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Everything posted by 薔薇語

  1. New Disney Princess Movie will be coming out soon to hopefully cash in on Frozen's success. While the above isn't quite in keeping with the initial thread topic, it seems tangentially related. And I didn't feel like creating a new thread just for it. La Rose.
  2. Squirrel Girl served me well. I didn't remember her being a 3:0, though. La Rose.
  3. There are two things about this graph I don't like: First is the first prompt and the second is the Second prompt. When we ask people how they 'feel' or 'perceive' something we are ceding objective analysis to personal opinion about oneself. That is something we should generally avoid. We have all been in situations where we or others have felt a certain way about an event but have to come to grips with the fact that the way we interpreted it was the greater cause of problems than the event itself. And the way our culture tells people how they should react is not always in concert with the way we actually should react. For example, most women feel far, far, far less safe to walk down a street than their male counterparts. This is unfortunate. Not only because women feel unsafe but because if anyone should feel unsafe it is their male counterparts who are far, far, far more likely to be the victims of violent crime. But our culture informs women that they should be fearful and men shouldn't so despite the truth of the situation, we feel the way society tells us to without reference to the truth of things. How does the above play into here? The first graph is asking women if they feel like they need to provide more evidence of competency than their male counters. While I do not discount their feelings; their feelings about what is expected may not join up with reality. If they are getting the cultural message that they should feel that way, then it is only natural for them to feel that way. And as they are not men in the same position, they do not personally grasp the differences in the expectations placed on them vs those placed women. Now, does that mean that women aren't expected to preform more work for equal recognition? No. It in no way discounts that possibility. It just says that the survey is largely useless outside of knowing how people feel - it does NOT tell us if their feelings are justified. Such is the same with crime statistics vs women's feelings of insecurity. The second one suffers from a similar paradigm issue as the first. After children are born, men also get pressure to spend more time with them (as they should). I know I have asked a male colleague about him working less and spending more time with his family. So I wonder how much different the male answers to that prompt would be. And given the strong racial difference, I wonder if it is more an issue of Race and less an issue of Sex. Lastly, people thinking one should work less hours after starting a family is not the same as equating one's work to being 'just a hobby'. And conflating the two, as the article did, is not good and is bad reasoning / science!. La Rose.
  4. Wow. That was a good end to the season. The Flash has done a great job and I eagerly await season 2. General thoughts on the show as a whole: Barry Allen has seen incredible growth and has been excellently well acted. There have been a few moments I disliked over the course of the first season but those are outweighed by the good. The tragedy he faced when his mother died and subsequent arrest of his father was a compelling angle. His eventual resolution of that was also intriguing and makes one wonder "Why?" but in a totally good way. It breeds a desire to learn more. I like that he is an actual Hero and not some cold blooded anti-hero. He really does care and shows it. That said, there were bad moments. The entire alternate love interest bit was badly handled. I don't know how many people agree with me but I am of the mind that he should have stayed with the the sports reporter. Iris already made her choice. I do not like seeing the 'friend-zoned' Barry giving up a good and healthy relationship for Iris - A girl who has done nothing to deserve that level of commitment (on screen). So when things went bust with the sports girl, I had a giant aching groan - I am almost wholly against the idea of Iris and Barry getting together - the future be damned! Maybe they will make her more compelling next season. Joe West is perhaps my favorite character in the bunch. He is realistic. Has a strong moral sense. Is emotional yet stoic. And Jesse Martin deserves an award for how well he has portrayed that character. I was worried he would just be a backdrop character and that Jesse was just being type-cast since he was a cop for so many years in Law&Order. BUT he has brought that character to life. He is also probably the viewing public's most relatable character and I think he does that job well. Dr. Wells was excellently portrayed. Probably the second best acting job in the series. Tom Cavanaugh is a great actor and I like being able to see more of him. His portrayal of both a guiding teacher and evil monster was complex and compelling. It makes one really want to know "why he did what he did". I hope we get more resolution to this in the second season. Maybe that is part of the "Legends of Tomorrow" plotline? But given the ending, maybe not. Who knows. It is running off comic book logic. ^^ The Scoobie squad was nice. I think Cisco was the fanboy's point of reference. He acting in much the same way I think many fan boys would react in that situation. He was well acted for what he had. But alas he didn't get much. Maybe his role will be expanded on given the little revelation we had in the final episode. Caitlin was equally well done. I was really dissappointed that they had the genius scientist asking things like 'what's a singularity' and such in the last episode but C'est la vie. Iris and Eddie were both meh level characters to me. I did like Eddie more than her, though. Both were well acted but not that compelling. I did think the relationship between them was a good thing to have and I would have liked it to not have gone the way it did. Perhaps at a later date that would be good, but not in season 1 and not the way it did. Thoughts on the final episode: All in all, I look forward to the new season. La Rose.
  5. I was just reminded of this song from my high school days thanks to some ads on The CW. Now I am enjoying it once again. I thought about posting it in the 'songs we dislike' thread because I know many people who dislike the repetitive nature of this song. La Rose.
  6. Thanks. I am finishing it up now. The CW website doesn't like my VPN quite as much as Hulu and glitches more. But it works well enough to watch The Flash. La Rose.
  7. Warning: The following video is filled with puns. If you love them (like me), it will be great. Otherwise you may find yourself groaning to death. La Rose.
  8. I think you have Hulu plus, PG. Without Hulu Plus, The Flash is delayed by one week. La Rose.
  9. Let's do so but in one week when I can watch it on Hulu. ^^ La Rose. Or at least do so behind a few spoiler tags. :-)
  10. I would like it to be known that you all may also donate points to the Rose Fund, too. La Rose.
  11. Why is it that everytime "I" want to talk about something "U" don't!?! Well "excuse me" for wanting to talk about something important! Yoy are always wanting to take BREAKS from "US"! (^^) La Rose. PS. What is the deadline for the trivia? I am out and about now and may not be able to get back with answers until late tonight.
  12. Expect no mercy from the Evil One, Steve. Pray only that Karma favors you over the growing darkness. La Rose.
  13. Now, was that because you thought Hermit was a lady or because you thought LP was an old man? ^^ La Rose.
  14. If we hold strictly to "real world" limits as strictly understood, then even Cap can't be included as he is actually superhuman despite being said to be at "Peak human" levels. BUT if we are just saying that things that are full on stretches into fantasy (ESP, Spidey sense, TK, Mind Control) are banned but having buffs of real world abilities is okay, then we can still have Cap. Another idea to keep us from running out of characters would be to reduce it from 5 battles to 3. That would give the Commish more time in the week, too. Then we wouldn't need 8 characters but maybe just 4 or 5. La Rose.
  15. All the Bat family. All but one of the Watchmen. All the various Marvel Super Soldiers (Cap, Black Cat, Natasha, Red Skull, etc). And any number of the street level heroes like Dare Devil, Punisher, etc. That said, given the size of the rosters and the number of people playing, that list will shrink real quick. La Rose.
  16. Oh, and as a side note, while Hermit got to enjoy a week of my not putting points against him, only E84 had me devote anything more than 12 points. Every week I allotted 12 points to my team. I think for two weeks I went with blowing all 12 points on the first day. This week against Bazza and in my first week I spread it out more. So in that way, against me, my foes have had a pretty easy time. Only their fear actually caused them to spend points. La Rose.
  17. Only those who know that the universe's Karmic Justice bends against them fear the dice! I, for one, embrace the cold justice they bring. This has brought sustenance and purpose to my life. La Rose.
  18. The quick answer to that is "yes". I realized before that week started that I could not bring myself into the championship even if I beat Hermit and the next foe. I also knew that if I wanted to beat Hermit I would have to spend like a teenage girl. But I thought I might be able to edge out a close loss or maybe a victory by eliminating the points aspect and using only votes and the dice. And win or lose it would set me up to be better off in the next season. Lastly, the weak prior I spent almost 50 points and still lost the week. So I approached Hermit with a deal where we both made a gentleman's agreement to not spend points. While either of us could have lied and done so (I kind of wanted to in the final match ^^; ), I figured we both would keep our word. Besides, despite all my belly-aching, I like LAUGH and Hermit and wouldn't mind seeing him take two seasons (that doesn't mean I will be voting for him anytime soon!). La Rose.
  19. Huh? I am not talking about politics. I was doing commentary on the belief that bright colors are needed in order to be inspiring. La Rose.
  20. I will be sure to tell President Obama to put on the bright yellow zoot suit. Because obviously bright primary colors are the only way to be inspiring in appearance. () La Rose.
  21. That seems like a fun exercise: What would have your ideal team been if you had no snipes? I no longer have it written down so I will have to try and do this from memory: Round 1: Godzilla Round 2: The Thing* or The Hulk* or She Hulk* Round 3: Kurt Wagner Round 4: Groot - Back up was "The Lizard" but that was DQed Round 5: Rocket Raccoon Round 6: Scarlet Spider Round 7: Yoda but didn't realize he was first printed by Marvel. So Hellboy. ** Round 8: Man-Thing* (Backup was Swamp Thing). An * equals a character that got sniped. ** : this was the one round where I actually thought about going for Black Adam or Shazzam. Even though they would not fit my theme, I thought about them because they are powerhouses and one seems quite likable. Perhaps I should have. La Rose.
  22. Yes, yes I do. I use your joy to fuel my bitterness and to quench my taste for revenge until I can best execute it. Or something like that. I am not sure anymore. ^^ Yeah, I know you weren't gloating. I was just trying to latch onto Hermit's words. ^^ Sorry for the confusion. La Rose.
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