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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity? Vitus : "When do I start? I've got a long list of people in dire need of smiting - godhood will save me some time. Oh, will I have to hang around here or can I get going to the important universes? After the smiting, of course." Zero would simply be incredulous, and try a few telepathic probes, before going and having a good lie down and swearing to never stay up this late again.
  2. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon not SF, but there was that four-barrel elephant gun used to horrifying effect in Tom Sharpe's Riotous Assembly. One of the characters uses it to denude a hillside of shrubbery, and South African police. This proves problematic, since he's a south african policeman.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Actually, it was the shit
  4. Re: WWYCD: The Coverup Zero would get paranoid about why the sidekick came to him particularly. And Vitus would shrug. Whether or not the Big Bad blew himself up or had assistance in his own destruction, the result was no mass carnage later. Thus, the result is overall a positive one, regardless of local casulties. Altho have a good look over the Bid Bad's Death Machine would have been nice. Vitus appreciates good engineering.
  5. Re: WWYCD: Dr. Destroyer vs Takofanes WEll, Zero would flee the city - He's is hugely out of his comfort zone here, and has Destroyer as a Hunted anyway. Vitus, on the other hand? He'ld throw in his lot on Destroyer's side. He has nothing against the guy, after all. And Takofanes needs to be taken done, and taken down hard, as swiftly as possible. How did he get out of that nice Chinese necromancer's Soul Vase anyway? It was supposedly inescapable, and it it took an international effort to subdue Takofanes when he busy making for a very special Nw Orleans Mardi Gras. So, the civilians are going to have to look after themselves. Every spell-cutting gesture, distraction, and indirect attack Vitus can produce is going to be thrown at Takofanes, and every Aid he can thrown onto Destroyer. A Destroyer with 3 extra levels of speed and 30 odd more STR should give him a bit of an edge, at least until Takofanes knocks them off again.
  6. Re: After DEMON wins... *boggles* why? I suspect Eurostar would quite like a Europe to still exist next week after all...
  7. Re: Native American Supers: Post Your's Here I refer you to Huitzilin, from Kate Orman's first Doctor Who novel The Left-handed Hummingbird An appallingly powerful psychic and time-permeable psychopath, who went on to become the patron god of the Aztecs. The book caused something of a furore, because the Doctor takes some LSD and magic mushrooms, to try and learn more about the entity he's trying to defeat - and ends up possessed by a psychopathic Aztec god.
  8. Re: Australia in the current CU *grins* well, the only thing bunnies are good for is making them into hats.
  9. Re: Wild Card's Hero Tachyon pointed out that even falling from a tall building could kill him with internal injuries.
  10. Re: Megastructure Worlds as long as they don't mind living in a red-hot environment.
  11. Re: Wild Card's Hero Puddleman, for example.
  12. Re: Tremors Hero I think you mean Rec Room. As in recreation
  13. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so
  14. Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time... Time to break the kneecaps of whoever threw those rocks, then.
  15. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so there's some interesting ones in Polynesian myth, certainly
  16. Re: WWYCD: Harem Comedy from Hell What moral issues? He swore to protect his homeworld, died trying, failed, and will do anything and use anybody to restore his home universe. All other concerns are secondary. He'ld even sacrifice his own species to do it, as much as that would hurt.
  17. Re: WWYCD: Harem Comedy from Hell
  18. Re: Create a NEW Zodiac what, no Arachne, the Psychic? Arachne the Spider. This arises from the Druidic calendar containing 13 signs, where Arachne is contained between Taurus and Gemini. In this tradition the Sun enters Arachne on May 16th and leaves it on June 13th. It is said to be the sign of the “Psychic”. If you would like to know more the little book “The Thirteenth Zodiac The Sign of Arachne” by James Vogh Of course, Vogh invented the whole thing and was apparently delighted when people started taking it seriously.
  19. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so i refer you to THe Four Laws of Thaumodynamics http://drhoz.livejournal.com/231270.html and Quonium Inquam Sic - QED http://drhoz.livejournal.com/242283.html
  20. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so
  21. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon
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