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David Johnston

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Everything posted by David Johnston

  1. Re: THE Uber Team Wonder Woman - A well educated amazon combatant. Now how fun is that? Not to mention (but I will anyway) that she's hot to trot. Just in case you don't know, "hot to trot" means "eager for sexual congress".
  2. Re: Random powers? Wolverine's endlessly accumulating past has, I think, something to do with his plummeting popularity. You can only push a character so far before he starts looking silly, even to a comic book fan.
  3. Re: Rationalize this.... How does the operator select targets for the suit to fight?
  4. Has a truly formidably researched world generation system. The random alien generator is also very interesting although the results would need some conversion for Hero of course.
  5. Re: Immune to Stun Only I would not. Invulnerability takes an infinite number of points when built as a defense. You can be invulnerable to attacks that are designed to not work against certain properties, such as all NND attacks, but you can't be invulnerable to an attack just because it is never going to kill someone.
  6. Re: A Little Discussion Well he isn't really "assuming" that nanotech are literal little machines. He's just addressing their fictional portrayals, in which of course they are indeed portrayed as little metal machines. Of course he had an agenda. He was a rabid Star Wars fan arguing with those people who sneer at such space operatic sf on the grounds that _real_ science fiction has nanoscopic metal djinn who grant wishes. I have a certain amount of sympathy for him having dealt with a person saying the same thing about Traveller. Nanotech is a currently trendy buzzword to the point that a science fiction author actually had to say as an aside in his novel that as it turned out, nanotechnology had not in fact radically revolutionised society. Still, I do kind of like using nanotech as the technobabble justification for the usually vaguely defined life extension treatments in games like Traveller.
  7. http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Tech/Myths/Nanotech.html
  8. Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines) Then again, it could just be deleted here, rewritten a little and still submitted to a magazine.
  9. Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines) Is it being unduly picky to point out that in Shakespeare, Hamlet never gets to be a king? (Although in the original story he did.)
  10. Re: Active Point Maxima? The approach I preferred to was to limit Speed according to the size of your attack.
  11. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week Maybe she just thinks "Shaft" is a bit on the phallic side to be a name for a girl.
  12. Re: Help with some African Supervillains please ! You could also use Gertrude, the Jungle Queen.
  13. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See? Well there was no Canadian comic book industry in the Silver Age and of course the Americans weren't going to create any Canadian characters but that doesn't mean that the Champions Universe Canada was quite that dry. After all Alpha Flight and Wolverine retrocontinuity has put a couple of characters back into that timeframe. Although perhaps the world would be a better place without Major Mapleleaf.
  14. Re: Help with some African Supervillains please !
  15. Re: Help with some African Supervillains please ! Anansi is West African, though. Not really part of the more southerly parts of Africa
  16. Re: Help with some African Supervillains please ! Voortrekker is Afrikaans I think. Good for a South African who isn't the city type. Of course there's always Witchfinder. Finding and killing witches is big business all over Africa. Blood Diamond? Obviously you need a Tarzan/Sheena ripoff. Any random pair of syllables will do. Umthakathi is a Zulu word meaning malign spell caster.
  17. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See? Edmonton: West Edmonton Mall (It's like any other mall, except bigger and with a roller coaster...oh and a larger submarine fleet than the Canadian Navy) Toronto: CN Tower. (It's like the Space Needle, only bigger) Niagara Falls: The good side is the Canadian side. Vancouver: I understand they have an aquarium or something.
  18. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting I don't quite understand how you did invisibility. It usually affects everyone.
  19. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting Oh yeah. Vampires wobbled but they didn't fall down unless you got serious with the fire.
  20. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting Incidentally, when I did vampires they had no particular vulnerability to wood or silver. Driving a stake into one's heart just stops him regenerating and holds him still long enough to decapitate or burn him. Of course my vampires were Damage Reduction + Regeneration from death characters.
  21. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See? I'd say one obvious thing that needs a close look at is the RCMP. I mean, they're all over the place and they're going to be interacting with any would-be superheroe, domestic or imported.
  22. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting The first thing to remember about the typical vampire is that in the end more than anything else, he's a mentalist. His real speciality is mind control So if his physical strength is not so impressive by the standard of bricks...well just consider how impressive it is by the standard of mentalists to put it in perspective. There is of course, no reason why a vampire can't know martial arts if he's more physically inclined. Heck, martial arts were part of the standard Buffy vampire package...which helped compensate for the fact that they almost all devoid of any form of vampire mind control power.
  23. Re: INT question What else would you roll against except INT to determine whether or not you pass an IQ test? While IQ tests may not test all of what goes into INT, I think a high INT character would have to be a character who generally does well at them, in the absence of some kind of specific handicap in that area.
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