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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Need help with...The List... Hmm. I have a character who would want to help this guy. Whisper would like the idea of so many more happy meals running around. And he doesn't have to kill his meals, it's just that he gets so much more from them if he does. If only Sir would be so kind as to get "the Mistress" to let him. Back to topic. Paragon strikes me as someone who would actually be making two lists. Those who are threats and cannot be controlled, featuring the likes of Menton, and those threats that can be turned into assets, like UNTIL. VIPER and DEMON are more difficult because of the very carefully hidden powers behind them, but individual cells would probably be very usefull. ARGENT would have to be absorbed as soon as possible, as they have a disturbing ability to produce anti-psionic devices. PSI could actually be controlled at a distance, but Paragon would be wise to remember the lesson of Sebasian Poe. Psimon's ego isn't so great as to ignore the benefits of being allied to an obviously powerful psychic benefactor with access to a large pool of resources. As for Istvatha V'han, Paragon could very well make a deal with her for governance of Earth. or lure her into attacking Earth again before her forces are properly in place. It would certainly help keep up the pressure. Basically, so far it sound like the Paragon is someone who would think of Nicollo Machiavelli as a simp, and his style of plots as being about as simplistic as "Snakes and Ladders." I hope that helps.
  2. Re: WWYCD - a deal with an extradimensional sadistic entity Whisper points to Bethany and cries "I've already tried, but she wont let me!" The Specter would tell the enitity "For the last time, NO!" He would also refuse to believe the entity's protestations of not having met before.
  3. Re: WWYCD if a supers-eating wave swept reality? Whisper would be quietly nervous, and then panic when the superheroine's power doesn't work on him. His powers are innate. He'd then check to see how the Mirrorwall is being affected by the wave. After finding that it to is being knocked down (with cool shattery effects, yeah!), he'll really begin to loose it. Without the supress or the sanctuary of the mirrorwall, he's toast, and for the first time in a long time, he's faced with his own mortality. He won't take it well. In fact, he'd probably snap completely, and begin trying to "consume" any former super in a fit of spite. Fortunately, Bethany would probably become upset by that, and we can't go upsetting "the Mistress" now, can we? The Specter would begin trying to spread out as many copies of key parts of the librabry of congress. With a world made up entirely of the lowest common denominator, he doesn't see civilisation lasting much longer after the wave hits. As for his powers, well, he would be shocked at his own feelings on this matter. As much as he likes helping the common man/woman/thing, he also likes being superior. Thanks for the thread Robyn! It's interesting to see how my characters respond to the choice of life vs. power. One question though. What happens to the IncNorms in the field if they actually try to better themselves, and train to say, competent levels?
  4. Re: Wolfs, Dogs And Their Noses Now while a canine's sense of smell is more acute, I don't see them having a higher level of discriminatory. Now, for a little biology lesson. (I seem to be giving a lot of lessons here:D). Because a canine's olfactory center is constructed differently than ours and is 40 times larger and more sensitive, a canine can identify an odor from smelling only a few molecules, something humans can only do with a few odors, such as that given off by fecal coliforms. Where a human has roughly 5 million sensory cells in the olfactory membrane, a Dachshund has 125 million, most Terriers 150 million, and a German Shepherd has 220 million. Thus, the average canine can sense odors that are coming from up to 12" underground and up to 2' under snow. Hounds are particularly adept at recognizing and following scents. Essentially, canine's don't actually have a wider "spectrum" of smellable scents. They're just more able to differentiate. An example would be a tiny blue dot in a field of green. A normal human might have trouble spotting it at 20m, but a creature with far more acute eyesight would have far less trouble. Therefore, I would have to agree with the write-up as it stands. A canine's sense of smell is no more discriminatory than a humans, but is more acute, thus the perception levels. Well, I hope you found that both informative and helpful. PS: I'm actually a cat person, but when a creature has such a singularly effective ability, I find myself intrigued.
  5. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! No, but you've given me another idea... Mwahahaha! My players are going to learn to loathe these boards. If you thought the VIPER/Eurostar wars were bad, just wait until you feel the effects of the DEMON/Dark Kingdom wars. It's going to be HELL.
  6. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them? Whisper - "I have eyes?" Then leap into the mirror to cross the mirrorwall and throttle the dopelganger. The Specter - Take down mirror, cover it with piece of cloth. Change into hero garb and cunsult with team's wizard.
  7. Re: tactics as a power Hmm. *Digs through old character file* Where did I put him? Rubber Chicken? *Toss* I had a character like this once, myself. "Seven Steps to Manly Behavior”, by Saotome Nodoka? *Toss* He had a couple of powers like that. Two-headed Fallopian-Chicken Hand-Puppet? Err, eh-heh. Forget you saw that. *TOSS* Ah, here he is. "Hell Taggert." Coordinate Action: +20 DEX (60), usable by up to 8 others simultaneously, at range (+1¾); 165 active; Only to act first in a Phase (-1), Only up to highest DEX amongst affected group (-½), Incantations Throughout (-½), Requires a Tactics Skill Roll at -8 (-1/20; -¼), requires others to hear and understand him (-¼). 47 real. “Here’s the plan…”: +3 Overall Skill Levels (30), usable by up to 8 others simultaneously, at range (+1¾); 82 active; Only if following “the plan” (-½), Incantations to Start (-¼), Extra Time – 1 minute (-1½), Requires a Tactics Skill Roll at -8 (-1/10; -½), requires others to hear and understand him (-¼). 16 real.
  8. Re: Need help with...The List... I would add Tesseract and Nebula. It's sound like Paragon would find their abilities to warp space and time to be very disturbing.
  9. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Why do I seem to have it in for small children today? Black Harlequin 1) Killer Furbie! - Several people have been brutally killed in bizarre fashion by a serial killer over the past week, with no apparent link between the victims. The M.O. appears to be one of terrorizing the victim after locking them in their own home and cutting the phone line. The murder weapon is always one of convenience, which baffles profilers when measured against the calculated way the murderer traps their victim. The truth, there is no “serial” murderer, but instead the Black Harlequin has replaced the chipsets of an entire shipment of Furbies. Meet Chucky’s pet! 2) Nightmare Dolls - An inexplicable epidemic has gripped the world. Children in developed nations are having difficulty sleeping, reporting nightmares in which friends and loved ones are being killed by popular daytime children’s show host, (A certain purple monstrosity being chief among them). When examined by psychics, there is no sign of mind control or any other paranormal interference and no trace of some new virus can be found. Then, one of the children acts out his nightmare, and they begin to stop. Soon, children all around the world are committing murders. What could be causing this behavior. The answer lies in recently purchased dolls, which children find themselves unable to sleep without. The dolls are of various types and makes, from multiple companies. Inside are subliminal subsonic emitters that warp and twist the dreams of the pre-pubescent. The Black Harlequin’s largest escapade yet! 3) The Red Shoes - The Black Harlequin has been reading Hans Christian Andersen again, and the latest line of "Pretty Bellerina" Red Slippers have an unfortunate effect. After 24 cumulative hours of use, they tighten around the wearers feet, and force them to dance, and dance, and dance...
  10. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! The Leech would require me to basically make the Black Paladin his creator, or have him under mind control (which he is quite susceptable to). I do plan on having him being used in a couple of early plots, but mostly as cannon fodder. For similar reasons, I have decided against using the Monster. Placing him in a team like this would really detract from the Gothic horror elements that make him such an interesting villain.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "I don't care if you are a Mogwai, Furby-love is just plain wrong!"
  12. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Well so far it looks like this. Dark Kingdom Inner Court. The Black Paladin. King. After teaming up with Talsiman and the Black Harlequin, he hatched the idea to forge their own kingdom. The world can wait, a small nation will do for now. Genuinely in love with Talisman. Talisman. Queen. Has found herself in a state she never dreamed to fnd herself in. She’s in love. And even better, it doesn’t make her weak. The Black Harlequin. Jester. He finally has an appreciative audience. Professor Muerte. Court “Wizard.” Ressurected by Takofanes, but freed from the lord of the dead’s control, he is fiercly loyal to the Black Paladin and Talisman. Knights of the Black Rose. Morningstar. Joined the Black Paladin because of the way it annoys DEMON. Shadow Dragon. To study at the feet of pure evil. Cloaca. After DEMON suffers several defeats at the hands of the Dark Kingdom, she petitions for membership and is currently a probationary member. She will begin to have feelings for Shadow Dragon as the campaign progresses. Lightning Man. Glad for the many opportunities for rampant devastation. Sir de Morphant and his court are growing weary of his outlandish behavior. Now, while this looks good, I feel that something or someone is missing. Any thoughts?
  13. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Been there, ran that, ran it in Shadowrun as well.
  14. Re: Not quite a WWYCD: YWUA your PC... :eek:DUDE!!! Purge those worldy thoughts.
  15. Re: Martial Arts: Disco Fu (Help!) But They Did Have Expert Timing: Teamwork, 17-. Great thread BTW. Very Stooge-jutsu.
  16. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits!
  17. Re: Name That Band Hero! :cool:You have restored my faith in the tastes of this thread.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... No, more like opening a gate into the primordial chaos, casting the heroes and Eurostar into various alternate universes, but fundamentally breaking down the laws of reality across ALL reality. DEMON is probably a little miffed at him for that.
  19. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! Well, the preamble to this will involve the core 3 performing riutals and generally getting in DEMON's way, which is how they'll come across Morningstar and this give Sir de Morphant the idea to gather knights of his own.
  20. Re: multiform. Even with the need to gain extra Disads for you alternate form, I have found that players can be very inventive. So when I started up my current campaign, I placed limitations on certain abilities. Remember, as the GM, it is your right and responsibility to determine what is and isn't appropiate for your game. I simply said that Multiforn could only be used for 300pt forms at the start of the campaign, and that they would have to stay 50pts behind the base. The same went for Duplicates that were different to the base. On a side note, I limited followers to 250pts. Anything more powerfull was going to have more of a life of it's own and would be more of a contact. Suprisingly, nobody complained. It just goes to show. Treat your players like small children, and establish boundaries for them.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... We've just dealt with the aftermath of this mess. To bring our viewers up to speed, the Skeleton Crew (the PCs) are confronted by Gravitar. She says that she has felt a disturbance in the Earth's gravity well, localised beneatg the center of the city, about 4 miles down. She intends to find out whats causing it, but as we had helped her stabilise her powers, she would give us 24 hours to evavuate the area before she tore up large chunks of the city to get to what she wanted. (she would have cracked the planet in half, okay. Can we say Sailor Saturn?) We manage to call in UNITY, and together with them and three of the five Skeleton Crew, they subdue Gravitar. (30" move through from directly above.) UNITY then leaves with Gravitar, leaving the PCs to run cleanup when the PCs notice a large amount of press arriving. Myself (as Leatherback) and Orca are still exploring an underground stream that appears to lead to whatever is causing the disturbance. (When we find it, I am reminded that our GM is a Lovecraft Fan...) The Stormlord leaves for his Mansion, having nearly exhausted himself in the battle. Serendipity flees in the face of the press. This leaves Vitas, a Gnoll Wizard (import), to field questions. Press: Excuse me, can you tell us what happened here. Vitas: Hm? Oh yes. I just captured Gravitar and sent her along with, oh, what are their names? Doctors Black and White, I believe, and their servants. Press: You mean to say you just defeated one of the most powerful villains in the world? Vitas: Is she powerful. I suppose you could call her that. My summoned spiders seemed to have very little problem with her. Press: But she trashed Eurostar a few years back. Are you saying you're just as powerful. Vitas: Probably more. I am a Conjurer of Athka-sahn, after all, and the strange warriors and sorcerors could never equal such a prestigious and powerful profession. Press: Do you think you could take on Eurostar. Vitas: There's that name again. Are they important. Press: They're only the most powerful team of supervillains in Europe. Vitas: Oh, another continent to this one. Is that one full of monotheistic heathens as well. It went downhill from there. He does have the PhysLim: Unfamiliar with Earth Culture. But I would like to point out that the capture of Gravitar gets world coverage, and as the only source of soundbytes from the scene, his are repeated constantly. Combine that with Fiacho's enraged (when not taken seriously), well, Eurostar paid us a visit. Said wizard had to place all of existance in peril just to get out of it.
  22. Re: Background Check! The Specter Awakens. The majority of his metabilic abilities are in a multipool. Whilst he is supressing his fear response (among other bio-chemical responses), he cannot boost, resist poison as effectively or regenerate. And his boosts each can only be done once per day for up to a minute. After which he takes on a side effect (he crashes, become slower) for a like period of time. When experiencing the side effect of a boost, he can only use his "calm self" ability. To make matters worse, it takes a ½phase action to switch slots.
  23. Re: Brainstorm: The Black Paladin Recruits! It's from one the plot seeds I have in mind for this very setup. The Black Paladin is looking for a court wizard who is schooled in "the new arcana" of the 21st century.
  24. Re: Name That Band Hero! Yuppers! You forgot their former Teammate, Video. She's spending time in stronghold for having killed Radio Star. The Buggles of course. My last for a while, it's getting harder to come up with these. Evil Eye - An Ocular Energy Projector with unluck infliction. Venus - Stunningly Beautiful Mentalist Speed - Speedster (and orginally named too!) Power Junkie - Electrically based Energy Projector. Congo Man - Ape-man, Brick.
  25. Re: Background Check! The Specter Awakens. Yeah. Sorry for missing this, earlier.
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