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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: What power would I use to represent this?
  2. Re: What power would I use to represent this? Actually, Armor Piercing as a naked advantage on the DCs of the move-through with the -¼ limitation will do the trick, as well. But don't forget Mike W's suggestion of the linked PD forcefield. Does anyone know where to find the "Only With X Maneuver" limitation? I'm having trouble finding it.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From a Fading Suns game that I'm in. During a trip from Byzatium Secundus to Criticorum, an assassin (not a slayer, fortunately) tried to poison our party. Now while most of us were able to resist it's effects, the Vorox began to empty the last couple of days worth of food from his stomach onto the cabin floor, thus resulting in the following "off-screen" scene when some crewmen came to clean up the mess. For those of you who don't know what a Vorox is, think "four-armed-carnivorous-Wookie." Tech-1: I think we're gonna need a bigger bucket. Tech-2: ...and water-wings.
  4. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) I agree. It was doomed before it even began.
  5. Re: with the Disad Lockout Back to the topic at hand, if he's just fishing for points, point him to the multipower framework and the concept of ultra slots. He gets the point save without rectally violating the rules, and still gets THE EXACT SAME EFFECT. C'mon people, I saw this in 3 seconds.
  6. Re: WWYCD: Fundamentalist against non-tech supers. In fiction at least. In real life, this is not ALWAYS the case.
  7. Re: Anyone have solutions for the Stun Lottery that a high dice Killing Attack creates? So the chicken came before the egg. Big whoop.
  8. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Ah, to be seperated by a few scant 5th dimensional degrees.
  9. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Hmm. Different realities and different time-points. Specter is in the fictional city of Kingdom City, Nebraska, Champions Universe, and at this point, it's 2006.
  10. Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex. Whisper: Would be very confused, as now Bethany (The "pure innocent" 12 year old girl that he's bonded to), is now Benjamin. As for everyone thinking he was a she originally, he would point out that as a life-force vampire and a shadow, it really doesn't matter. He would probably just try and get the little boy do what little boys do best, be mean spirited little ****s. The Specter: Would become VERY upset, as it would appear that the only romantic prospects that he's come across are now all male. At this point he would then begin obsessing about the apparent gender-bias of immortality in any given reality. Apart from that, not bloody much. Outside of his metabolic control powers, which everyone will have assumed to have gone horribly awry, he's a freaking odd-jobs type handyman. As for the second option, Both: "No way in hell!" They are both very male in mindset, and willing taking on a case of Gender Dysphoria just isn't an option.
  11. Weldun

    Iron-Man Movie!

    Re: Iron-Man Movie! Err, could someone translate that for me, a lack of punctuation combined with typographical errors have made me go cross-eyed. (Preview your posts, people.)
  12. Re: WWYCD: Fundamentalist against non-tech supers. Whisper: Actually being a demonic entity, he would be asking Mistress if he could please hide inside her or, at the very least, eat this twit and his followers. No? Aww. The Specter: Okay. So now wouldn't be a good time to be revealing that he's a 162 year old mutant immortal. He would be trying to rally various technological/skill-based supers to publicly decry his rhetoric. His arguments are based on emotions instead of logic, and thus logic has no effect against it. Leatherback: Would ask for an oportunity to publically refute this bigot on national television and would bring along his confessor while he's at it. "Leatherback? A spawn of Satan? No, he's a good Catholic who believes in using his abilities to help the needy. Oh, I can't tell you much more than that, the seal of the confessional forbids it, but I can vouch that he's a good soul, don't let the scales and wings fool you." NOTE: Leatherback has been described as resembling the 2-armed, winged love-child of Grond. Many reporters have also been surprised by the presence of his St. Christopher's medalion. Of course, some Protestants will be using this as "proof that the Papists are in league with the Wyrm", but Tommy's (Leatherback) plans often backfire like this.
  13. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Be sure to hire henchmen. Competent Henchmen. And many criminal lawyers to get said Henchmen out of jail. And ALWAYS have a good health plan that includes dental. Ah, hell. Just read the EVIL OVERLORD"S HANDBOOK, and be done with it.
  14. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Whisper - Attached Summoned Entity seeks fellow life-force vampire for quiet get togethers. Incorporeality a must. Must like (but not eat) small children.
  15. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Ditto. Now I owe him for this AND the plot seed thread.
  16. Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost The Specter would leave things alone for now. There's no point in uprooting a young girl from a family that loves and cares for her, just to introduce her to a family that might love her and will likely try to change her. He would, however, endeavor to return in a few years time when she is more able to understand the situation and tell her what her options are, but also play devil's advocate if need be. With Whisper, it's more or less up to Bethany. OOC: Speaking as an adoptee, I can tell you that such reunions do not always lead to "hugs and puppies".
  17. Re: Anyone have solutions for the Stun Lottery that a high dice Killing Attack create
  18. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie That I'm often just a Blaster or a Brick (or even a Blaster/Brick) in an even funnier costume. Try and go for a few of the odder abilities. Binder, from CK&C, is a good example of a well themed Powered Armor Character.
  19. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) (The Specter is feeling lonely, now that he's returned to the city where he buried his wife.) SWM, Immortal, 162, seeks SF with long life. History buffs welcome. Genealogical records required, due to bad experience.
  20. Re: Thanks from a GM
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Which would explain WoD's anal-retentiveness.
  22. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing a Var.Power-Pool User If you do have a "do almost anything" pool, keep the points low. I have a character who has a 30pt VPP called "Lesser Majicks". Basically, this is to reflect the vast number of minor spells that he has learned in his lifetime. But his more powerfull spells are all centered on a single theme outside the VPP. This has meant that he can often pull the team's fat out of the fire, but doesn't end up overshadowing them in their chosen fields. If you must have a large infinity pool, apply a quirky limitation. Hint: Google the Green Lantern, and the color yellow.
  23. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist Like justifications for flight, teleport (I don't care if the sfx is travelling just below the speed of light:nonp:), force fields or even "Sense point level."
  24. I have only been here a month, but already the ideas and discussions that fly through these hallowed threads have greatly eased by difficulties as a GM, and have increased the amount of fun and adventure found within the games I run. With so much brain-power to tap into, I have a campaign-plan that could now last for over 500 points of experience and still challenge the resulting PCs. I would like to take this chance to thank you all. I look forward to what comes in the future and shall aspire to give as good as I get.
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