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Everything posted by phoenix240

  1. Re: Disadvantages/Complication Systems Speaking for my own as player and gm, quite a bit. It gives a major bonus on Analyze rolls, has been used to identify characcters who were trying to disguise themselves, including giving major clues to a character's Secret ID in one case and in another was used to frame a character as someone emulated his signature style while committing crimes. So it can be a significant limitation. I can't speak for it always being used that way. Edit: oh and it gave away a villain group since they're fighting style was pretty rare and the PCs used it track down their sole known teacher and get some information from him. Anything can be a Disadvantage but I guess the GM has to be upfront and self aware of how much their willing to work to make something a disadvantage (or a Limitation. I really see OIF: Battle suit made into much of a Limitation. Others vary, of course). Ironically, this discussion seems like an argument for "pay as they come up" Disadvantages.
  2. Re: Unwilling Bank Robber Question for the OP: I'm curious. As you envisioned this scenario is the victim telling the truth? PM me if you don't want to spoil it.
  3. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Of course some people want something different. I thought it went without saying that no group is an absolute hivemind and when you describe a group you're speaking in generalities. But really look at the general outcry and drama when even the smallest changes are made in comic characters. I don't think its entierly reasonable to blame the companies for being relunctant to make changes or take risks. It goes both ways, IMO. But we seem to be talking about slightly different things. I was addressing Input Jack's post about revolving door prisons and reincarnating characters, basically why comics so rarely change the status quo in an meaningful way. You appear to be talking character styles? I mean its reasonable that if the mass murderer Joker is the more popluar option, its going to get the most air time. It's not my favorite either. It makes Batman look weak (or even complicit) but it appears to be what sells (or what the company feels sells better).
  4. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Good points. I think another aspect is that comic fans, IME, might call for "change" but really don't seem to like it much when characters change, retire or die permenantly. Comic companies are businesses and have to cater to what the fans want or will buy to stay in business.
  5. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? Well, thats practically the default for many genres. Its hard to insta kill characters in Hero. Have NPCs retreat if they're getting close to dying or set up situations where the players can't just gank them freely. But yeah, in games were death is on the table, NPCs are going to die. So are PCs.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  7. Re: Unwilling Bank Robber Knoghthawk would play the mediator, banking his small but positive reputation to convince the bank to give the guy the money and make a show of letting him then use his skills to tail him to the drop site and bust the real crooks (or see if the guy is lying). He's a young hero so he probably wouldn't consider that these guys could be sociopathic enough to just kill their catspaw anyway to cut down on witnesses. Hopefully he wouldn't learn that the hard way.
  8. Re: Junior Superheroes Well obviously we disagree on the point spread of the world but aside from that I don't see having the ability to fly, bouce bullets off your skin or whatever else doesn't make you "special" and indeed, superhuman. It doean't matter if everyone else in the world is made up on more points than you. "Superhuman" isn't a matter of point total. it's being able to perform above the human range or do things "real" people can't do.
  9. Re: Junior Superheroes It's not superhuman to be able to lift a car? To fly? Teleport? Be essentially immune to small arms fire (it might hurt it won't kill you) or come back from the dead? There are going to be people more skilled than you, with more connections, etc sure but that's true at about any point level. And still the vast, vast majority of people in the world are 0 pter "Normals" (or less if elderly, disable or children) maybe with a few points here and there if they're exceptional in some area. No, you probably aren't going to make up one of the Avengers on 150 points but you'd be surprised what you can create.
  10. Re: Junior Superheroes Why not? I've a run a game with superhumans built on 100 points. I guess it depends on how you define "superhuman". If you mean godlike and more than any "normal" in every endeavor. Sure, you can't but if you mean possesing abilities that exceed the norm (or realistic or even possible) that's not hard. You could make most of the X men in their original appearance for around 150 pts or less.
  11. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? On the subject of Alternate CUs it might be amusing to include some Easter egg references to older editions of the Champions Universe and other product lines.
  12. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? On a more serious note, when fleshing about V'han I really like to see some things that "humanize" her a bit, give her weaknesses, frailties and issues were she's not perfect but don't necessarily lend themselves to directly defeating he on the battlefield even trivial things she likes, like hobbies or other interests aside from conquering multiverse.
  13. While spending some time on another gaming forum I've noticed allot of dislike for Hero System's means of granting extra points. That is players chose Complications at the beginning of character generation. I've noticed 6th Edition phrases it differently but it still basically the same thing and, for various, reasons it seems to be an unpopular option in so called "modern games". Personally, I like it but I can use the other method characters can some sort of reward when their flaws come up in play just as well so personally its purely a matter of taste. Actually I sort of use both, giving points up front then awarding exceptional play of disads with bennies in play. But some people seem to get really worked up about. I was wondering what thoughts people had here about the differences, pros and cons of each each method.
  14. Re: Superhero Images We're suggesting Slots for a Multi.
  15. Re: Mathematics based mental attacks? Would that forum have a R at the beggining and a g.net at the end with a P in the middle?
  16. Re: Junior Superheroes Yeah, you're probably right. I'm having a devil of time whipping up interest in Little Fears.
  17. Re: Superhero Images Cast Power: Healing: Body Only for Broken limbs and bones, Extra time: 1 month, Physical Manifestation: Cast, Limb is immobilized for the duration.
  18. Re: Junior Superheroes I'm not talking about "Teen Champions" but games specifically for character 12 and below. Junior Champions.
  19. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? "... Change Enviorment:Bloody mess". "What is WRONG with you!?"
  20. Re: Junior Superheroes Seems like it's not a popular campaign option but I think it could be fun with the right group. Probably best run as a tongue in cheek, light hearted campaign if not outright comedy.
  21. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? There are variations and individuals have people, places and ideals they'd be more likely to kill for but in general I play my characters as police officers when regarding lethal force. They try to avoid it and don't like to use it but will if it becomes nessecary. From a certain stand point, all Champions characters that aren't using Stun Only attacks Entangles, etc, are using "lethal force" its just that most of their opponents are built to take it and it difficult to accidentally kill someone in Hero System at the superhero level.
  22. Re: Making Hero 6E More Dangerous (Skyrealms of Jorune Conversion) ? Check out Bleeding and Impairing/Disabling injuries too
  23. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Clips from the softcore "art film" V'han had to do when she was young struggling Master Villainess that had bills to cover. Those interdimensional battle platform don't just magically pay for themselves.
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