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Thia Halmades

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Everything posted by Thia Halmades

  1. Re: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow Or I could be blunt, like this guy. You must spread some rep around before giving it to Steve Long again.
  2. Re: dark-champions Catwoman in a four-color campaign Character sheet, oh obsessed one?
  3. Re: Real point caps? No, I had not (and would not, not even in a boat) consider just a Real Point limit. BOTH, certainly? Active, yes. But real? I could abuse that thing so badly it'd make your head spin.
  4. Re: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow I was on the list of not fans of this film, but certainly it had Pulp elements. Not enough Nazis were punched for my tastes, though.
  5. Re: Spiderman style aerial mobility There are a few ways to do it, depending on what you want to accomplish. His primary mode of movement is Flight, OIF, Swing Line. Er, I mean swinging. Additionally, most of his mobility is, in fact, a Special Effect of his Combat Luck and his DCV levels. If there were ever a hero who has a ridiculously high DCV, both from his DEX and CSLs, its Spider-Man. Add to that his Danger Sense, and it becomes fairly clear why he can't be tagged. If you want to make his life "more difficult" you can give him +X DCV, only in environments that allow high levels of mobility.
  6. Re: Name Help Hadassah. Otherwise, Catalyst is fine.
  7. Re: New to Champions, is BBB good enough? To actually contribute to the thread a moment: I only started playing in September of '05, and to be fair, I came INTO the system with 5th Ed. Revised. I've seen 4th Ed., and to be totally honest, to me the difference is really incredible. I can't imagine 'going back' to the Big Blue Book (Champs 4th) because HERO 5th is really written as a massive toolkit system, no question. Additionally, you may find the following texts to be super-useful: Genre Book HERO (In other words, I would pick up the 'Genre Guide' for whatever you intend to play; Fantasy HERO, Dark Champions, whatever). HSEG & HSCH; the HERO System Equipment Guide and the HERO System Combat Handbook. These are with me 24/7, I never go to a game without them. The HSCH has been downright indispensible, from looking up how mounted combat works to all the rules for Autofire. It's just a great, great text. Many of us (and me specifically) thrive on the Ultimate series of texts, so that's where a lot of my funds go. The Ultimate Martial Artist and The Ultimate Energy Projector are two of my absolute favorites. The Ultimate Skill is also an excellent text which is really a 400 some page "side bar" for every skill in the game. It's bananas.
  8. Re: New to Champions, is BBB good enough? Hmm. Valid point, BJB. Okay, live_it_out. Go and buy all the books, tell all your friends to buy all the books, or I beat you about the head & neck with my Holy Ice Cream Cone of Smiting.
  9. Re: Creating Spells in Hero Designer I have nothing constructive to add, other than padding my post count.
  10. Re: D&D Magic Items 3.5 to HERO Nicely done, guy with crazy avatar.
  11. Re: The Ultimate Disadvantage - Elemental Control Disadvantage Actually, this is how I build my characters already. Hence my failure to comprehend the whole "Ultimate Disadvantage" book. YMMV, now and always. Good write up, good premise, but sort of "Well, yeah, and?" to me.
  12. Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them? Note to self: Get on KA's good side.
  13. Re: Real sounding fantasy reporting Yeah. I'll rep that.
  14. Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them? Agree with Ocelot. Total waste of time. I mean, really, who needs to be more familiar with the rules? Why do an homage to Spider-Man? Just so you can learn all the rules for swinging, increased strength, energy blast and Entangle?! Who needs to know any of that? Certainly not me! Nope! I fake it all anyway. (Yes, I'm totally joking. All energy spent in the creative process is energy spent well).
  15. Re: New to Champions, is BBB good enough? Hang on. I'm still trying to think of a way to work "Buy all the books, support HERO, tell your friends, make them buy all the books" into a functional subliminal message.
  16. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Personally, I always recommend HSCH and HSEG. But I have deep love for The Ultimate Skill. Do you have Pulp HERO? Also a great text.
  17. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? QFT.
  18. Re: My first Terran Empire Campaign idea... g-a is exactly right, and I've said this on multiple occasions. You need to guarantee player acceptance so you aren't facing a bunch of really dissatisfied people who want to open a cheese shop in Bora-Bora or something equally random.
  19. Re: The book I want more then any other.... You are, yes, but I can't validate you (i.e., really say back what you're saying) because I'm getting it on a primal level. I can't really say "Yeah, I get that" because it's totally outside of what I think of when I think "game book." There may be great value in it; but I don't know that I'd see it as anything other than "a book telling you how to design interesting characters" which isn't really a problem I've ever had. So now, at this point, I could very well be missing everything everyone else is saying.
  20. Re: The book I want more then any other.... RIGHT, which is precisely what I'm saying. The problem is that book was written, and that boat was, in fact, as both Bob & Hugh have pointed out, missed. All of this should have been part & parcel of the Character Creation text.
  21. Re: The book I want more then any other.... Which is what I already said. I don't really need a book that focuses on "making characters suck." And frankly, anything focusing on disadvantages should have already been rolled into the most recent character book. But certainly, unless you're looking at a total retool of the disad system, the Master List of Limitations is sufficient. Srsly.
  22. Re: Merfolk character concept I would assume that the rest of the mess is persistent, and the 'shape shift' is mostly just visual. Otherwise you're really talking about multi-form. IMO. Although, certainly, all powers OIHID would also work.
  23. Re: Rusty Hero (Dumb q) The Quiver carries Charges (X number of Charges, Charges can be of varying types) Smoke Arrows; Darkness Sight Group, Charge (Continuing Charge, 1 minute), Custom Lim: Dispersed by stiff wind in 6 Phases. Since the Quiver carries charges, putting a Charge on the slot shouldn't be a problem. I don't think.
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