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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Wow. Did NOT expect a Steeler beat down.......
  2. Come on, we know what happens. If we ignore the foreknowledge, of course we do. If not...forget it! With the Tardis, well, MAYBE nothing bad happens. With the Titanic, it WILL happen. The Titanic is one of my "if you had a *small-sized* time machine...wearable unobtrusively, where would you want to go?" scenarios...after it starts to sink, either a) hit up the First Class bars and stash the booze...just because...or b) for value, hit up the purser's vault. There would be hundreds of millions in jewelry there. c) hit up the staterooms of the elites for furs, jewelry, etc....... In case you aren't familiar? The Titanic would have TOP end wines from before the disastrous phylloxera plague that did MASSIVE damage to the French vinestock. The only fix is to rip out the old vinestock and graft new, resistant vinestock...but that also means you've changed the wine. The value per bottle would be......incredible. This doesn't even create causality issues per se because in principle, no one would ever know what you took.
  3. OK, so we can see where NBC's priorities are. Bengals-Steelers is the bigger game...but they've got Noah Eagle and Todd Blackledge on it. NOT their #1 crew, Tirico and Collinsworth...they're on the Bills-Chargers game, on Peacock. And prime time. Translation: lets try to push streaming............. My, my, a simple route over the middle, a bit of a missed tackle, and Pickens is GONE, GOODBYE!!!!!!! Steelers *explode* for 86 and 6, just like that.
  4. I think Sunday's schedule is the sparsest since the league expanded to 32 teams. Thursday, 2 games today, 3 games Monday...how ragged off do ya wanna bet ESPN is, with 2 NFL games crashing into their Christmas Day NBA marathon? So only 10 games on Sunday...and only 9 on the OTA networks, cuz NBC has both games today (one on NBC, one on Peacock) so the Sunday night slot is NFL Network. Then again, it is Pats vs. Broncos, so hiding it as much as possible makes perfectly good sense.
  5. Which shows the *real* truth with regard to the question, is Hero getting too complicated.
  6. The only comparisons to Trump I could make, would draw the Wrath of Simon...
  7. Because one successful PER roll by the predator is all it takes...given enough tries, even the 3- comes in eventually.........
  8. So FSU has gone to court to nullify the contract. To me, the 2 key aspects are whether the conference acted in bad faith by not getting input from the schools, and signing a bad deal. This basically sets up a Pac-12-like situation, if this aspect gains traction. Adding the schools not adding value, IMO, implicitly supports the separation/superconference movement. Because the statement's certainly true *if football is the primary focus of conference affiliation.* It should NOT be.
  9. If Clemson agreed to go along. And if they'd be willing to go to 18 schools. Then...possibly. This comes very close to creating a Power 2, tho. SEC and Big 10 would then have almost everyone that mattered. I'm not trying to diss anyone else, but recognize...those 2 super-conferences would have 11 of the top 13 teams this year. In the 9 years of the CFP, the teams in these hypothetical conferences would have won 25 of the 27 CFP games. I also don't believe they're viable arrangements long term. Too many teams creates its own instability. So if FSU and Clemson got serious? That could be the final trigger to the whole "separate football out completely" movement.
  10. Oof. The Frisco Bowl ...oops, brain cramp...Boca Raton Bowl...is turning into what may stand as the biggest ROUT!!! of the bowl season. South Florida 38-0...2 minutes into the 3rd quarter. Syracuse fumbles the ball deep, USF scores, with 9 seconds left in the 1st half; then Syracuse throws a pick on the 2nd play of the second half, and USF goes for 35 yards and a TD on 3rd and 3. Syracuse has just bee massively mistake-prone all game. Out west, the departing schools have given up, having basically lost the major point about control of the conference. https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/washington-state-oregon-state-reach-agreement-with-departing-pac-12-schools-to-end-litigation/#:~:text=Oregon State and Washington State,across multiple months and courts.
  11. The Pac-12 didn't destroy competitive balance. The SEC, Texas, and Oklahoma did. Want to see some scary numbers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_Football_Playoff Alabama and Georgia have 14 combined wins in the CFP. All other teams combined have 13. The SEC has 6 titles. All others, 3. The SEC has 2 other wins...LSU. The SEC is 16-5; all others, 11-22. And note, this does include Clemson, who's got 6 of those wins. The SEC was the 800 pound gorilla BEFORE the OU and Texas cash grabs. After it? 1200 pound gorilla. Everything else devolved from this. The ACC, in a sense, lost out by being the first to redo their packages, and NOT doing that good a job of it, one can argue. https://businessofcollegesports.com/current-college-sports-television-contracts/ Note that the deals for the Big 10, Big 12, and as best known SEC are: a) far, FAR more lucrative b) much shorter, meaning these conferences can renegotiate sooner...presumably for more. The ACC's contract paid them a bit more than the SEC was getting in '16...but it's very commonly the case that the latter part of big contracts starts slipping behind the payouts in new contracts. The ACC settled only for, basically, matching amounts at best, at the *start*. So now, they've fallen FAR behind. But FSU...where do you think you can go? I *really* doubt the SEC will add 1 school, so they need somehow to get someone else to join...and convince the SEC that 18 teams is manageable. Big 12? Potentially, I suppose, but they're bloated too. What this may push, is the complete blow-up of the FBS, and separating football out from everything else, with its own rules/structures.
  12. I'm thinking Florida State is heading for a cliff dive belly flop.
  13. Everyone always forgets that halving rule with Healing...myself included, quite often. But, yes. Healing is and Adjustment Power, and BODY is one of the "half effect rule" elements. Interesting take that STUN Only is +1/4 and -1/4. Hadn't thought about it, but yes, it makes sense. STUN Only is a very nice advantage for supers trying to be Good Guys, and thus needing to be concerned with collateral damage.
  14. Good catch on the fact that Selective is NOT needed for the Blast, with the possible exception of having undead allies yourself. OK, I've read all 4 of L. G. Estrella's Unconventional Heroes series...where the main characters are...necromancers. Who use lots and lots and LOTS of zombie allies. (They're insanely silly and funny.) I don't think I'd give -1 for "does no damage." Not given that it's such a small attack. Very little would be applying anyway. But...combine that with undead/demons only? OK, I can see -1 1/2 net for it. As noted above, from a points standpoint, it won't make much difference. The problem won't be real points, tho. It'll be active points. 4d6 with +3/4 is still 35 active; with Reduced END, it'd be 40 points. Then the cost of the healing. You're still at 85 active. I don't think you can take standard effect for the KB roll, can you? Lessee...6E1 133. It says you can apply it to a power...but the knockback isn't a power. I'd consider allowing Std Effect...4 BODY for the Blast...and "average" for the KB roll, that'd be 7. That means 1m of KB against anything medium sized. Normally, I wouldn't care for it, but it's what this power's designed to *do*. And it's not game-breaking by any means. Mmmm...note that this power doesn't work against Desolid undead.......unless their defensive hole is Divine Magic, which certainly would be well within fantasy tropes.
  15. I occasionally consider Clairsentience for a character. One thing I noticed...in 5E, I couldn't see 2 significant adders...multiple perception points, and mobile perception points. Argh. Finally decided to check the 5E template. Yes...the adders are there, under Clairsentience. So...why are they not showing? Ohhhhhhhhhh...... The Source for those 2 adders is the UNTIL Database...and only that source. Even tho the descriptions cite the page references for Revised 5E...they're not listed as sources. If you go to Files -> Preferences -> Template, there's a page for Allowed Source Books (5th Edition Rules only) And...yes indeed, there's the UNTIL Superpowers Database. Click that to include it. I didn't try that per se, I went the other way. Edit the template. Simply copy the <SOURCE> line that's for 5th Ed Revised and paste it over the UNTIL source line. That got those 2 to show up...but I have no idea of any other situations like this. So...if you have a head scratcher like this..."why is this not showing up, it's in the 5E revised book!" It may be a source issue in the template, and you may just need to tweak your preferences, if you don't feel like editing the template.
  16. Blast does BODY damage. It's versus normal defenses, not resistant, but it still does BODY damage, unless you specifically tack on Stun Only. Oh, but that would eliminate knockback. Oops.
  17. IF we can get through this period without imploding. That's not clear yet. And for those of us here, now? We get to live in interesting times. Lucky us.
  18. https://fullpresscoverage.com/2023/12/17/chip-kelly-all-college-football-should-be-independent/#:~:text=I think we should all,and we play each other. Yeah, the problem is that the 4 team CFP is MUCH more strongly related to the conferences. FSU gets nailed because the ACC is Not Very Good. I'm not sure his plan is really any better. There just isn't time to get a diverse schedule, not with so many teams. Next season it's gonna be MUCH!!!! worse, tho, because you can't have a full round robin. The Big 10 already has this. 9 conference games? That's 6 against division foes, 3 against the other division. There will be times when that creates serious scheduling imbalance. And expanding to 16? it's gonna get considerably worse. The SEC is in the same position.
  19. So true. I'm just hoping it's not overly violent. In some ways, where we are now is somewhere we'd end up at, sooner or later. SOMEONE was gonna push the envelope and force some of these points forward. Trump's just gone 10 or 12 steps beyond what anyone else has done, and thus forced consideration of a WHOLE lot of issues.
  20. That, to me, violates the metarule that an limitation that isn't limiting, isn't worth points. I will grant, tho...there's some rules that work the other way. If you want this...it's a 5E build, BTW: Teleportation 15", No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (69 Active Points) and this: Cross Country Jump (2-300 km): MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) for up to 41 Active Points of Teleport (31 Active Points) You technically have to pay for the megascale on the entire 69 points...even tho the x8 NonCom is invalidated. This build's purely for my amusement, so I don't care. And I *could* structure it differently...the non-coms can be isolated as a naked adder. So it's not that big a deal to allow the No Range, overall...and heck, it's Fantasy Hero anyway. Pile on every limitation you possibly can, got to get those costs down!!!!! UGH.
  21. Nope, it's one roll, on the total. 6E1 390, under Determining the Active Point Penalty. It's a compound power, so they can't be treated separately. But to get to an 11- with a -9? That's a 20- skill roll, which means 17 points if the roll's based on an 18 INT, PRE, or EGO. Increasing the limitation for demons/undead only from -1 to -1 1/2 won't greatly change the active point cost. Other points: the Healing is No Range, ergo the compound power is no range. Therefore, you can't take No Range on the Blast, IMO; it's implied. Also, in a compound power, both powers always go off, so Linked is implicit too. Lessee...the healing side doesn't change. Blast 5d6, Double Knockback (+1/2), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) (50 Active Points); Only vs. Undead and Demons (-1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) is -1 3/4...18 points. Blast 5d6, Double Knockback (+1/2), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) (50 Active Points); Only vs. Undead and Demons (-1 1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) is -2 1/4...15 points. So, no, upping the limited powers value isn't particularly helpful, and leaves the door open for the GM to use them more often, so you get value for it. Remember, if this is a multipower, the multipower reserve must be large enough to cover the active points of the largest power...regardless of its limitations. You *can* get a break on that, with Common Modifiers on the MP...common limitations will apply to ALL slots, but by the same token, all the slots MUST have them. You can't include a spell without verbal or somatic components. This may not be an issue here, but it's something to remember. And note that if the rest of your powers in the MP are...oh, shall we say 50 points. Everything does get the the -1 1/4, for argument, for the gestures/incants and skill roll. 50 with -1 1/4 is 200/9 or 22 points for the MP. 95 points with -1 1/4 is 380/9 or 42 points. If you want a 13-, say, for the 50 point powers, you have a 9- for the 95 point power. On the flip side...sure, you can buy the power skill so you have, let's say, a 12- for the 95 point power...meaning 16- for the rest...but it's also still costing another 6 points. So this compound power is forcing you to dedicate 26 points to it *alone* in the MP reserve and the skill roll. Mind, this COULD all be OK. A 95 point MP reserve, with most of the powers in the 30-50 point range, could mean you can have multiple slots active most of the time......except for when you need to use this one.
  22. Is this really going to be frequent? I'll grant, if it's a known weakness, that helps...but what percentage of opponents can cast a healing spell? Is it greatly impairing? Yeah, if we try to translate it to active points on the healing spell, it's a lot...but...from the undead's perspective, how much damage are we really talking about, what's the likelihood of even knockdown? Next rules question...what's the defense here, against the BODY and STUN? I bring these up to point out...building the complication is just plain MESSY. These aren't hard questions per se, but I will always prefer a simpler approach where they don't need to arise.
  23. Fair. It is somewhat cheaper, and definitely lower active points (could be quite important.) I'd be worried, tho...4m radius isn't that big, so how often are you going to actually get enough people in the AoE? Perhaps I'm being a pessimist. Plus, the notion of a "front line" cleric is likely to be pretty hard to do in a reasonable number of points. Looks OK, but... --9 END per use. Might be OK, as it's plausible it won't be used that much. --the skill roll...is this a power skill roll, or a straight activation roll? A skill roll shouldn't report 11-, but an activation roll doesn't normally include "divine skill". Either way, this is NOT!!! going to be a very reliable power, most likely. The skill roll will be at -9, because of the total active points; an 11- fails over 1/3 of the time. And even if you don't make the roll...you still burn 9 END. If it's a power skill, you have to buy the skill to 20- just to get to 11-. This won't be cheap. --In general, how are the other powers structured? Again...if this is going into a multipower, for various 'divine' spells/powers...that multipower is going to be fairly pricey. You may well be able to slap the gestures, incants, and skill roll as common mods onto the MP itself...that'll help a lot, but the base MP size is still gonna have to cover the total active point cost of the compound power.
  24. It's also a potential harbinger of what will happen in the next few years. The top 40 or so schools create their football powerhouse group with their own rules, and where affiliation is ONLY in football. Or hey, let's go with 2 tiers...the top 32 play for the 12-team CFP. The next 50-60 play for the bowl games. The last 30-40 play FCS. And.....hey, promotion and relegation????? HMMM!!!! Wouldn't that be fun? Maybe not practical, but definitely bound to create massive buzz. Of course, this could *well* mean a conference reset based on geography rather than just the money grab, for Not-Football. EDIT: instead of 3 tiers, combine the non-CFP teams with the non-CFP bowls AND the FCS playoff system. You can expand the FCS playoffs to 48. Top 16 get byes; then there's 16 games that can be tied to the existing, early bowl games. Then 16 more for the second round. The downside might be time, but I think it's workable.
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