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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Character Curveballs According to Limited Power, it would be a -2 limitation.
  2. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery ??? Oh. Yeah. I forgot the -1 that it starts with didn't I. Oh well. It's still a fun power.
  3. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... You're forgeting the actual mechanics of drowning. You can drown in sand. Drowning is when your lungs fill up with a substance that does not carry extractable amounts of whatever substance you where attempting to obtain through inhalation. Heavy Water cannot be significantly oxygenated.
  4. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... I do find myself possessed of a strange urge to see almost the entire DC line-up die horrible deaths. I don't know why, though. I liked "The Omega Men." Does that count?
  5. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Yes, that says it much better. I still say that being the one who made Aquaman drown would be pretty fear inspiring. It would be like giving the Red Tornado a heart attack. Or killing Firestorm with radiation poisoning. (Did I mention that I actually don't like DC?). People would be soiling themselves trying to figure out how you did it. And even those who know how you did it, would be wondering who would be next to die in the most unlikely way imaginable. Imagine, every superhero in the world, waiting for the brown-smelly-stuff to hit their own personal round-whirly-thing. Everybody, join with me... :lol:MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  6. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Also note that Jay lay in a coma for more than three weeks as his body altered to utilize the energies that it could tap. And, yes, of course there is the difficulty of holding a full-strength Aquaman underwater, but the activity assumes you can. And since when does a villain do things the easy way? If villains were looking for easy, they would be selling their abilties to the highest bidders and living it up in the legal lap of luxury. If you want to just take it easy, don't be a villain. There are plenty of lucrative activities that don't attract the meddling of Superheroes, and if it does, you might be able to get them wanted for crimes committed. Hell, let's just simplify (*irony*) this. Where possible, do things LEGALLY. That way the law is on YOUR side.
  7. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain...
  8. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain...
  9. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery My bad, but not in the way you think. I was assuming at least 5 points of effective strength (after paying for the +4½, non-END-related advantages), and failed to mention it. Please forgive me on that part.
  10. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Um. Two words. Heavy. Water.
  11. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Me: I was the in association with at robbery of microtronics facility. Battle against was going badly. You: Self-Motivated Mechanoid who stopped my creators and "Superhero" team both. I thought we shared a moment, if so, "leave a message in my box". Note: Sleep-Dep.
  12. Re: What's your team missing? Five PCs in the game I'm playing, and six PCs in the one I'm running. Actually, other than my ninja hero game, every game I'm in has a minimum of four players, and I just left a 7 player Deadlands: Lost Colony game. Pretty much par-for-the-course "down under." ("Down Under!" And people wonder why we had a serving Pime Minister that referred to this country as "the ar$e-end of the world.")
  13. Re: Anyone wanna suggest a build for GPS? Considering how most talents have been constructed now, I like this option very much, and it looks like it covers power #1 of Starwolf's list.
  14. Re: Boogiemen that are actually /scary/... Hmm. I already had some thought down this line over here.
  15. Re: How important is presentation... Remember, Bloodstone, Cutsleeve just declared "Scarlet Witch" to be the new term for game-world-breaking. Every stable has it's low-end types and it's oh-my-frelling-gods-what-is-he/she-doing-now types.
  16. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery Please don't quote me out of context. My statement was that the "it's dramatically appropriate/inappropriate" debate belonged elsewhere.
  17. Re: Good limitations for sonic based powers Reduced by range
  18. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery Which is why a good GM works with what the PC's dice dictate. the "it's dramatically appropriate/inappropriate" arguement is best left on another thread (just trying the keep things on track) applied only to the GMs decision to fudge their own dice results.
  19. Re: What's your team missing? Let's see. In the game I'm running, they're lacking People who are actually good at the non-lethal take-downs. Someone who understands some of the mystical stuff. A Mentalist whose player doesn't always end up having to work when the game is scheduled (not his fault, I know). Some means of stopping the brick from wandering away from the area of the next combat. (He's participated in one fight, and that was against gangers, and he arrived right at the end, just in time to miss one of the gangers.) A group vehicle A group base In the game I'm playing in (using the Specter), we're missing. Team Cohesion: Everyone is just going their own way and I have my work cut out for me if I'm going to correct it. A Mentalist. A Gadgeteer, or a Scientist, or a Powered Armor, just someone who understands the high-tech stuff. Some Team-members that are actually into the whole, "there's a problem, it's in our neck of the woods, we have the ability to stop it, so let's go stop it" idea. Between the EGO maniac flying blaster/semi-brick/mystic, the chaos-magnet/sorceress/shrinking violet, the giant-spider-summoning-Gnoll-conjurer who is an attention whore and the "I'm just trying to find my place in the world right now" obvious-mutate Brick, I may just shoot myself and get it over with.
  20. Re: Character Curveballs Sounds like a fairly standard Beyond The Supernatural villain to me...
  21. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery :celebrateEnchanted Locker-room Towel of Doom:celebrate 1d6 HKA (15), 0 END (+½), +18 STUN Multiplier (+4½); 90 active; Extra Tme - Extra Segment (Must Wind Up, -½), OAF (Unbreakable): Enchanted Locker-room Towel of Doom(-1), Gestures (Must Wind Up, One Hand, -¼), Reduced Penetration (-¼), STR Mininum 1 (-¼), 1½ Handed Weapon (-¼). Real Cost=26 points. I made this one up when a GM said that he would let ANY power construct under 90 active points, as long as the math held up. After trying to tell him why this was a bad idea and failing, I showed him. In this structure, the reduced penetration actually serves the power, causing you to roll 2x½d6 for BODY and then rolling for STUN multiplier. Minimum damage. 2x1pt BODY, 1x38 STUN. And with 2x½d6, 4 is going to show up VERY often, thats 4 BODY and 76 STUN!! on a 90 active point power.
  22. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... "Disco-Dude is cool with it, Baby. He'll be more careful next time." Remember that Martial Artists often have skill levels, which can be used to raise their damage rolls against easily hit opponents. Not so usefull against one of my DEX 27 Bricks, but hey.
  23. Re: What I learned playing a blaster! Just remember that if you do this, your powers are more easily drained/suppressed. Always remember that there is a price to be paid for something that comes cheap.
  24. Re: The things I've learned playing a HERO Conan the Barbarian has snuck into yet another temple to loot it. As was once said, "You're too big to be a thief", but he goes ahead anyway. Why does this work? Here's how (and try to imagine Conan's parts being done in a bad parody voice). Conan: Look at me, I am Conan, I am so stealthy. Guard 1: Hey, is that Conan trying to sneak past us? Guard 2: Yeah. I think it is. Guard 1: Oh crap, follow my lead. Gee, everythings quiet here in the west tower. Guard 2: Ah... Well, that's because all the treasure is in the east tower. Guard 1: Yeah. It would be a real shame if someone were to steal the treasure in the west tower. So, Conan goes to the north tower, thinking it's the west tower, slays the elder-god-giant-snake after deflowering the no-longer-virgin-princess and makes off with a precious gem the size of his left nut. Or, err, something I learned playing a HERO. You will often run off into a tangent the GM hadn't expected. Try to be patient with them.
  25. Re: Character Curveballs Animal characters are go! The Swarmling is a collective entity that is spread over 250 separate bodies. 250 New York Sewer Rats, to be precise. These rats can come together to form a vaguely humanoid form than possesses immense strength and endurance. With so many minds, the Swarmling also possesses telepathic powers, that allow it to communicate with humans and animals, and shields it's own overmind from others. It's a pity that no GM will let me play this unusual hero. In it's dispersed form, it makes an excelent investigator. In it's combined form, it makes for a low-level brick who is surprisingly resistant to mental powers.
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