5. Native, yes. However three females and a male were brought to Colombia by Pablo Escobar in the 1970s, and escaped after his death in 1993. There's somewhere over 100 of them now, and they apparently reach sexual maturity faster than their African counterparts. National Geographic recently did a special on them, called "Cocaine Hippos". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippopotamuses_in_Colombia
  6. I'm six episodes in on Poker Face, a mystery of the week created by RIan Johnson (Knives Out). It's about a woman with the ability to tell if someone is lying who uses her ability to unravel the murders. Much like Columbo, we see how the murder takes place before she picks up on clues and starts digging. It's quirky, and I'm really enjoying it. The next episode drops on the 16th (weekly), and I look forward to watching it. As an aside, the episode title cards look like throwbacks to the classic mystery wheel shows from the early 70s, complete with boldface yellow text and a copyright line underneath.
  7. Old TV shows that used to be local TV staples tend to be relegated to channels like MeTV and IFC nowadays, and kids aren't watching them.
  8. "The Goodbye Look" by Donald Fagen. It was the music playing over the end of the second episode of Poker Face, a murder mystery show on Peacock with the lead character able to tell if someone's lying, created by Rian Johnson (Knives Out). So far, I'm enjoying the series.
  9. I received my natural gas bill this morning. It was about $55 higher than my electricity use last month. So, my solution for the rest of February is to play more intensive games on my gaming computer and turn off the heater.
  10. Local news for me: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nevada-governor-declares-state-emergency-fuel-pipeline-leak-california-rcna70227 The pipeline that feeds unleaded gasoline and diesel from refineries in Southern California has a leak, and the pipeline has been shut down as of Thursday night. As there are other means of delivery, there shouldn't be shortages here unless people panic and start hoarding. I'l probably be able to avoid most of it, as I usually only fill up my Prius about every three weeks or so, and I have about 300 miles left to go on this tank.
  11. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: As mentioned upthread, this is a good watch, and a moving memorial for Chadwick Boseman. (Disney+) The Six Million Dollar Man Season 1: The stories improve greatly after the three pilot movies, and are still very watchable. Making my way into season 2. (Peacock) Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers: Pilot for a series that wasn't to be, with some generally interesting characters and a good setup. And it was fun to see G'kar played by Andreas Katsulas one last time. For fans of the show, it's a good watch. (DVD)
  12. All we need now is for some evil corporation to release blipverts, and my Max Headroom bingo card will be complete.
  13. See These Chickens Go From Coop to Catwalk: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/alex-ten-napel-show-chickens-photographs?rnd=1675539525090
  14. And now its coming out that George Santos apparently told donors that he was a producer on the Broadway show, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/george-santos-told-donors-produced-spiderman-broadway-1234673529/
  15. "Moonlighting Theme" is stuck in my head. It played a couple of days ago in the car on XM 80s on 8, and while I'd like to blame it on that, I had been humming the tune for a couple of days before that.
  16. "No, James, you can't say it's crap." "What if I say it's 'fantastic'?"
  17. The Hitman's Bodyguard: More fun than I expected, it's the story of a professional bodyguard (Ryan Reynolds) who has to protect a hitman (Samuel L. Jackson) on his way to testify against a former dictator on trial for various crimes against his people. (Netflix DVD.com) Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope (Maclunkey! edition): A nostalgic watch of the current version of this movie, in 4K and Dolby Atmos. (Disney+) I'm about halfway through the first season of The Six Million Dollar Man, and the stories and production have greatly improved over the three pilot movies. So far, a good watch. (Peacock) More on the subject of HBOmax: I made it about 7 episodes in to the fourth season of the remastered Babylon 5 on HBOmax, before they removed the show from streaming, no reason given that I can find. Additionally, a bunch of Looney Tunes and Flintstones cartoons were also removed from HBOmax, but the reason there is that they are no longer authorized to show them (even though they are fully owned by Warner). Apparently, there was some kind of internal deal between a different part of Warner and HBOmax, and they've decided to save money by letting the rights lapse. Concurrently, HBOmax announced an increase of their monthly fee to $15.99. It's still in the category that I feel I'm getting enough out of it (mainly for DC content), but that's an evaluation I'm now making month-to-month. All of the show removal shenanigans is probably the best argument I've seen for owning stuff you like on physical media. While I own all of the B5 DVDs (except, for some reason, Legend of the Rangers, which should now be delivered on Wednesday from Amazon), it was nice watching them in a cleaned-up, non-letterboxed format.
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