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Ian Mackinder

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Everything posted by Ian Mackinder

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I'd do so, but can't. Unfortunately. Great video.
  2. Re: Stretching Don't worry about it.
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures I find it mildly interesting that Harrison Ford shows up a few times in those pictures.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures Obviously, a Player's visualization of Henry Morgan's raid on Panama in 1671.
  5. Re: Zeppelins Actually, I think it applies to most things.
  6. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? Erm, 90% of drivers on the road are politicians?
  7. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? Sounds like it would also at least quadruple the bureaucracy needed to run the whole deal. Which would be unawesome. Really wanna think about a DMV (or equivalent thereof) that is at least several times more complex than now? .... A-N-D add to that equation a buttload of disqualified drivers desperately seeking alternative transport just to get to work or basically survive. Big big bucks needed for extra facilities there.
  8. Re: Zeppelins It happens. Probably some sort of natural law going on there - "The odds of a great picture oppurtunity are in direct inverse proportion to the odds of you actually having a usable camera at hand ....". Or something like that.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Thank you.
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My ghod, I can feel all my arteries shutting down just thinking about it.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Wow. Somebody please rep Drhoz, because I can't.
  12. Re: Zeppelins R-e-a-l sensitive.
  13. Re: Zeppelins Except that the jet fuel commonly used these days is less flammable than previously, and will STAY in an adequately sealed container. Still the same ol' Hydrogen, and it doesn't.
  14. Re: Eclipse Phase conversions to Hero Possibly. Note that there are different grades of forking - from exact copies to "pared-down" versions. Also, these forks can be merged later, which can give the recipient interesting sets of memories
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh. I am not against this stuff at all. More like, if you are the DM and this happens, you'd better be fully on your game to deal with it. Otherwise .....
  16. Re: Eclipse Phase conversions to Hero Could be interesting. How do you see forking being handled? Before anybody else gets ideas, EC's "forking" is basically where a copy is made of a character's ego for download. Sometimes, it is done without the original's consent for nefarious purposes (VERY illegal). Oftimes, a character might do it voluntarily - basically be in two (or more!) places at once, or to direct a remote in a high-risk situation, etc..
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A definite "Uh-oh" moment for the DM.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Heh. Nice one, Egyptoid. Rep ya if I could. In our 'Rogue Trader' campaign, there is an NPC Inquisitor who is kind of a permanent passenger on our ship. Doesn't go out much - his main function seems to be to mess with the Rogue Trader's head, usually in the nicest possible ways. RT Player is a Good guy, but with very strong views about how ####ed up the WH40K Church is. So, his Character has .... somewhat .... radical leanings. Which, since he has an Inquisitor (and associates thereof) residing onboard, he has to moderate somewhat. Then there is the small (5 women) Sisters of Battle contingent on board as well (headed by my Character). When riding in a vehicle or otherwise unoccupied, we often have sing-alongs. Unfortunately, our music tends to bother some of the other PCs. Can't imagine why. Rousing tune (and just what is wrong with 'Flight Of The Valkyries'?) with nice simple lyrics (and what could be more uplifting than "Kill The Mutant. Kill The Mutant. Kill The Mutant. Kill The Mutant. Kill The Mutant. Kill The Mutant.. etc."). But people like the Navigator have a problem with Inspirational Hymns. Dunno why.
  19. Re: Jokes Given the current shape of US politics, I have absolutely no problem believing this would happen.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures We Australians may have a thing or three to say about that.
  21. Re: For all your Nazis-invading-America needs.... Not just Cape York is my understanding. There were apparently a few separate instances all along 'The Top End'. A few works allude to the Japanese Army considering using units of "condemned" soldiers. Basically, just dump them in enemy territory with light equipment, with expectations that they would wreak havoc until destroyed. Given the emphasis given to "high-risk" ventures early on, and Kamikazes later, I suspect that Japanese generals did much more than merely discuss this particular idea. Besides crocs - add sharks, stonefish, jellyfish, cassowarries, snakes, ferals, vast numbers of mossies, an extraordinary array of other small things that sting / bite (including some PLANTS!), humidity routinely in the 90%+ range, almost impassible terrain alternating between swampy and rugged, the occasional cyclone, etc.. Plus, I honestly doubt that any Japanese commandos dropped off here were prepared for the conditions either materially or in training. Even the "expert" data that the Nackaroos originally had fell far short of the reality - and they had local cooperation, including plenty of assistance from Aboriginals. Think all the very worst things ever heard about Australia's environment, and absolutely none of the good stuff. Then, quadruple that.
  22. Re: For all your Nazis-invading-America needs.... No offense was taken, or even at all considered. My only intention was to show that, yet again, truth can be a heckuva lot more interesting than fiction.
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