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Everything posted by SteelCold

  1. On the other hand if she keeps the plantation, she could use the caffeine to market a new brand line of energy drinks:
  2. Most jobber supervillains were Walmart greeters at one point in their lives which explains their new career choice.
  3. As for choosing monsters, I'll go with the consensus of adapting them to the environment though I usually don't bother too much with ecologies. I'm not running National Geographic Simulator nor am I playing Sesame Street:The RPG. Monsters were meant to be killed. (Sorry Elmo). One can do with the idea from the Dragon Age video games which has various races tainted with the Darkspawn Blight. So Shrieks came from elves, genlocks from dwarves or goblins, hurlocks from orcs or humans, Ogres from the giant races etc...
  4. Kal-Turak's spin doctors must really be hard at work to clean up his public image.
  5. I am not familiar with Brazil's laws but I will assume that as a "citizen", she should be subject to that country's rules and policies, guardian or no. Yeah she can live in America if she wants to but Brazil takes the plantation as well as freeze her "family" assets save for a trust fund unless that was falsified along with her life as well.
  6. Some plot seeds: 1. Deathstroke could pull a 'Thunderbolt', pretending to be superheroes as the Masters of Evil had done. So Requiem could be Sonix or something. 2. While Deathstroke is publicly committing crimes to draw out law enforcement and heroes, at the same time a smaller lesser powered or even non powered thugs are robbing another place across town to get stuff the group really needs. (Worked for the Crimson Wraith in Masterminds and Madmen.) 3. Requiem and Frost could chuck the whole team thing and find ways to clone themselves an army.
  7. Non powered mooks can do pretty much the same thing but cheaper.
  8. As a rule of thumb, if running them against the players then a equal number of the group plus one or even two.
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