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Everything posted by SteelCold

  1. Master Orb - A mercenary dressed as a monk and speaks with vague Zen Buddhism and Confucius metaphors. In truth he is Henry Cobb, a former professional roofer turned goon for hire. While he knows the basics in martial arts, his real power comes from his necklace of golden orbs containing such high tech devices such as flash bang grenades, sleeping gas and concussion bombs among other things.
  2. The main problem I find in creating hybrid settings like this is some elements like locations, weapons or names have to be more or less recognizable or else it'll feel like just another fantasy world with the post apocalyptic "Big Bang" event which kickstarted the thing merely flavor text. You have show as well as tell your players what seems different and strange and what is jarringly familiar. Don't tell me that this isn't impressive for a Thundarr/He-Man setting:
  3. With the Lego Batman Movie, all DC characters are suddenly all comedians.
  4. Laughing Gas. Either as a gun or pumpkin shaped bomb.
  5. One of Disney Infinity's more overlooked characters.
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