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Posts posted by Gauntlet

  1. 3 hours ago, Stanley Teriaca said:

    I know that. I have always pictured Menton as asexual.


    Not from what I have seen in his writeup. I have him as he wants to use people any way he can, either by using his power or by money or by both, doesn't really matter to him. He is a straight up control freak and wants everyone to know he is in control.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Cancer said:

    Frankly, the most horrific thing I can imagine is the monster overpowers you, and while you are unconscious it implants an egg in you.  The larva hatches inside and consumes you from within as it develops, carefully avoiding doing any immediately lethal damage until it is ready to emerge, which could take months or years.  There are bits of this concept in the Alien franchise and other sci-fi tales, of course, but it could be done in a fantasy context as well.


    That or the replacement monster like those from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

    The Janus Key appears to possess sentience and some level of intelligence, and randomly "chooses" a wielder to appear to. That's how Amnesia of the Cirque Sinister got it. You don't find it. It finds you.


    Of course you will want to remember, just because the Janus Key finds you does not mean that you will realize that it found you, many times things like that will make things look like a random encounter when they really are not.

  4. This is a Topic going over what are some of the Nasty things that a Big Bad Monster might do to the Player Characters. Like swallowing you whole or smashing you into the ground or anything else you would like to see that huge behemoth of a Worm, or Lizard, or Insect, or whatever might do.

  5. Has anyone seen that with the Weapon lists in Fantasy Hero 5th Edition the costs seem to be off. For Example it has the Active Point and Real Point listed as 45/15 when it should be 30/10.


    The reason I am seeing it as only 30 points Active Cost as it is only a 2d6 HKA with no advantages (it is not Armor Piercing, has no STUN Bonus, no OCV Bonus, and Cannot Be Used at Range). The following is the writeup:


    Axe, Battle:  Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (DEF 4; BODY 6) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4); (Real Cost 15)


    Could this be an incorrect cost or am I missing something?


    Please disregard this entree. I was just realized that 0 END (+1/2) has been missed. Anyone know of a way to delete a Forum?

  6. On 1/14/2024 at 9:02 PM, LoneWolf said:

    If I run off a cliff, I have momentum does that mean I get to use my running to leap across a gap between buildings without paying for extra leap?  How far can a character with 40m running without any increased leaping jump?  The way I have always done it is that they can leap 4m long and 2m up.  If that is the case, why is swimming any different.  Normally a character's leaping is cut in half unless they have some velocity.  The velocity of the swimming allows the character to use his full upward leap instead of having it halved.  If the character wants anything more, they should pay for it.   


    If the special effect of the characters swimming is a jet pack, I can easily see it working on land.  If the special effect does support it working on land, then it does not.  Buying usable as a second move is a lot cheaper than buying extra leaping.  +36m swimming normally cost 18 points, adding the advantage usable as a second move (and including that on the base swimming) cost 22 points.  The cost difference is only 4 points.  As a GM I would have no problem allowing a character to purchase this instead of extra leaping to jump out of the water.   


    If the character does not want to spend the 4 points, then they should simply get their running leap upward.  If they spend the 4 points, they get a 40m long 20m high leap out of the water.   Is charging 4 points for a 20m upward jump that outrageous?   


    Not sure I completely agree, based on what you are saying should I be moving at 100 hexes per phase and there is a 1 hex gap on the ground then I would automatically fall into it. Now I can see a DEX or skill roll required to be able to get over that gap without automatically crashing but stating that you have to purchase another form of movement to cross an approximately 3-foot (1 Meter) spot doesn't make much sense. I would have it require a DEX or Acrobatics roll to be able to cross the space without crashing which becomes harder and harder the longer the distance (perhaps even -1 per meter) that also comes with a maximum (perhaps 10% of the movement). Then if you wanted a character who could automatically jump gaps like that without any chance of crashing, then they would purchase jumping or flight.

  7. 7 hours ago, CaptainCoulson said:

    Honestly, nothing interesting has sprung to mind. The annoying enemies I've faced tended to be those that somebody is using to push players along a very narrow route through a plot that we can barely affect. At which point, it is not very relevant what the stats suggest, or what the name is, or anything like that, since they all end up being the same generic filler between scenes of plot I'm having functionally narrated at me.


    That comes across to me as more of an annoying GM and not an annoying villain. 

  8. How would you do a spell that changes the area so that it is underwater? Basically makes a globe of water that everyone within it are considered to be underwater. I am thinking that Change Environment would be the power to do it but not sure how to create it. This is for a game that is using 5th edition, but considering Change Environment are about the same in both version getting ideas how to do it in 6th edition would also be very helpful.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    It was an offhand suggestion on how to make a surface impossible to cling to: because its not there!


    For that just add suppression to Clinging to the Barrier, cheap and doesn't allow anyone to cling to the wall.


    For Example

    Total Points: 67

    Power Writeup: (Total: 85 Active Cost, 67 Real Cost) Barrier 10 PD/10 ED, 0 BODY (up to 15m long, 3m tall, and 1/2m thick) (Real Cost: 49) plus Dispel 6d6, Area Of Effect (15m Long, 3m Tall, 2m Wide Line; +1/2), Constant (+1/2) (36 Active Points); Linked (Barrier; -1/2), Only Effects Those Using Clinging For The Wall (-1/2) (Real Cost: 18)

    END: 9

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