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Thia Halmades

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Everything posted by Thia Halmades

  1. Re: END, Stun and REC Um... that each END he spends after he's burned his own END counts as 1d6 non-resistable STUN damage? It's not 1:1. It's 1:1d6. That should slow him down neatly. You may also want to look up the rules on Long Term Endurance (LTE) use.
  2. Re: Killing Damage: Adding damage, manuevers and velocity You can never do more than double the base DC damage of a weapon. Note the specific wording, since the standing rules for the Talent: Deadly Blow adds its damage to the Base DCs of the weapon you're attacking with. But no, the rule is not cumulative. You cannot do more than double the base DC of a weapon.
  3. Re: increasing bow damage with OCV levels? To pick a nit: The answer really is "no," assuming that what he means are 2 point OCV CSLs.
  4. Re: increasing bow damage with OCV levels? No. You must have 5 point levels (Ranged) if you want to shift them, or purchase dedicated DC levels.
  5. Re: How Do I Build It Question Assuming you build it as an AOE Line, then you would slap "Restrainable" on it. The trick is making sure that the entangle actually has the DEF/BODY to withstand it. Otherwise he'll just plow through the whole thing. Or, you make him "Susceptible to Entangles" (or Vulnerable... I forget which) -- whichever one increases the effect of Entangles on him.
  6. Re: How Do I Build It Question Okay, now that I'm actually thinking about it. This seems to me like an extremely high powered AOE Line, Extra Time, Line only travels as fast as the Juggernaut Travels; in other words, he is the "point" of the line, and the AOE Line attack keeps going regardless, until something stops it. It's very hand wave, I'd have to find a rule to support "I am the AOE," but that's certainly where I'd begin the build.
  7. Re: How Do I Build It Question That's not true. Lots of things stop the Juggernaut. X-Force stopped the Juggernaut, X-Men stop the Juggernaut. Spider-Man stopped the Juggernaut! TWICE!
  8. Re: Custom Powers n0 1t d03zn j00 l4m3r. j00 r l0lz!@3!!!eleven#!@#!%$# What?
  9. Re: Rusty Hero (Dumb q) Remember: This is HERO. If a limitation doesn't already exist, by all means. Make one up.
  10. Re: A Common Origin Story For An Entire Team ? I've done this twice, in fact. Not for a Champions game, but for both my Epic Fantasy setting, and my Ravenloft campaign, all characters were given restrictions by which they had to build their concepts around. For the Ravenloft campaign, as I've likely mentioned before, everyone was a "niece or nephew" of their Uncle Hammet, who was a warrior against the overwhelming darkness that exists in that setting. This actually works really well for me and how I design campaigns. It brings everyone together, they can develop a shared fiction (as they tell "stories" of their growing up on the fly as they imagine their characters and the situations in which they'd be and how they'd react). Don't forget, also, that there are plenty of settings that use this mechanic to drive the story; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had a single radiation accident, the Fantastic Four, all of the "Boom Babies" from Static Shock, and the game I'm playing now, Digital Devil Saga has a white event driving it forward as well. So yes, it absolutely works.
  11. Re: 1 for 5 powers (summon, duplicate, mult-form, follower etc) I'm buying a 10d6 HKA NND Does BODY; defense: you're vibrating as quickly as my Vibration Speed powers does.
  12. Re: Images....abuse or no? Images does just that; it creates images. It's an "overlay" on reality, and sure enough, the level to which he's purchased it affects perception, but doesn't block it any way. It would screw with his ability to target down range, however, although I have to wonder if that, in turn, wouldn't be better modeled as a Change Environment.
  13. Re: Rusty Hero (Dumb q) If you want to show them how easy it is to play, don't show them the rules (or only show them Sidekick). If you want to prove you can build anything, honestly, send 'em to us. Let t3h m4st4hz show them how it's done. I mean, once you look at HERO: Combat Evolved, there's no going back to any other system.
  14. Re: OKay here's a toughie... I don't know that anyone other than the two of us knows precisely what this refers too, but rest assured that I do, and for an extremely well placed shot, I give you t3h r3ppz0rz. Bastard.
  15. Re: OKay here's a toughie... I'm going to kill Sean... again, as was mentioned, look to the Speed Zone in Speedster. Diamond Spear & I were going rounds about this, because without handwaves, HERO just doesn't handle Time well at all. It's not a fault of the system, per se; there's just no good way to do it (including Time Travel, Time Reversal, Time Slow, Time Stop, and so on).
  16. Re: OKay here's a toughie... There are a lot of ways to build it; I've never seen the show, but my build is based on Oddhat's concept of Suppressing both SPD and INT; SPD to keep them from moving, INT to keep them from perceiving, special effect: Time Stop. There are a LOT of ways to do it, that was just the one that worked for me (and I did it with Louis' help). So feel free to rep us both, as we're equally responsible.
  17. Re: New Uses for Ego Hmm. For an EGO attack, it actually makes more sense for the EGO to determine if you get STUNed or not; however, I would still have mentalists require CON to resist physical assaults.
  18. Re: Simple Falcon/ Bird of Prey Holy cats. It asploded.
  19. Re: Another one: beam weapon Yes, I know; there are also blow-through rules in Dark Champions. I just wanted to build a Wave Motion Cannon.
  20. Hay (get it? Hay? Haymaker? No? Um...) Steve; This is two questions; first, how obvious is it when an NPC executes a Haymaker? Should I formally announce "the Goblin is using a Haymaker, what do you do?" Can it be SFX? "He winds up like Sammy Sosa..." or can I give it a miss completely (if I want them to be subtle?) Second question. The goblin starts his Haymaker on 4. It won't "fire" until 5. When do the dice actually get rolled? Or said another way, when is the latest that someone can declare their abort, since by rule, they cannot declare the abort after the dice hit the table. So would I roll on 4, thusly trapping the PC in place (which is reasonable, from a gamist POV) because once the "hit" is confirmed he can't abort? Or do the dice get rolled on 5? And this of course goes right back to question one, since it stands to reason someone may be more inclined to Dodge, FDodge, MDodge or DFC if they know a Haymaker is coming. Thanks as always; ~DEM/TH
  21. Re: Another one: beam weapon Ah, here we are: 65 Not Quite Wave Motion Cannon: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (196608" Line; +4) (360 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Minute, To Charge & Fire; -1 1/2), Crew-Served (6 people; -3/4), No Range (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) Since it's an AOE Line attack, it simply wastes everything in its path, and goes for about 250 miles. Will it travel endlessly? No, it's an Energy beam and it makes sense (to me) that it eventually disperses. If you want it to travel farther, that's a simple matter of extending the Line. But The swift math I did was to double the hexes to get meters, and then convert that to miles. But you know. Season to taste.
  22. Re: Another one: beam weapon This sounds like an AOE Line attack; the purpose of which is that it tac-nukes everything in that line, which is great if that's what you're going for. As far as the unlimited distance and duration? Eh... you can give it Lingering, or a Continuing Charge, I suppose.
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