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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Background Check! The Specter Awakens. Yeah. Sorry for missing this, earlier.
  2. Re: A Simpler WWYCD: The Lights Go Out The Specter - would wonder if Malcolm is toying around with cloaking devices again and go see if this is so. Upon finding out that Malcolm had nothing to do with it, (and spending close to an hour getting the high-strung gadgeteer to calm down and get out of the cupboard), patrol, try to keep the looting to a minimum, and stick to the south side. Whisper - would be in heaven. All those shadows to hide in, to teleport between. All those shadows that now have all that food in them. Drool....
  3. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Actually, with The Black Harlequin as the court jester combined with Talisman AND Black Paladin, the three of them together fill this requirement. So far I'm looking at Morningstar and Shadowdragon. For the role of "Merlin", we have Professor Muerte, having been returned from the dead in vampiric form by Takofones.
  4. Re: Name That Band Hero! Of course. Beautiful South and the seductress is tacky. Toyah and that last one is an album title, not a song title. Fire & Brimstone - Twin Pryokinetic Energy Projectors. The Confessor - High PRE Mentalist. Midnight Man - A mystery-man style vigilante. Bones - A Witch Doctor.
  5. Re: Name That Band Hero! I believe the reason for 4 is to make it a little easier for people to get some of these. 3 or 2 might not be enough.
  6. Re: Name That Band Hero! Gainsbourg. Firstly, people need to read the opening post again. The rule is, minumin of 4 characters/titles per group. No duos and trios. (No, that's not directed at Bloomann.) Here's two for you, two different bands, and don't complain if I use the correct song titles (ie. Invincible by Pat Benetar is actually The Ballad of Billie Jean.) From a friend of mine… Shintaro – Martial Artist Swordsman with a Samurai motif. Still Life – Time Manipulator. Overkill – Weapons Expert/Gadgeteer with way too many guns. Underground – Tunneling Brick, Mutant Wombat. *There’s a hint in one of the descriptions…* And for mine… Bostich – Dirty Infighting Brick. Desire – Emotional Mindcontrol based Mentalist. Rubberbandman – Elasticman/Mr. Fantastic Ripoff. Jungle Bill – Master Tracker in the “Great White Hunter†tradition. Complete with Khaki shorts and Pith Helmet Goldrush – Speedster with a golden forcefield. Pinball Cha Cha – Telekinetic whose favorite trick is to bounce people into walls, allies and various other items of opportunity. *Hint, all one album.*
  7. Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I think that what he means that as long as the target has surviving relatives (how many generations removed?), the attacker get's to take a free 5ft. step as a part of cleaving.
  9. Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil Whisper would laugh (okay, wheeze) in the Devil's face. Here's the deal. Whisper is a dark entity that feeds on the life force of others. The reason that he is a superhero (sort of) is that he was being bound by a dark sorceror when a little girl stumbled into the basement where the ritual was being performed. He is now bound to her, and because she is a true innocent soul, the magics are even more poweful, leaving him unable to act against her as well as being bound to her will. Basically, Whisper is the guardian of the very girl that the Prince of Lies is trying to have killed. Presumably the very effect that shields her from Lucifer's vision is also hiding Whisper's role.
  10. Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001 I have a reserve/retired character called Gate. As a wizard who focuses on dimensional magic, the vast majority of his powers have been stripped from him, but he now most likely no longer has his dependancy upon meditation to keep himself "in synch" with the reality he's currently in. Having only (only he says - sheesh!) his 30pt Lesser Magics VPP, he would be focusing on calling the FBI and telling him of the threat, offering to meet them with all the evidence they will need to beleive him. At the meeting he woul demonstrate a wide variety of magical abilities and telling them that it is through these abilities that he is privvy to the details that he is. On a personal level, Gate is VERY interested in the fact that he is apparently trapped here. There are several dimensions that he cannot enter for some reason, but this is the first that he cannot leave. He would likely be having a ball trying to figure it all out.
  11. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Book List. 4E Blue Hardcover Classic Enemies Classic Organisations Ninja Hero 5E FRED Champions, Champions Universe, Champions Worldwide Conquerors, Killers and Crooks UNTIL Superpowers Database I & II VIPER, DEMON & UNTIL Ultimate Vehicle, Mystic and Martial Artist. HERO System Equipment Guide Gadgets and Gear Fantasy Hero Grimoire Ninja Hero Hidden Lands HERO System Bestiary I also have Robot Warriors, but I was young and impressionable, okay.
  12. Re: Background Check! The Specter Awakens. ??? This was as he was at 350 points....
  13. Re: WWYCD: Flipside I owe you some rep... The Specter Chivalrous (C,S) --> Misoginist (C,S) Strong Reluctance to Kill (C,S) --> Aims to Kill (C,S) Honourable (C,T) --> Lies, Cheats and Steals at every opportunity (C,T) Ego Signatures are psyhcologically based, so now he would take effort to leave few traces that he was at a scene. And if Diamond ever finds out what he's done to her fellow immortal, Flipside is in for a world of hurt. Whisper Sees people more as a food source (VC,S) --> Dislikes having to feed of (meta)humans (VC,S) Casual Killer (C,M) --> Greatly Dislikes Killing (C,M) Agoraphobia (C,S) --> Claustrophobia (C,S) Hmmm. Has to make an ego roll to obtain his only food source. Hope this wears off soon... and when it does, Flipside gets categorized as a delicacy!
  14. Re: WWYCD trapped in a quarantined, plague-infested city? The Specter would use his metabolic shapeshift to type-match his blood to the little girls, kick in his regen/20 REC, then tell the doctors to take all they need from her and tranfuse from him. (LS: Immune to Disease helps.) And to hell with the thought that the secret of his immortality might finally be revealed after over 150 years of adventuring as a "masked man." Girl lives, Plague cured. Moral Issue sidestepped. Whisper would remind them that they need to look to someone else. All he sees is an all-you-can-eat buffet.
  15. Re: The Bureau of Special Investigations - long "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." - 'Nuff Said!
  16. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Do you know who I miss? Mordekai the Unspeakable. I suppose part of his background got rolled into our fav Black Pally, huh?
  17. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! I think you and Lord Liaden might be the only two people on the planet to actually own a copy of Vibora Bay.
  18. Re: WWYCD: Get Robbed...By The King
  19. Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001
  20. The Specter The Specter is a mutant who was born George L. (Louis) Burgess, in Kentucky, 1844. He enlisted in the Confederate army during the 2nd American Revolution (D Company, 1st Kentucky Infantry), and during this, he discovered his amazing ability to suppress his fear response. He also began to note that he was needing less food, water and sleep than his fellow soldiers, an ability that is the present day means that his daily biological needs are now weekly. During the period immediately following the war, he began to face off against bandits and renegade soldiers as a masked man that the journalists dubbed the Specter, the fearless man. His exploits included chasing notorious Gunfighter, Alex “Tombstone†Tubbs, later known as the “Tombstone Kidâ€. In a twist of irony, he married Sue Hamilton in 1873, the very girl who rejected Tubbs. after a few years, to escape her brother’s increasing problems with alcohol, Burgess and his wife move to Kingdom City, Nebraska. However, all was not to be happily ever after. As the years went on, Sue began to notice how youthful George seemed to remain, and townsfolk would be scandalized in the streets by what appeared to be a woman with a much younger man. Their son and one of his two daughters had noticed as well, especially Felicity, the eldest daughter. George had no choice in his mind but to tell the truth. They were, of course, shocked and Sue went so far as to mumble things about being “a demon’s bride.†Fortunately, his children were better educated and less prone to superstition, but the next few years brought resentment into their eyes, as it became clear that the gift had not been passed onto them. George decided that he had to move on, that closure was a natural and necessary part of life. With the help of his son, Able, he was able to forge documents for a new identity. In 1897, he faked his death by collapsing a local mine that he made a point of claiming still had something left in it. In general, the townsfolk accepted it, and for the most part, the ruse held. Although he never saw his family again, with the one notable exception, he moved to New York and worked as a boilermaker in the rail yards. Over the decades, he has discovered that he has the ability to manipulate his metabolism in various ways, starting at the turn of the 20th century, when he found that he could regenerate. His regenerative abilities would prove most useful after this, as the great war had started in Europe with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. But before America became caught up in “the European problemâ€, he met an enchanting young widow in a market near Queens. The two began to court one anther and very nearly consummated their love when George found out Patricia Stanton’s maiden name. Burgess. The surprise at discovering that he was entering the bed of his own daughter stunned even the normally calm man, and he babbled out his identity to her. She realized the truth of it immediately, despite having only been 6 when he left, and fled screaming into the streets where she stumbled into a stranger. This chance encounter haunts George to this day, as the stranger was a vampire hunter by the name of Helena Schreuber nee Van Helsing, granddaughter of the famous Abraham Van Helsing. Understanding only some of Patricia’s rambling about he long dead father and fornication, Schreuber could only guess and the poor woman’s problem. Then George came out into the street after Patricia, causing her to shriek in terror. Now Helena understood. This poor girl’s father had returned as one of the undead, and a powerful one at that, for he was out during the day. Faced with a skilled huntress, George was forced to flee. The Schruebers continue the Van Helsing tradition to this day and The Specter has been of particular interest to them since 1978, when the 90 year of Helena and her grandson Nigel caught up with him in California and made the connection. When the U.S. entered the war in response to U-boats sinking American ships 1 years later, he enlisted again. In the 1st and 2nd world wars, his adrenal boost ability let him lift over a ton and in both these wars he served in Europe, not only as a soldier, but also as The Specter. This is the only period that The Specter was seen out of formal attire, (although he returned to it between wars), and on several occasions during the WWII, his squad mates nearly discovered his mask and handkerchiefs. While history generally accepts that the specter was a U.S. soldier, the fact that he would appear in an undershirt made it difficult to identify which unit he was with, especially as George went out of his way to take advantage of times when he had been separated from his unit. He continued fighting in the Pacific, and even fought the Golden Samurai all across the pacific islands. After the war, he studied Okinawan Karate from his old foe, both men having discovered that both found the slaughter that signified the closing months of the war to be abhorrent. Indeed, the had become good friends, and George was able to help many people in Okinawa come to terms with the shock of having lost the war. In 1968, one hundred years after his first appearance, he returned from Okinawa with a firm mastery of Karate. He battled the likes of Dr. Macabre and even received an invitation to join the Sentinels, but he turned them down in light of their political connections. His “failure†to appear in Vietnam had him labeled a “hippieâ€, despite his distaste for the movement’s views. During this period, he battled the likes of VIPER, the Guru and Jack Flash. Then came California, March 5th, 1975. Dr. Destroyer made his explosive debut into the world and nearly conquered the state. The Specter lost his good friend Kid Chameleon that day and discovered that the world had begun to leave him by. Despite the protests of his only remaining friend and fellow immortal, Diamond, he retired from super heroics. In 1992, after the near destruction of Detroit, he resurfaced there to help in the reconstruction. This time, he had developed a “Hyper-boost†ability that allowed him to run at speeds of over 70 kph. This Specter had also invested some Kevlar lining for his suits. In 1996, he retired once more after Herman Schreuber came too close to getting an image of him without a beard. Now it is 2006, and George has returned to Kingdom City as The Specter, in response the sudden increase in metahuman activity there. And this time, he plans to stay… Costume: Contemporary formal wear, black leather gloves, and a red hood with black diamonds over eyes. Compulsively leaves a white handkerchief, which has an S embroidered on a corner with silver thread. My GM asked for a background, so this is what he's getting. Comments, Criticism?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... *groan* The nanite sentience.
  22. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! First, I would like to say thank you to you all. You've all come up with some great ideas, and seem to have understood the spirit of this endeavor. Unfortunately, I do not have access to roughly half of the resources you're quoting (Arcane Adversaries, Vibora Bay, Villany Amok, and as I said before, Shades of Black). On Cloaca and Lightning man, quote Dr. Arkevil, "Excellent, excellent!" And just for kicks, I might just go ahead and resurrect The Tombstone Kid. (Pun intended. Haze away.)
  23. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits!
  24. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits!
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