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Everything posted by SteelCold

  1. It was a close tie between X-Woman and VIM but in the end I chose VIM. Congrats, Christopher.
  2. D4s. DC's Promethium or Marvel's Adamantium?
  3. Will have to give my answer tomorrow.
  4. If you can find it this book is an excellent resource: Kingdom of Champions had the Redirection Cartel and Ironbridge Industries.
  5. If you're a popular superhero, make sure there is a revolving door installed in your coffin since you can never really die. If you're a popular villain, make certain to be buried in a teleportation pod with no houseflies.
  6. Build a massive teleportation device that would send all organic/living matter of the planet into the heart of the sun or deep space.
  7. Thorium cuz Thor, the greatest Asgardian scientist of all time. Kryptonian or Skrull?
  8. Never do a super pose during a battle otherwise the bad guy would start a super monologue.
  9. Create a dozen Mechanons for every nation on Earth.
  10. Think bigger like Transformer's Unicron.
  11. Dwarves. Always played them in Pathfinder. Elves. They remind me too much of the Thalmor from Skyrim which is why my characters always kill them on sight. DC'S Black Mask or The Kingpin?
  12. The first thing any semi competent government agency should do in finding and recruiting people with is get at least one person who can nullify other's powers like The Haitian from Heroes.
  13. A viral bioweapon like nanites programmed to render the human race infertile has already been done. Sending out a satellite into deep space and have the satellite fire a powerful energy beam directly at the sun in order to trigger a massive solar flare to evaporate the entire ozone layer of Earth.
  14. The Adventures of Brisco Country Jr. series was as close to the Wild Wild West feel a couple of decades back.
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