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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Thanks. When my ascension to mount mukmuk begins, you will be devoured last
  2. Except magic could already do that.... it was not limited to just Luck, Transformation, or Dreams anymore than the Trickster's trickery would be limited only to Healing, health, math, and Soul dispatchment You are not building a new room onto my house, you are walking into a guest bedroom, trespassing, and claiming that you're helping me with the place because you're painting a wall. Your own words indicate you seized something that wasn't yours
  3. Uhmm.. Or I might use it to crush this obvious abusive Breach of my MAIN Domain
  4. I will save my Interference pick to the last as insurance.
  5. The Dude Abides...and thus, outcools his angry foe. Chill vs Spaghetti
  6. Elvis Presley,, He didn't invent Rock and Roll, and never claimed to, but he was truly King for a time. But darn it's close Hogwarts vs Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
  7. I apologize. I did not mean to belittle you but mock the internet itself. And can even understand. But in a longer wording of much the same, it is human nature. I suspect that the more we have real world examples etc to draw on, the more we expect some adherence, at least those who have taken time to study said areas do. For example, I'm not a paleontologist , so I don't care if this dinosaur breed shouldn't be with THAT dino type... but if I spent time to research, it might frustrate me to find inaccuracies like that. Myths are more malleable. That said, I agree that it's best to remember the goals of this movie is as an action superhero film meant to be entertaining, and the rest is tertiary.
  8. Ugh. Yeah. I'm a bit disgruntled with what a lot of Christians are willing to support these days that I'm pretty sure the J man would not approve of myself As for the Champions stuff... well, if you want to brainstorm, there are great minds here (at least we THINK we are) who would probably be happy to share our ideas
  9. Yeah, the Orville may get a lot of support just as a form of fan protest
  10. Apparently Wonder Woman has some great legs... Cars 3 was not that far ahead of it.
  11. Proxy vote for Log...Stiltman! John Wick vs John McClane
  12. Yeah, that sums it up for me too more or less. My sympathies for your loved ones. I hope things get better
  13. Flora: Honewood Trees- Honewood appears to be almost like Rowan trees, but with a special gift for amplifying magic. There is much debate on how they do this, and in what ways it is optimal. There seems to be a threshhold on what even a forest of honewood trees can do, but still, many who deal in magic will find it useful to turn into staves or wands. It only grows in forests on the surface, meaning it must be imported into the various sky locations where it sets a dear price. The magic enhancing properties, once the tree dies, lasts for a decade maybe two. Though it is rumored that some master cratftsmen can stretched out for a full half century, but you'd have to ask the god of crafts about that. The leaves of Honewood do not enhance magic when ingested, but oddly have been known to lower inhibitions in the magically talented. Perhaps a nod to the Trickster, or merely a way to keep magic practitioners from getting too smug.
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/17/us/michelle-oconnell-jeremy-banks.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  15. "I am frightened and at the same time aroused."
  16. Witchcraft is misandrist...Sorcery for the more universal win! House Lannister vs House Hufflepuff
  17. If I recall, modern writers used that very excuse for it with a bit of tongue in cheek
  18. I think I still have Gift to Civilization. Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Interference. left
  19. "And if the God of Peace offers you a snack, you will..." "Decline politely..." The female voice with nary a twitch of amusement. "And if the goddess of Lust invites you to a party.... you will..." "Decline politely." Was that an eye roll, surely not, "otherwise it could lead to dancing." "And if the God of Wisdom starts talking to you for too long you will?" "Make excuses and go before he starts to make way too much sense and I end up doing too many boring practical things." "Good girl." "Father, I'm not a girl anymore. I sprang from your head fully grown, remember?" "Oh, about that... do not mention that to the goddess of War... for some reason she might consider it stepping on her terrain." "She's the goddess of Migraine Genesis too?" "It's complicated." "Father, was I really born that way? Because if some woman, be she mortal or goddess is my real mother I don't mind. It might be nice to have a mother." "Nope, all from up here. You don't want a mother, trust me. Nagging creatures, always hovering about. Real control freak types. Now... what about the other gods?" A sigh, "I am not supposed to let the god of crafts show me his etchings, nor the God of Winter show me his runes. I'm to focus on my tasks." "Which is?" "Helping you make sure Magic is respected, both by those who would challenge it, and those who would abuse it...really father, about that, some of these rules are quite arbitrary." "how so?" "Don't like it...zap it. Do like it, leave it be?" "Sounds right to me.... no seriously, check the invisible magical writing on back side." "Oh! okay, that does make more sense... ooo, okay. yes I can see why you'd want to nix that... and...what's this about dividing the Universe's true name by zero?" "Anyone trying that has to get both my and the god of math's approval." "Why would anyone..." "I don't know, but I try to plan ahead." "Okay, fine, i think I have it now. Don't worry father, I shall be your right hand of destruction and wonder combined,,.. while you focus on your fancies and dreams and so on I shall test many on your behalf." "Excellent. Be well, my daughter. Go forth in my name. For you are my daughter, the Guardian of Magic's might and honor! You are.... Arcania!" "Is it too late to change my name?" "yes." Sigh "Okay." Mythic Guardian Pick: Demi Godess Arcania who crushes those that would threaten magic itself or attempt to usurp it and has been told she can't date until she's at least 3000.
  20. Fish Guy being (as far as he knows) just a water breathing brick would be frustrated. He'd see if he could contact the New Samaritans and check out where the food comes from. Are they supposed to farm it themselves, or does it get dropped off, if so, how? He would check any water ways he could find, of course.
  21. Yes, I have a complaint. Your English is better than mine. Which means you kick my ass in at least TWO languages, probably more. That is all . End complaint.
  22. And Vance, God of Magic, Master of Dreams, Bringer of Change, and Lord of Luck looked about the nations forming... should he carve out one of his own? No. It wasn't needed. The City showed promise, and he liked much about it... but no, he needed a place that served his own purpose. A place to shake the complacent out of their ease, to push the apathetic and dull. And so he created.... an inn/tavern and Fest hall where those who sat down for a drink, or to seek shelter on a storm, might find themselves the very next day transformed to one degree or another, and off on an adventure! The building would change location now and then, often appearing where things overly orderly, overly traditional only to lure folks in who did not know it's true nature, and then begin their new lives of risk and possibly great reward. A shy middle aged widow might find herself waking in the morning as a youthful amazon warrioress. A racist human merchant might find himself in the role of the very 'shifty hobbit thief' he expected each to be. A farmer who never thought about going a day outside his home village might find himself a thousand miles from home the next morning but with a few spells in his head to give him a chance! Secret Dreams answered (Even if some of those dreams be nightmares), Luck to be tested, and a change in life! All under the workings of a magical inn and tavern known as.... Geography Pick: The Twilight Tavern and Inn
  23. He could have been the god of Casinos, black jack, AND Hookers, but between Lust and Commerce, hookers were already taken
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