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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. CU5th, pg. 25, in the year of 1985 "The Secret Crisis, a war across space and time involving all the heroes that had ever existed, occurs." That's it, but given it's a homage to DC's Crisis and Marvel's Secret Wars; a lot of us are gleefully rubbing our hands together to expand on that and use it for our own campaigns.
  2. I'm eventually hoping to have my PCs encounter the old Champions via the Secret Crisis story line (After all, it pulled heroes from different times so even heroes now can go back to it) and when it's over... they'll encounter them again, only in new forms and new fates. Not all will be as pleasing.
  3. just a thought Let's not forget, for some, before Steve Long, not as many played in the style of 'Dark Champions'. Steve could have started Harbringer out in a rather gray Champions game, wanting to RP a 'true' vigilante, to see where it would go. Then again, maybe not But if he did, it would certainly explain some unreal elements if the character was teamed up with the likes of energy projectors and super powered bricks at the start of his career.
  4. Thank you Steve. I look forward to the update on that one
  5. Re: So, What Did Happen To Seeker? It looks like, officially, Seeker only exists as a fictional comic book character in 5th Edition. However, I'm playing up the universe change as being the consequence of the "Secret Crisis" mentioned in CU5th. The Universe got a reboot, and it changed everything, some more than others.
  6. Sounds good to me. I love the map, but I wonder what #40 and so are? is that stuff missing that needs to be in the Errata, or for us to fill in?
  7. I got it! I just got both Millennium City and CKC in the mail today, and am hungrily devouring the former first. So far, so great
  8. I mostly GM, so it's not a problem for me as much; but it does seem one of my players 'leads' more than the others. They really don't get that much into tactics unless they need to; but when their backs are against the wall... they can get creative. I have tried to encourage 'team manuevers' and such... but the players don't seem to want to make the effort, and hey, if it would make it less fun for them, I don't bother. Of course, I do have a few teams that coordinate on the villain side *EG*
  9. I don't recall the details of the conversation where Steve posted the idea, but someone mentioned that one could easily make a Professor Muerte II. I think I'm going to go with that. A new Terror Inc might make good adveseries for my PCs.
  10. Ah, thank you Yamo. See, this is what happens when we don't buy everything as soon as it comes out. *Sheepish* Let that be a lesson to the rest of you.
  11. In many Amerind cultures, Bear is seen as a Healer. That might be appropriate.
  12. A Challenge for the Champions I don't have either CKC or Millennium City yet (But next week I should get a package with both) so maybe I am missing a group already existing, but does anyone else think that the Champions could use a Super Villain TEAM out to get them? VIPER is great when done right, but an organization just isn't quite the same thing. Some of the individual hunted are fine, but others single handedly would challenge the whole team (Mechanon, Firewing, etc). Maybe a team of unified Super Villains who hate the Champions should be written up. The Avengers have their Masters of Evil, the Justice League has had the Injustice league... and so on.
  13. Well, one thing I have noticed among my players is that with the switch to 350 pts for 'standard' super heroes, they seem less pressured to find ANY excuse for a Frame work
  14. I see it Cpaladino, but I think the case for ECs is sound. I mean, some GMs LIKE concepts that seem tighter. And ECs can at least encourage PCs to make a concept that makes sense. If some guy goes... "I want an AP HKA... and uhmm FLIGHT, yeah... and Desolid... and... Stretching..." Just because he thinks it will make his character a combat monster.. I'm not too impressed. He doesn't want to play a person, he wants to play a mechanical monster of 'neat stuff', that's fine, he can. However, the person who comes up and says "I would like to play an insect sort of powered fellow.. I thought Flight, Summon (Insect Swarms), An EB for his 'Sting', and Shrinking seemed to fit...' He gets the EC, and I feel a Player has a concept that goes beyond 'powerz kewl' No offense intended, I'm not saying anyone who enjoys whacky power mixes IS like that automatically.. it's just my preference that they be tighter Now, Martial Arts and such , well, those Damage Classes can be pretty handy even outside an EC, so I've never felt they were really hurt by the loss.
  15. Yeah, a lot of folks have lamented the lack of Color on Champions art, but so far, it's just not cost effective. I know Nate Barnes did some colorizing of the Champions in a free wall paper sample if you have a color printer that you can get on this site. Storn (who I believe has done Art for both M&M and Champions) has posted some color samples before, and some maybe on his site still. I know that's small comfort, but I figured it couldn't hurt to let you know.
  16. Re: Tired of Multipowers/EC Well, I would give Spider Man an EC of "Spider Powers" because it is fairly tight, though some of his powers might not fit the 5th Ed rules (Has to cost END etc) and that has to be taken into account. But that's me.
  17. Nice Summary. I'm not as good at the combat mechanics as many, but your points seem like good ones. I really have to confess I think the 'averages' for Defenses in 5th are about 5 points lower than I like. Beyond defenses though, it varies. One skill I'd probably save up for with Defender is Tactics. If you're going to lead a team in battle, you owe it to them to study that stuff. I'd try to eventually get an extra five points to buy that +1 with HTH up to a Overall Skill Level. Just seems more in keeping with the versitility of the hero. I'd enjoy playing Defender; though I might play up some 4th Edition aspects (Clueless of women as oppossed to just too busy to notice them might be fun.) Ironclad definitely gets pumped up in physical defenses. Sorry. *L* didn't notice jumping was his main form of movement until you pointed it out. Yeah, maybe save up for one or two extra inches of running. Not sure how long I'd want to play the 'naive about earth' before I finally bought it up, but the interim would be fun. I think Ironclad might be a nice one to build on the duality angle. The guy clearly enjoys battle, but he's also an artist. He was a soldier, who when betrayed, went AWOL. He might have some strong feelings on the obligations leaders have to those that serve him. Exploring the philosphical part of it might be fun. Nighthawk was my least favorite Champion, but running him as an NPC has caused him to grow on me. Yes, definitely let him use the club. I think a lot of his growth would depend on the foes he met. He strikes me as the sort to adapt from lessons learned. I'd put some sort of AE attack in his Multipower besides the thermite pellet, maybe a variation of the gas. Playing Nighthawk would be a challenge. Batman would definitely be a role model, but maybe I'd have Nighthawk more openly express his frustration when 'nicer' methods didn't work. He'd definitely be the 'let's get the job DONE' sort. I'd also play up his reliance and love for Julie Morgan. Sapphire... pretty compact character. That range penality works both ways, so it might even out. Still, range level skills would be a good place to invest. I also might save up some points to buy an OIF flash defense... her future being so bright, she has to wear shades I'd also buy up the singing. If she's going to be a super star, might as well bump it up. Playing a mutant without angst would be a kick in and of itself for a time, but after that... I'd probably explore the difficulties of being both superstar and superheroine. Maybe have her make some noise at charity benefits, or even political commentary (Like it or not, entertainers seem to get asked about things they may have no expertise in). I imagine if she percieved some injustice against the latino or mutant community,she might be outspoken on it indeed. Witchcraft- Mechanics wise, I'd go with what you said. A Dispel of magics in that Multipower would be cool. I think maybe she should have more Knowledge Skills and boost up the ones she has. After all, she's the Occult Expert of the team right? First thing I'd buy off would be that Underconfident. One of the gripes about Witchcraft is she's too much like Solitaire. Fine, have her become more assured after getting a few victories under her belt. If I were playing Witchcraft, I'd set her up as kind of the 'brainy girl' opposite of the popular party girl Sapphire seems to be. I would have her be gentle, and kind... until something like a demon came around, and then have her switch to pissed off sorceress who is here to cleanse reality and chew bubble gum, and she's all out of bubble gum. I'd have her scare Nighthawk with her intensity when those rare moments occured. I'd also have her , through her studies, explore how others percieve magic... it's nature and purpose, so she could decide for herself how SHE wants to percieve it.
  18. Well, unless the Sense mind power is NRay, wouldn't it be blocked by barriers?
  19. Champions *Sighs* They just shipped it today, and this time of year, it maybe a while before it comes in. As for the Champions in MC. Hmmm... I think any solutions I mention have already been thought of, but here goes. 1) Take Homestead, take the name, and let YOUR Players' characters be the Champions. Your universe after all. 2) Add a hundred more points to the Champions, and make them more national than local. Suddenly Millenium City, while it still might admire its high powered heroes, needs some folks who stay IN it more often. 3) Take the Champions and tweak them so they aren't so noble. Maybe your Defender is a greedy industralist seeking to profit off Champions franchise. Maybe Sapphire only does this for record sales, and vanity. Ironclad could be a spy for his people, keeping the inferior humans in line. NIghthawk could be psychotic... a bit dark for me, but when your characters found out any of this... they'd have REASON to have a rivalry. 4) Let them join the Champions. This was mentioned, but it's not such a bad idea. Maybe all but one of the NPCs is opening up elsewhere in the country(Witchcraft could be setting up Champions South in Vibora Bay), and they need replacements for the MC area. As for what I'm doing... well, I've played a little (Not a lot, I need the darn book, but CU gave me some solid blocks to build on) with my group. Already they've met some of the Champions, and are getting along. They have been gathered by a patron concept... she's already setting them up with a base, and other things... they're being dubbed "The Challengers". They were worried it might seem like they wre out to get the Champions, but Defender, when asked, thought it didn't matter.. MC could use another team. Heh.. if only they knew. ARGENT is behind this free tech, and coercing the PC's patron to set them up to eventually fight the Champions. Subliminal messages are being implanted in bed chambers. If all goes according to plan... the Challengers and the Champions will be meeting in a way none predicted as the former become convinced that the latter are 'bad guys'. We'll see how far that gets.
  20. Re: Any campaign suggestions? Sounds like you're using the Marvel Universe as your setting, is that right? Have you tried a Fantastic Four sort of origin, that is, the characters all know each other before they gain their powers? Or at least gain their powers at the same time and place? IF Your players are cool with a common origin, then try something like this... A mastermind villain seeks to find someone who can become his shocktroops against an established NPC super hero team. Rather than rely on some greedy mercenaries, or incompetent ego maniacs, he decides to make his own. He picks some random individuals who have one thing in common... the greatest genetic probablity to survive his empowerment process. This will be followed by brainwashing... But something will, of course, go wrong. Leaving your PCs empowered, and free willed. The heroes might resent the villain who made this attempt... and he might want to destroy what he has wrought. You now have a PCs/NPC villain grudge.
  21. The Russians golden age... Manefiesto - The mentalist of the Russian super force, often spouting the words of Marx, Lenin, and of course, Stalin. His chief power is mind control, which he uses to ensure the loyality of his fellow countrymen to the cause. Red Winter - An icy warrior who somehow survived a frozen death while facing the Nazi's.. he was revived by the best scientists of the motherland. They discovered he and the Russian Winter had somehow become one! Man of Iron Thus named because Stalin would not allow another 'man of steel', the Man of Iron can transform himself into a towering colosus (no relation) of metal. His strength is amazing, though he has his doubts about his courage. His origin is hard to believe... after fleeing a battle (he was lucky he was not shot for doing so)... he stumbled lost into the hut of an old woman who kept threatening to eat him. Intrigued by his claims of cowardice, she paused, and asked him what he wanted? "I wish I were made of sterner stuff, so I might aid my comrades." With a cackle, the woman legends call 'Baba Yaga' both spared him, and granted his wish.
  22. Glad you liked Sure, that would be cool. I'm just chucking ideas out there. Feel free to adapt them. Maybe we can get a British poster's opinion? I always worry I'm butchering some culture when I do this stuff
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