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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. I don't agree about First Contact being better than Wrath of Khan. It's probably the best TNG film, but I'd still count WoK the best Star Trek film so far. And I actually count Empire over Jedi. The last half of Jedi is a masterclass in editing and pacing. The first third is a rollicking thrill ride. But they're effectively two separate films with little to do with each other connected by a bridging section that frankly, even with Frank Oz and Sir Alec Guiness doing their best, falls a little flat.
  2. The Empire Strikes Back. Denser, stronger plot, better space battles, more coherent view of the "Force" (which was rather nebulous in Star Wars), frankly better acting and direction.
  3. I have a strong liking for Message in a Bottle, as it allows Robert Picardo free reign for his great acting.
  4. Good fortune to you and hope your doctors are good ones.
  5. The Drumhead, I think. To be perfectly honest there's actually not much TNG I can even stand to watch anymore.
  6. Yup, Western Australia is all but completely clear. All we have is a few people returning from elsewhere, and they have to stay in quarantine for 14 days in all cases. We're still playing better safe than sorry and doing a lot of gaming virtually, but we have a few folks around to game at times.
  7. Yes, there is. China is not a signatory to it.
  8. Absolutely. Texans have nothing on Australians! (And Aussies aren't British anymore.)
  9. We got a hit about two weeks ago - not a direct one, it was two houses over, but the ground pulse blasted one of my housemate's computers, the modem, and part of our household network. Fortunately, one of my other housemates basically is a computer tech and now has most of it back up and running (we're still waiting for some parts, which are quarantined in Victoria...).
  10. Alternatively, give them a hammer. They must hit the mole on the standard whack-a-mole machine before them. But through the tough glass wall, they can see a much larger whack-a-mole array - and a powerful pneumatic hammer that's hooked to the one in their hand. On the machine in front of them, the moles are just plastic moles. But on the big one, some are plastic dummies...and some are bound hostages that will go splat if that big pneumatic hammer hits them. Fifteen moles will pop up to win the game. 10 have to be hit to win. Five of the popups will be hostages. Popping a hostage still counts towards the ten, but...
  11. I think this is a case of cultural dissonance. The Omega Glory has a bunch of ra-ra Americanism at the end that pays VERY BADLY elsewhere.
  12. Yup, you're right. In my defence, I've only ever seen the last half of The Omega Glory.
  13. Uh, sorry, Tribble, but that's "By Any Other Name". The Omega Glory is the one with the alien American/Chinese nuclear war and the Federation official who interferes in the hopes of discovering a method of immortality - and generally considered a low point of the series.
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