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Everything posted by g3taso

  1. (In 5th Edition under Heroic Rules) In this example, let us take the example of a character with STR 15 and the following Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +v/5; FMove Appropriate Weapon Element for unarmed Passing Strike HA +3d6, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (26 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) Pike w/Weapon Strap: Multipower, all slots: Long Weapon - Stretching 1", (0 END; +1/2) (7 AP); OAF Shaft: HA +4d6, (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), HtH Attack (-1/2), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2) Blade: HKA 1 1/2d6 (2d6 w/STR), (0 END; +1/2) (37 AP); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2) I want to make sure I am doing this properly 1. In making an unarmed HtH attack using Passing Strike, base damage is 6d6 (STR & HtH) attack + 3d6 from moving at 6" Full Move for 9d6Hth with Penetrating & Autofire3 2. In making a Shaft-end Passing Strike base damage is 7d6 (wpn & hth), +4 DCs from extra STR and movement bringing it to 11d6 (Penetrating, Autofire3, Stretching 1") 3. In making a blade-end Passing Strike base damage is 2 1/2 HKA (wpn and 15pts of HtH), +4 DCs from extra STR and movement bringing it to 3+1HkA (Penetrating, Autofire3, Stretching 1") If I'm not understanding something please advise me!
  2. As it's a standard design, made to be replicated for deployment all over the world, I submit SUB-Standard.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orichalcum If you wanna go for something with real-world historical kudos
  4. That's an interesting thought. A 5pt Darkness could block a 20d6 laser blast. That would be awesome!!
  5. dsatow, as I understand it in 5e that would be a 10pt adder for a "normal sight" or 20pt for a sight (or other) group. How much would it cost to just add to mental awareness? 3pt? I like the idea, as it is sort of an "autotarget" when someone uses a mental power (or has it used on them).
  6. I had wondered how much sight cost. I just went with it's worth as an adder to enhanced sense powers.
  7. I agree. Since this is actually going to be a star wars (episode 4-6, not the kiddie stuff) kind of force power, I'm planning on limiting it by linking it to Danger Sense to provide those visions of stormtroopers coming in from the left that is part of space opera. Setting that worthy point aside, what do you think about the power itself? Essentially it provides the "director's shot" of that Imperial commander deploying troops to sector 18, or the evil Doctor saying "And now Princess, we shall discuss the location of your Rebel fleet" as he prepares to inject the diplomat from Alderaan. I like it for style, not necessarily how it might be exploited best. Bear with me. I'm gonna drop this and ruminate a bit. I'll repost if I get this straight in my head. I appreciate you feeding back though. The change in direction seems more flavorful and I want to consider it further.
  8. you are awesome surrealone. Since you are apparently up and have already shown me the folly of my ways: I See You: Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4) for up to 10 Active Points of Normal Sight (7 Active Points) This isn't 360 degree vision, because you have to concentrate on an area. But seems fantastic.
  9. Sometimes it's best to have fresh eyes on something
  10. The trigger is "whenever a mental power is used", the action being.... I see what you mean. Mental Awareness is already "triggered" by powers used in the vicinity. Duh! If I had Targeting on Mental Awareness I could say "Whenever a mental power is used, target the originator and subject (if different) of that power", but I'd have to purchase Targeting for Mental Awareness.
  11. I was thinking of mental powers, and was debating the merits of using trigger to automatically locate the originator (and target) of mental powers in LOS. As an automatic action, this could be immediate or take a few seconds (or 12) to fully work. Is this power useful? I'm interpreting it to mean I automatically establish LOS with mental powers and their victims. I'm 5e still, if that makes a difference. Targeting with Mental Awareness, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; +1/4) (12 Active Points) Targeting with Mental Awareness, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; +1/4) (12 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4)
  12. My poorly phrased question was answered ably by Surrealone.
  13. @Surreal, HMan I get that, and perhaps I could have been more clear. I looked in equipment and found a nice gun or two including a nice AK47. It's the ammo that seems to be a problem. How do I account for the ammo? Have an entire list of ammo types if I'm one of those crazies with 20 varieties of ammo in some sort of multipower? Makes me think an ammo VPP would be the way to go.
  14. I like it. DasBroot has it. I was modeling SFX and not the actual effect.
  15. Vantablack can be thought of as black paint. Super black paint. So black that if I painted your face with it and you turned your head, you could not see anything, no telltale shine. So it doesn't make the area black, it makes the object black. Aside from some version of Darkness, the only thing I can think of that might work to model this power would be Images. I'm all ears if ya got some ideas. Check this out
  16. For those of you who don't know, VantaBlack is "real black", the blackest black we can make. It can be applied as a paint for as a finish. I can't think of any direct game mechanics at the moment aside from nice bonuses to hide in shadow, but it's cool. My take on it (as a finish, perhaps on armor or on a spaceship hull) is as follows: Vantablack Finish: Darkness to Sight Group 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2) I can see the argument for Invisibility instead of Darkness, but it just doesn't seem right as the object or individual in question is still "there" Thoughts? Uses?
  17. Ummm. I like gun porn as much as anyone (probably my time in service). I was wondering if when people are telling us about the wonders of the Roselli combat shotgun or whatever if they put gun write-ups up? Is there writeups for guns?
  18. It appears the design isn't feasible.
  19. I got the idea from a grenade launcher written up somewhere. I thought it was pretty elegant, even throwing a grenade in an arc just like you threw it.
  20. I used STR because it's not a bullet. it is essentially a fast-flying drone with explosives on it. "Smart bullets". So I used STR to throw them, since they are self-powered and all that. As for EB vs RKA, frankly I arbitrarily picked one over the other for the matter of the "rounds". Multiple microexplosive charges inside for AutoFire. Think of dum-dum rounds setting off microgrenades inside you. That's why no double KB
  21. Bolter Pistol: +40 STR, 32 Charges (+1/4), Autofire (10 shots; +1) (90 Active Points); Only For Throwing (-1), OAF (; -1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) Bolter Round: EB 1d6+1 (standard effect: 4 STUN, 2 BODY), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (12 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), OIF (-1/2) Variant "Hold Out" Bolter Pistol: +40 STR, Autofire (10 shots; +1) (80 Active Points); Only For Throwing (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (; -1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4) After a long evening on warhammer40k.wikia.com I realized Bolters are awesome. They have a propellant sufficient to clear the barrel, but are autonomous drones that go after someone and are loaded with pin charges of explosive for horrendous wounds. I used the STR mechanic since they are actually being thrown. You can see that while this weapon only has 3 or 1 "shots", it will do horrendous damage but is best suited for a phase or two where you need "a little extra". Feedback? Does it suck mightily? Can it be improved? Are there particular tactics that would enhance it's use? And if you have your own weapon ideas to bounce off, I'd love to see them.
  22. If that is the case... So 6d6 STR damage is replaced with 4d6 weapon damage, but I add in the +4d6HA for 8d6 base damage (and +2d6 for the maneuver for 10d6 damage). Or did I miss something?
  23. In a 5e Heroic game and a character of STR 30 (6d6 damage). If that character performs a legsweep combat maneuver normally it does STR+2DC damage unarmed. The character has a +4d6HA as a power, which would bring it to 10d6 base damage (12d6 damage with maneuver). However, if he performs that combat maneuver with a weapon element (a spear, / staff / naginata in this case if it matters) that is defined as +4d6 damage (UMArtist) does that add to those 10(12) dice or replace my 10d6 base damage with 8d6 base damage between the spear and added +4d6HA (and 2d6 of maneuver damage)? Or something else? For that matter, if the HA is advantaged would it also apply them to the weapon like it does to STR?
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