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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. I agree with you 100%. I was just making a point that even through an animation has no STUN or may not take extra BODY based on a location, it doesn't mean that a location will have no effect. It just seemed to me that some new players might think that it was a takes STUN or only takes BODY and nothing else were the only options. One thing with HERO, there practically always is another option.
  2. Skill levels only apply to the individual roll of one of the skills during a phase. Should you have a bonus to INT Skills, you would only use it during the phase for one of your skills. So if you are using for both say Shadowing and Lipreading and you have 2 skill levels with all INT Skills, you would either have to give both to one individual skill or split them between the two. So just because you have INT Skill Levels and are using an INT Skill does not mean that you are utilizing the skill levels for that individual skill.
  3. Plus, sometimes it is cool for the GM to be describing what happened: "With a quick snap of the blade you caught the neck of the Zombie taking its head off completely. The head bouncing on the ground, its mouth moving with a silent moan, while its body swings blindless as it attempts to end your life continue pointlessly without direction."
  4. Actually hit locations can make since for animations. Hitting that skeleton in the toe and even cutting it off will not have as much effect as hitting it in the chest and splitting it in two. I take the zombie's head off and while perhaps it might not kill it, it may make it harder to see me and attack me. While the different locations might not increase/decrease the damage done but it very well could have other effects.
  5. Pretty much the buying down REC to is for those automations that have no healing ability for themselves, which often is the case for basic zombies and skeletons and some basic robots. The only way they can get BODY back is by being healed or repaired by an outside source.
  6. I agree, I was just giving the option for GMs that wish to have absolutely everything written up (i.e. make everything as complicated as possible). I have seen some GMs, even rather GOOD ONES, that have a like for number crunching.
  7. Didn't Realize that, Thanks. I guess this discussion should change to what is the weirdest maneuver you have created or seen created?
  8. I was playing around with Custom Maneuvers and found something weird on the "Hoist ‘n’ Heave" maneuver under the Martial Arts Style "Dirty Infighting/Fisticuffs/Cinematic Brawling". When recreating it I am showing it as costing 6 points, not 5. The maneuver is as follows: ½ Phase; 5 Points; -2 OCV; -2 DCV; Grab Two Limbs; +20 STR to Throw I am showing that it would be purchased as the following: Element Description Points Grab Oppt +3 points if hit Grabs two of opponent’s limbs, +1 point per additional limb 3 STR + +1 point per +5 STR up to +10 STR, +2 points per additional +5 STR 6 Throw +1 point to throw opponent to ground 1 DCV - -1 point per -1 DCV up to -2 DCV -2 OCV - -1 point per -1 OCV up to -2 OCV -2 Total Cost 6 What am I missing???
  9. Of course if you really want to base it trying to keep everything in mind (and the need to make everything as complicated as possible) you could figure out how many points you get back by having it always on and then put a 1/4 advantage on it stating "Not when wearing clothing" take those points and add a limitation to it of OIF (clothing and makeup) and pay those points. Below would be the way you would do this: Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (52 Active Points); Always On (-1/2) With the Always On Limitation it would cost 35 Points and without the Limitation it would cost 52 Points giving a reduction due to the Limitation of 17 points You would then add a 17 point custom power with the limitation OIF. Wearing Clothing: Buying off Always On Limitation for Invisibility (17 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) With the Limitation, to buy off the Always On Limitation with an Obvious Inaccessible Focus, it would cost 11 Points.
  10. I can understand LoneWolf's statement due to the fact that the Disadvantage is not required as all the characters need to be mutants. But if I were to set it up as you could be a normal rather than a mutant, then it definitely would need to be a Disadvantage.
  11. So LoneWolf, any interest in being in my game?
  12. But unfortunately it can make the power completely useless (at least in the campaign I am running) as in almost all cases if the mutant detection system stops working they will move in and arrest everyone.
  13. Another way to do it might also be as a Hunted: Hunted: Law Enforcement 11- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching) 15 Points
  14. It was in 5th Edition as well and while it is expensive it easily could take a non-mentalist out pretty much permanently.
  15. In the campaign world, it is the United States that is now ruled by the IHA. While technically being a mutant isn't considered illegal yet, pretty much all of their rights have been removed. All federal/state buildings have mutant detectors and a mutant will be arrested for trying to go in there. In addition, most private establishments (grocery stores, other stores, restaurants, etc.) have mutant detectors and they will either not allow mutants at all or if you are a mutant jack up the prices incredibly. Also, any complaint about a mutant means they are automatically arrested, and trials, well let's just say that they are quick and always have the same results for mutants. The world for mutants is definitely like Germany during Hitler's early regime. No camps yet, but they definitely are in the near future. As for leaving the United States, if you do not have a proper ID, you cannot get on a plane, boat, or go through the border, and of course mutants are not allowed to have IDs of this kind.
  16. Distinctive Features is worth more if it is always recognized and caused problems. 5 points is for a DF that does not cause much of a reaction, like having green hair. It is only a limitation because it can make you easier to recognize by someone looking for you but even so it can easily be hidden. But if you have a distinctive feature that is harder to hide or causes more reactions then it is worth more. In this case if you are detected as a mutant you cannot go into most stores and many times can be arrested just because you are a mutant. Think of it like being Black in the 1920s.
  17. Unfortunately I am not understanding what you are referring to. Below is the way I have created the maneuver: Now with that it should show as 4d6 Flash Damage but instead it is adding STR Damage (2d6 for 10 STR) to it and showing it as 6d6 Flash Damage. Dedeira (Eye Gouge): 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Flash 6d6, Sight Group I did check the code and it is correct, showing as follows: <MANEUVER DISPLAY="Martial Flash" DEFENSE="SPECIAL" DOESDAMAGE="Yes" DOESKNOCKBACK="No" DOESBODY="No" DURATION="INSTANT" TARGET="DCV" USESEND="Yes" KILLING="No" ADDSTR="N" What am I missing?
  18. In Hero Designer, if you are creating a Martial Attack that does Flash Damage it will add the STR to the Flash Damage (1d6 per 5 STR). Problem is that Martial Attacks that do a Flash effect do not allow STR to increase the damage. How would you get Hero Designer to not increase the Flash Damage Based on STR?
  19. No, you cannot as it is a required disadvantage for the campaign.
  20. In the game all mutants must purchase the Mutant DS as it is in the United States that has become controlled by the IHA. In the game all government buildings and even many private establishments have mutant detectors. To be able to go into buildings like this a mutant has to be invisible to those detectors.
  21. I did find a work around. I purchased the invisibility to sight and then added it to a detect and then used the option to lower the price to take off the price of being invisible to sight.
  22. In HeroDesigner what would be the best way to create an Invisibility to Detect Mutants? You can add a detect but you have to have it based on a full sense like sight, or sound or touch.
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