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Everything posted by Redmenace

  1. Re: Supervillain Images Good sugestions all. The original idea is that he's my universe's version of Mongoose, a published villain from 3rd ed, I think. Mongoose was someone who had a grudge against Viper and who worked against them when possible but was still a bad guy. I liked the idea but thought the look and name could be improved so I made him a former Viper agent who was sacraficed during an abortive raid but managed to escape. He then went on to make himself a thorn in the side of Viper by writing reports on them and their abilities and sending them to Until, the FBI, etc. He'd always use Viper equipment and methodology such as robbing banks to fund his private war, taking heroe's dnpcs as hostages to force them to take out a nest wether they were up to it or not. The name he went by was Shadow Viper.
  2. Re: Champions miniatures Paints: I use a mix of Reaper acrylics and Americanna, (this is a craft paint available at craft stores like Michaels etc, it has a beautiful range of very vibrant colors that make for great supers and comes out to less than 1/4 the price of Reaper.) Every paint I use is water based except for the primer I guess. Primer: I swear by Games workshop white primer. many people use auto primer which you can find from Walmart to auto supply shops and which is cheaper in cost. Putty: Green Stuff or white stuff works very well but there are people who use all sorts of non baked clays. Repositioning: Clix plastic is temperature sensitive, cold hardens it-heat softens. You can sometimes reposition by heating the fig thrpough emersion in hot water, manual repositioning and holding it while dunking it in Ice water. I'd imagine the thicker the plastic the more reistant to repositioning it will be. Pinning: I tend towards doing this rather than just repositioning most of the time. The relative softness of the plastic, compared to metal anyway, means you don't need to drill on smaller pieces, a thumbtack or needle can give you and adequite set of holes. Just snip the wire to fit, glue and cover with putty like any metal mini. Here are the links to Bill Keyes' articles on miniatures from Digital hero. They are free and offer great advice. http://www.herogames.com/digitalHero/Samples/dh12miniatures.htm http://www.herogames.com/digitalHero/Samples/dh14miniatures.htm
  3. Re: Champions miniatures How are you planning on handling the other characters Blue? Is it possible to make a self respecting villain named Wee Willie?
  4. Re: Champions miniatures The color scheme is particularly nice.
  5. Re: Heroclix: Legacy Update I'm loving this set allready, some of the inclusions, the Legion and some of the Titans are going to make fine teen mods. Do you think the Power Girl team ability is a typo or am I behind on my squad info?
  6. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Its looking very good, can't wait to see that badboy painted up.
  7. Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions Good Luck Proditor, bad luck Earth.
  8. Re: Attention HeroClix Modders - Request for some help 1.) Most of those have 2-3 points of attachment, a big "peg" that fits into the small of the character's back and then some connection to the shoulders. I prefer cutting the big peg first as it is the strongest/thickest plastic. The remaining points can often be manually removed by flexing the plastic carefully. This works best if the figure is cold and be prepared to fill in some of the shoilders and back with greenstuff as these parts are often part of the cape sculpt. 2.) Check where you buy x-acto blades. Often there is a accesary pack of 5 or so specialized blades. there is one that is kind of a chisel point. This makes going after the main peg without scratching up the figure somewhat easier.
  9. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) That rocks, who is the head doner?
  10. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Yeah! I'd love to see them.
  11. Re: Classing Naming: (this) and (that) Shock & Awe Block & Tackle Raze & Ruin Guns & Ammo Sound & the Fury Fire & Rain Punch & Judy Heart & Soul Slap & Tickle
  12. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Re: A painted only division, I'm all for it As to the voting worked last time so I see no need to alter it. Bill, I think you'vr just gotten me to subscribe to Digital hero.
  13. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Fair enough Prod, let us know if you want to change that. I'd be willing to sit out and judge if you wish to enter now or in the future. CDad, the walls are looking great. Do you have a site displaying more?
  14. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) During the last contest we batted around the idea of Proditor himself getting in on the next contest. Are you interested in that Prod or do you prefer to stay as the judge?
  15. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) It's a great looking Foxbat. Did you do the wall section to?
  16. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) I'd like to see it stay herocentric as well. Well. we could try and see if we get any response. I'd like to see Doug Shuler or one of his group enter. As to the M&M site, Champs references come up reasonably often. If no one responds then we've lost, at worse, the time it takes to post a message. The bigger problem would be where to post on their site to get people actually interested in modding to see it. The figure gallery is the obvious choice but it's been kind of dead for awhile.
  17. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) If possible, it might be worth while to bring the contest to the attention of the guys on the Megacity site to enter considering the Champs clix content there. http://hometown.aol.com/klaussca/Seraglio/Heroclix.htm Along similar lines, The Atomic Think Tank, Mutants and Masterminds site, has a miniature specific section. We might post there to further widen our possible contestants. http://www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/fanart/index.php?cat=8
  18. Re: If Champions didn't exist... Living Legends http://www.io.com/unigames/ll.html It looks mostly inactive but there are basic combat rules
  19. Re: If Champions didn't exist... I'd be playing DC Heroes/Megs. It scaled power level so well and there were a hell of a lot of sourcebooks. Still, I'm glad I have Hero.
  20. Re: Old Adventurer's Club magazines The Hawkes Phantom, JI mini module was my all time favorite AC article.
  21. Re: Champions miniatures Thanks Bill Midas- is a Marvel Avalance helmet on a Marvel Checkmate fig with Aim Agent medic guns and a hand Tetsuo- a D&D Giants and Legends Scarlet brotherhood monkhttp://www.iconusa4.com/online/D&D_GoL_singles.htm Sabre- a DC Cheetah head on a mageknight andrezian diver body Shrike is a hawkgirl head on a cheetah body with wolverind claws Modern American- a Marvel Doc Sampson body with most of the chest and belt sanded down and the head repositioned with a Gorilla Grodd cape and putty
  22. Re: Champions miniatures here are some of my campaign specific mods L-R Midas, Tetsuo, Sabre, Shrike and the Modern American
  23. Re: Good toys for use with Champions... That looks very cool Blue, I've gotta get down to a hobby store. I've been contemplating a team jet mod to but on a smaller scale, maybe 5 heroclix scale minis could fit inside. The Tigerhawk http://smalljoes.com/gijoe_vehicles.shtml
  24. Re: Champions miniatures Outstanding Blue, man you must work quickly. Those Mutant Mayhem figs have been out les than a week.
  25. Re: Champions miniatures I forgot the link? I don't know what to say . Thanks Proditor. Another great fig Bill, I thought the face was particularly well done. Do you have a web page with a gallery of your mods? I think they deserve a permanent display.
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