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Everything posted by 薔薇語

  1. I see it as well as that cop saw that kid reach for a gun. La Rose.
  2. I think I finally agree with E84: we should all go pantless from now on. Cops can't claim we were going to pull something from our waistband if we don't have one. Who wants to join me and E84 in our Pantless protest? La Rose.
  3. Obviously justice is her only concern. She will not be swayed by all the terrible events in Baltimore. The public's 'irrational' call for justice. The video 'evidence', or anything else in her quest to seek justice FOR the cops. La Rose.
  4. How about instead of images, he can breathe limited life into metal objects. The metal can be nearly anything but once brought to life it is coated in a thin polishing of mythril. This would in effect be a variable summon that requires a focus. Or you could focus that even more and have him create real duplicates of himself with the same special effect. Maybe get some of the automaton advantages like 'no vitals' A flash attack from lighting himself up. Various life support might be needed, too. La Rose.
  5. God bless America. Land of the Free roaming murdering cops. Land where cops get off because when charged with what they did, the judge says its too harsh. When charged with less, they get off because they are more guilty. La Rose.
  6. I see. I was curious just because there wasn't much to to ID the quote. I have listened to a number of their shows and I find it hard to deal with. At a basic level I agree with the basic message of the show but they sometimes jump off the deep end and / or get a bit too attacky in their comments. As to the quote above, I am of the same mind. I agree with the basic principle that we should kind of let the air out of this big bag of Anti-this and Anti-that that seems to have come about in recent years. And rather than trying to crucify game devs or consumers, we should just be normal consumers and walk our dollars to companies and games we support. But I am also not of the opinion that discussing some of the issues present is bad. There are some interesting things to be said for the way particular groups are portrayed in games; it is just unfortunate that dishonest people with a major financial incentive to grind axes are the ones controlling the whole debate. And also there are issues with just the general way games are marketed and sold (an issue completely removed from any -ism). So their comments seem a bit to strong on the opposite side. But C'est la vie. La Rose.
  7. Hey, both groups are known to murder others over trivial perceived slights against them. But at least one of those groups risks actual arrest and prosecution. Guess which one I am more likely to trust these days. La Rose.
  8. Geeze. Perhaps it is a good thing I left the US after all. Seriously, corrupt and Killer cops are a bit too much. I am fortunate enough that I don't have to be involved in the 24 hour news cycle of hearing about these and yet I still learn about probably one corruption or murder case a day. Sad state of affairs. La Rose.
  9. So, the character can negate a large amount of common damage sources but what else can he do? Also, what kind of villains will he go up against on a normal basis? One thing that comes to my mind is that if this character can't exactly pump out damage to go with his tankiness, then why would villains care if he is tanky or not? For example, if he was just a skilled normal with this one power in a team of standard supers, as the Big Bad Villain (BBV), I would absolutely never worry about him. His big skill would be to jump in front of my attacks from time to time. And if that is all I have to worry about, then in essence my enemy (the good guys) are permanently down a man. If the character does have a major way to affect a battle, then I might look more closely at the build and see if it keeps things balanced. If he is practically immune to normal damage and can pump out a reliable 8-12DC attack, then I would worry about him over shadowing his team mates but that is a normal concern with any Brick. And hardly a reason in and of itself to deny the character. But I would want to remind him that there are TONS of ways to get around Damage Negation: Alternate attacks like Flash, Entangle, Darkness, Change Environment, and BBV will likely have attacks large enough to overcome his defense. But that is something for the player to consider. Next up, Lets look at two similar builds where one uses Damage NEGATION and the other is 75% Damage REDUCTION. CON 20 BOD 20 STUN 40 (r.)PD 8/10 (r.)ED 8/10 75% DR v E & P. OR 12DCs of Damage Negation. 204 points. Average roll equals 3.5 per die, or 7 per 2. I round up. Any attack below 14 DCs (especially below 12 DCs) will obviously always favor Damage Negation. So we will start at 15 DCs: A 15d6 punch vs Damage REDUCTION is 11 damage taken. A 15d6 punch vs Damage NEGATION is 1 damage past defense. A 5d6 RKA vs Damage REDUCTION is 2 points of Body and 8 Stun. A 5d6 RKA vs Damage NEGATION is 0 points of Body and 0 points of stun. How about 18 DCs? A 18d6 punch vs Damage REDUCTION is 13 stun A 18d6 punch vs Damage NEGATION is 11 Stun A 6d6 RKA vs Damage REDUCTION is 3 body and 8 Stun A 6d6 RKA vs Damage NEGATION is 0 Body and 4 Stun --- So, we can generally assume that unless the character is being attacked by anything bigger than 18DCs he can typically take a hit with either build but that the Damage NEGATION build favors the PC most by reducing the damage. But it is probably fair to say that once we hit the 20+ DC range, that favorability starts to fade and Damage Reduction would start to be best. But given that Damage Reduction would mean that even mooks could hurt the HERO, I imagine Damage Negation is the way to to. But now that you know the numbers, do you really want to allow a character who can so easily shrug off damage? You could make him more vulnerable by removing his armor (8rPD and 8rED). Each point you remove does directly translate into one more pip of stun from each attack and at a certain threshold, one more pip of killing, though. Also, since it is inherent, that means special attacks like DRAIN will not affect his ability to be hurt. So, this would mean that your BBVs who you want to be able to hurt this guy would most certainly have more than enough power to KO any other team member easily. OR that they have to go with special tactics to remove this guy from combat (Entangle, et all). But that would lead to a really unenjoyable game for him. And as I mentioned above, if he has the defenses but no offensive abilities, then he won't have much to do and the BBV can always just target down the other characters since this guy isn't much of a threat - unless you count diving in front of a bullet to be a threat. Also, the build I have was already 204 points. That is A LOT of points. The character will have very little left over to buy other characteristics, skills, etc. Not to mention other attack powers if he does end up being a Brick style damage dealer. All things to keep in mind. La Rose.
  10. Scratch what I said. I was wrong. I must have been mixing up Spiderman for some other property. But heaven forbid I don't know which one. That said, according to Grace Randolph, the short list for SONY's pics are all white kids. Here is a link to the vid where she discusses that shortlist For anyone who likes to learn about various bits of movie news as they come out, I recommend the "Movie Math" channel on youtube (link above). La Rose.
  11. I will look for one when I get home but I learned that from a youtube show called "Morning Movie News". Great show if you like movies and especially Comic Book movie news. But they had leaked the two possible candidates some time ago and then it came out who was picked. Both were white. The winner looks really young becauae PP will once again be a high schooler. La Rose.
  12. They have already hired Peter and the boy is white. Unless they are doing one heck of a mis direction. La Rose.
  13. That "Presumption of Truth" link is truly disturbing. To think that a police officer who so often violates the rights of citizens and commits felonies and even "took liberties" with someone is allowed to walk the streets a free man much less work as a police officer with all that it affords him is disgusting. This is why I don't trust cops. This BS is why I think we would just be better off doing whole sale firing of all cop and prosecutors and starting fresh. La Rose.
  14. I am still keeping up with it. The build up to Reverse Flash and the Wells / Barry showdown is great. I too share the concerns about what will happen once that showdown starts but I have some faith in the show to stay compelling. Plus they have already started to develop the Gorilla Grodd plot line so they at least have one more super villain lined up already. That said, Gotham is still my favorite. ^^ La Rose.
  15. That blue line seems to have some black robes protecting it. I guess it would be fitting to call it a Black and Blue line because if you are lucky, they only leave you black and blue. La Rose.
  16. For a change of pace, lets jump to a positive cop story. Cop has every good reason to fire his gun and wound or kill the suspect but shows great restraint and doesn't. Good guy cop. La Rose.
  17. I feel real bad about being born on Missouri now. Seriously, despite all the evidence, not everyone ia a racist or sexist prick. Many good peoplw with simple and caring dispositions. La Rose.
  18. I dislike the Reeves' movies, too. I get that people like them but I can't fathom why. Maybe me and old films and shows just don't mix. I wasn't 8 when I first saw them like ao many others so I don't get the benefit of rose tented glasses when viewing. Same holds true for TOS vs Next Gen. I love Picard and can't stand Kurk. Same for Star Wars; saw all of them as a kid (ish) and like them all. I don't get the hatred of Jar Jar by the people who like Ewoks or Chewy. Anyway, rant over. Batman as BatGod is a bit much. I like it from time to time but at some point we have to realize that the guy is just a guy; not a god. And he doesn't need to be one. So to that extent you and I agree. La Rose.
  19. E84: In regards to Bruce, yes he can do a lot of good. And he does do so. We get references to the countless Wayne foundation projects in various media. The animated series showed Bruce attending a few charity balls and have various Wayne Industries philanthropic set pieces (hospitals, homeless shelters, etc). The Nolan movies also reference him giving to charity and trying to maintain a positive presence via the Wayne Corp. The comics have also done such things. Really, the thing you seem to want is "Corporate Wayne" comics. And unfortunately that just isn't all that interesting. Reading about Bruce attending a quarterly fiscal report board meeting is not the page turning we might want it to be. Watching him choose between funding a homeless shelter or a re-tooling seminar for the unemployed just isn't going to grab viewers. Batman grabs viewers. Watching him foil the latest Riddler Scheme. Watching him knock out Two-Face. Watching him deal with the tragedy brought on by the Joker. Now, I get that we have him sometimes seeming to show disdain for his Bruce persona, but ask yourself why? He gets the immediate gratification for saving lives and stopping bad guys as Batman. He is powerful, capable, respected, and NEEDED. As Bruce he is rich and powerful but is still just one cog in a machine; a big cog, but a cog. It takes years to get a hospital to pass through the corporate and political hoops. Years more before you can see its effects. In the meantime Bruce is stuck waiting to simply sign off on something he already demanded be done months ago. He is powerful and helpless all at once. But Batman isn't. Batman is power personified. He acts when he wishes to act. He commands respect because of his abilities and knowledge, not because of his lineage and money. If he sees a problem, he can fix it quickly. So, I can understand why Wayne would prefer the Bat over the Bruce. I can see why the readership prefers the Bat over the Bruce. And regardless of all of that, the Bruce is still doing the things you want him to do, they just aren't center stage because duh. That said, there are still plenty of issues to have with him. And I don't disagree that he is a bit of an overhyped character. I still like him more than Superman, though. ^^ And at least I have seen good Batman movies - there are no good Superman movies. Perhaps Batman will be able to help Superman out with that in this newest movie. La Rose.
  20. Perhaps he accidentally becomes the focal point for some transcendent spirit(s). While weaving his magics in the time vortex something happens and some spirit or spirits are drawn into him. And feasting on his magics like a buffet these spirits leave him weak and powerless. But following from that he finds he can channel the spirits like a shaman. The spirits could be human warriors, animals, mages, etc. They could be aware of eachother and cooperative or not aware or noncooperative. Maybe the main brick form was a great and honorable spirit and is glad to help. Maybe the other forms are far less honorable and seek to dominate their new form and thus tapping into them opens one up to great risk. So on and sp forth. La Rose.
  21. Why was a cop firing anything at a subdued individual? Sounds like an old rich white guy wanted to get his rock off by shooting some black guy to me. That also sounds like a crime and all his corrupt buddies are covering for him. Fire and arrest the lot. La Rose.
  22. What are the chances the cops were simply playing "spook and torture the mentally ill inmate". All we have are their internal reports which they all got to sit down and decide how to cover their asses. I imagine the real situation is far different. La Rose.
  23. Just have larger ships buy levels of damage negation that are limited by the scale of weapon being used. A speedster buys no negation and has only a 2d6Rka light. An imperial cruiser has 5 or 6 levels of negation only usable against 'large class or lower' weapons. It also packs a 7d6Rka heavy. With five or six levels of Damage Negation the speedster can never damage an imperial cruiser. But since an imperial cruiser packs a heavy class weapon it can punch holes in other imperial cruisers much more easily. Then you can decide the in game credit value of moving a weapon up a class (without editing damage output) on a case by case basis. Also adjust the negation levels a bit to help account for normal armor. Afterall, you don't need to negate all damage if the armor is already able to shrug one or two dice of Rka. That should also help keep you from always needing to buy capital ship weapons up to extremes because you know their weapons ignore all negation effects. La Rose.
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