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Posts posted by lemming

  1. Re: The cranky thread




    Actually I had someone steal my sandwich out of the fridge a month or so back. Never found out who it was, but I sent an email to the entire office explaining what would happen if I ever caught someone stealing my food again. I don't think we've had another theft since.


    Do not come between an old man and his food!

    We had a theif at one job. We had narrowed it down to a few people and then over the weekend one of the suspects died. The thefts stopped so we didn't have to accuse a VP of stealing our lunches.


    Though my wife at her work wound up finding that her slice of pizza had been taken, but the olives had been picked off and left.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    • Ok. I get it. You're worried the page will look crowded with two stories on it. That's the third time you've brought it up.
    • For the love of god, how many times do I have to answer your concern!
    • Look at the previous issues, notice we did it before.
    • Will you just quit yammering about the damn page being crowded! It's not done yet. We don't even have the pictures on there yet.
    • Eleven times! Even when I frickin agreed that if the page is too crowded we could cut one story, the subject came up more times.


    Now that I have that out of my system. :nonp:

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