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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... do you have any idea what you can *catch* from uncooked pteradactyl? Tapeworms are bad enough, especially when they're mistakenly growing into football-sized cysts inside your skull, but tapeworms mutated by the Aurastorms are worse - those things sing. In chorus.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... not as much as you'ld think - all that elastic skin doesn't cook evenly. Not bad cut into rashers, but the diet of the beast is impiortant as well - the smaller, cliff-dwelling varieties taste sweetest - indeed, the Cliffdiver Clan have lightly grilled Sea-Dactyls as something of a delicay for visiting gnolls. *Vitus sags, missing the flavour of well-cooked pterosaur*
  3. Re: I'm going to make a big noise...BOOM! hmm. Vitus would probably have to to rely on his team mates to get away from the conurbation fast enough. Not that he has much compassion for humans, but there is one he likes, and she might be nearby. On the other hand, since it can take the skeleton crew up to 42 hours to respond to an emergency, Vitus will probably have time to split the arsehole from crotch to throat, for being annoying, even if he is dead. However, if it's a slow poison - Cure Poison, and start breaking the mad scientist's fingers one by one until he tells me the antidote. A combination of minor dismemberment and healing spells can be *amazingly* persuasive, especially if you go for more sensitive organs first. Eyes are good. It's just possible Zero will have time to fly home and take out his mother in the explosion. If deep telepathy doesn't get the info out in time.
  4. Re: WWYCD (kind of): Advice Time for Scarlet! Vitus would encourage her to go ahead, but mostly becauase the idea of "a giant middle finger composed of red neon fifty stories tall, that will burn forever in the night." appeals to him Zero, paranoic and momma's boy that he is, would go white (under his all-concealing black hood) and urge her to not do so. Indeed, fake a public ID if she has to. Bastard love-child of JFK and Janis Joplin, or something.
  5. Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back." Vitus couldn't care less. Meat humans, metal humans, makes no difference to him. Altho the screwing around with time is annoyingly dangerous. Also, since he gathers the transformation to machine intelligence is destructive of the original, he's disinclined to experiment with, say, a giant scorpionoid body holding a copy of Vitus's mind. His only suggestion to the mecha is that that move off planet. Leave the meat humans to their grubby little hole. Altho the mecha are in for a horrible surprise the first time they run into Clockwork Horrors ( out-of-control von Nuemann machines that convert metal into more clockwork horrors ). Vitus WILL try to get a copy of that virus tho, in the event the Mecha ever discover and invade his home universe, assuming he manages to ever recreate it.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Vitus stumbles across a crime in progress, and calls the team. "I'm at the bank. The one with the big... pigeon." Later. Felicity "you can't tell the difference between a pigeon and an eagle??" Vitus, defensively : "We had pteradactyls where I came from, what do you think?"
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The team are hanging outside by the intercom saying "open the pod bay doors, HAL"
  9. Drhoz

    WWYCD: Mindset

    Re: WWYCD: Mindset Zero, a mentalist who's afraid of physical violence, but would love an excuse not to have anything to do to provoke Destroyer, since he already has him as a Hunted, would nonetheless say "um, no?" Because Destroyer really is that much of a threat. Vitus would loose his temper. He's already annoyed at the idea he has to put down everything he's doing to to hare off after some sad little megalomaniac that's never done anything to him, and now the stupid ape who had the idea in the first place is having second thoughts? "Probably. This bloody planet won't let you blast some pathetic little carjacker's liver out of his arse, on fire, without everybody making a big song and dance about it. I'm sure they'll object to you hammering his frontal lobes into something more socially constructive. "But you know what? We're going to do it anyway. Did I object when the enchanters tried to mind-control me back when I was still the Alchemical Prophet? Certainly, at the time, but in retrospect I see they were right to try and get me to assassinate myself. "So we ARE going to go after Zerstoiten. Sure, this world's going to end in a few months anyway unless I can stop it, but we ARE going to waste a week going after this collosal arse, and you know why? "Because turning him into some mental clone of Foxbat would be funny, and I feel like a laugh."
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat *gasps* no more Carlos Ezquerra art unless we pay a ransom? DAMN YOU ZERSTOITEN!!!!!
  11. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing. ... when your players lock you out of the room and wave their burning character sheets at you thru the window. I was quite upset - even more so when the University fire alarms went off - but I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. Team Demolition existed to break modules, and GMs.
  12. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing. Why should it? Vitus : "What's a tacky Kalnoo Clear Device? *rhubarbrhubarbrhubarb* Oh *distant expression and slow grin* Where can I get one, and are they easy to carry?"
  13. Re: Twist off the WWYCD Zero would want to put it all into his mentalism. 25 more points into his mental illusions multipool would be nice. Altho 'nice' for how potent those illusions would now be isn't the best word to be using. My other character, Vitus, not so obvious. He's already got the unspent points to achieve his overwhelming goal, of recreating his lost homeworld - if only the local superhumans would 1) let him dismember Cthulhu alive as a sacrifice and 2) overwrite the Champions universe with his own. Altho given the way the two universes are collapsing together anyway, it's entirely possibly he'll just have to sit back and let it happen. 25 points... his complete lack of life support enchantments, and vunerability to, for example, handcuffs, is becoming increasingly apparent. Some of those points put into a Ring of Frustrate GM's Planned Biochem Warfare Attacks would be nice, as would an improved armour. EGO defence is also required, altho Vitus is certainly unconvential enough to twist many supervillian orders to his own ends. And anyway, after next sessions game he'll have enough points to matriculate his class-full of loyal, talented, and above all morally flexible students of magic...
  14. Re: Villains named after Santa's reindeer? Rudolph's the leader of course. I mean, Santa even asked him to lead...
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... it was very late. fixed
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... clothed in the ethereal energies of the archetypal storm. It just looks like a cloak and bodysuit. We did determine, from the number of members that don't bother with clothing, and especially underwear, we should rename ourselves the Nebraska Commandos
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In the City On The Edge game, where last session the party was betrayed by a fifth columnist in our own team. Only Miss Chaos got away to warn the sole remaining member.... Miss Chaos : Jack's sold the rest of the team out to the super-villians! Trawler : Did he get a good price? Trawler protested he doesn't have a noodle addiction.... Trawler : "I haven't mentioned ramen in weeks! Me, OOC : "That's only because you're been too busy stuffing your face with the stuff" Miss Chaos is in a bad mood at the disaster.... Me OOC : If you must kill someone, there's plenty of PRIMUS agents around here - they're used to it. Explaining the situation to emergency recruits "We had some PRIMUS agents, but they got killed. So we won't even get our deposit back" And in the evening game, where two universes are striving for existence, and Vitus is to blame... GM : "Congratulations, Vitus , you're outdone yourself. Now you've got an entire universe on your case" The Spectre's need for a theme tune is discussed Me OOC : Spectre-Man, Spectre-Man, Does Whatever, A Spectre Can... He has a new high-speed car too... "Here he comes, Here comes Spec-Racer, He's a Spectre on wheels..." Spectre's responce... "Oh god. I've just realised - I'm having regular sex with barely-legal jailbait and I've just bought a high-speed super-car. One Hundred and Sixty years old and I'm having my first mid-life crisis" The Storm Lord arrives to see two lightning-themed villians... "Wanna-bes" And Vitus drops a line to the UN Vitus : "Just a quick courtesy call - I'm going to be turning downtown Kingdom City into a no-go area for the next few months, to delay the total destruction of Earth for a few weeks. Thought you'd like to know." Dr White : "I beg your pardon?? :nonp:" Vitus : "Earth. Total destruction. You mean you hadn't noticed? Dr White : We knew something was up, but... look, just stay there, I'm on my way down. Vitus : Right. Oh, and apparently one Doctor Zerstoiten is on his way over ( aka Dr Destroyer ) Dr White : Destroyer?!? I'll bring the whole team!
  19. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains
  20. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains The Paramecium - Suddenly sprays the rooms with hundreds of venom-tipped harpoons
  21. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains The Grex - a slug-like amalgam of carnivorous fungal-amoebas.
  22. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains Velvet - looks harmless, almost pretty... then hits you with a shockingly large area-effect entangle, and eats you alive. Odontomachus Man - Leaping, H-T-H Killing attack with double knockback, Armour, 360 vision...... The Caecilian - blind burrowing amphibian, with sensory tentacles. Her kids flay her alive for food, but since she's busy, you'll do instead. Lethally poisonous skin, and of course works for the Mafia. The Slow Loris - Cute, non-threatening, but deadly if he gets you in a headlock, because of his venemous elbows The Barnacle - and not one of the nice ones, either. A mutant Sacculina, spreading invisibly like a fungus thru your body and changing your gender to female, and your subsequent 'pregnancy' IS INSTEAD MILLIONS OF SACCULINA LARVAE... The Thumbsplitter - Incredibly acute vision, well beyond human range, formidible armour, and a punch faster than the eye can see, that can in the case of this giant mutant, knock down a building. Make her a Nannosquilla and she can roll along like a wheel, too. I'm sure I'll think of more...
  23. Re: WWYCD/W:The gift Vitus would probably ask for one of those Power Rings he keeps hearing about. A yellow one, for preference
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