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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. One thing I have done in my FH campaigns when allowing VPPs is to state that they have to already know the spell and have it prewritten up. Any time they find another spell or take the time to create one (which they need the Inventor skill for spells) they can add it to that list of spells they have available. It does speed things up as they are not recreating spells each time they use one.
  2. I definitely have to agree with you. You don't need rules to state that the killing attack cut someone's head off from a head shot, or pierced their heart from a chest shot, or caused their intestines to slip out from a vitals/stomach shot. That's all just part of the role-playing. When someone dies the GM should give a good description, especially if that person is an enemy leader or a powerhouse. It should be part of the role-playing, not part of the rules.
  3. Yea, but what truly is the difference, at least as far as a Lich is concerned.
  4. Maybe I RESURECTED this on. Does that make me GOD???
  5. Can't tell if you are totally stating what was said in the show, or making it up. Considering that series, you probably were stating exactly what was said.😉
  6. Most annoying villain I have found to run has been Firewing. He is powerful but really doesn't have a real reason to be a villain. It seems to me based on his writeup he doesn't have much of a personality.
  7. Gosh, when I made my comment on this one I didn't realize that it was so incredibly old.
  8. That is directly copied from the website. And this one is in Sacramento California.
  9. Don't agree with that. I have found that someone who utilized an individual villain or a villain team js for the purpose of pissing off the players is just a bad GM. And as for pretty much all of the villains that are standard and individuals usually are easy to knock out. Whenever I run Champions I have to increase most of the villains I use. They have a tendency of having an average defense of around or even under 20 and many who are considered to be incredibly defended might have 25.
  10. Gauntlet


    Many times I have seen it as a Multipower linked to shape shift. This is the way I have found it the easiest and most effective to utilize. Problem with multiform is you have to purchase all of the skills the character has which I have seen forgotten a lot.
  11. But if the attack can make multiple attacks against the target, should the target get multiple missile deflection rolls.
  12. In addition, the other problem with having it just attack over and over again for a few phases as it doesn't put in consideration all the things the target might do. What if the target decides to middle deflect, is the missile's OCV based on the phase it is attacking on, if that is so then why would it have an increased OCV just because it is attacking a second or third time? Also, what happens if for some reason the target is no longer able to be hit after the initial attack?
  13. Problem is that eventually you will run out of Duplicates and then the creature is permanently dead. You don't need a compound power. Resurrection is part of Healing. If that's the case what is the point in having Duplication, Resurrection will automatically bring the individual to life. If that is what you are looking for, just have triggered healing with Resurrection. Healing BODY 8d6, Resurrection, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Full Phase to reset; When Character is Killed; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Expanded Effect (BODY, STUN, & END) (+1); Does Not Work if Character Is Not Attacked After Dying (-1/2) I heard that there was a stipulation that it would not work if the character was not attacked after dying so I added that in.
  14. Problem is that when the duplicate dies, it is gone and the points to purchase it are lost. That means the creature can only regenerate from death once.
  15. Then Healing with Resurrection and a trigger would be the way to go.
  16. Isn't there already an evil version of C.L.O.W.N. that came from another dimension?
  17. Then it probably would be better (and less expensive) to go with Regeneration with the Resurrection adder. You could then add the limitation stating that it does not work if the target is left alone after dying.
  18. Thanks, missed that. Then I would suggest utilizing summon rather than an actual attack with the summoned item, creature, or whatever, automatically dies, is destroyed, or whatever once again, after making a successful attack.
  19. Why not just purchase healing (not regeneration) with the Resurrection Adder and a Trigger (if the creature is dropped below 0 BODY. You can also have the healing heal more than just BODY, have it heal STUN and END as well. That way when the Resurrection occurs the monster is automatically put back to max.
  20. Could this be getting overcomplicated? Wouldn't you just need indirect and perhaps another way to see your target if they are not directly in your line of site?
  21. Of course one thing that could be interesting with the Joker, is perhaps it's not the same person each time. Perhaps somehow the Joker is being recreated.
  22. In a Robot Warriors game I once ran, I had Homing Missiles. They were purchased as another vehicle that flied and tried to hit the target and of course had a single charge attack that destroyed it when it hit the target (6d6 KA I believe). By having it as its own writeup, it would continue to try to hit the target until either shot down, wrecked for some reason, or ran out of fuel.
  23. Do we have anything going on at Pacificon, or is it too little of an event?
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