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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. I would have given the Supers one “on the ground” campaign against The Nazis, but it would be a failure for the supers, simply because of the weight of numbers plus other factors, so that The Supers and the Generals would be in agreement that most overseas operations would be advised against, except against supervillains. The Invasion on Norway and the mess that turned into would be a prime allied failure, or it drew too many resources from France, leaving France to fall in the following month. The players may want that one chance to wade through waves of Wehrmacht troops, so then give them one and traumatize them! (Says the GM that wargamers agents against supers so there was never a clean win). They will talk about that and adjust their goals accordingly for the remainder of their campaign. Having Supers are like having a handful of untested, one off, weapon prototypes where they have undoubted capabilities, but are just one item. Chase them back to Allied territory where the odds are more in their favor. But give them that one fight they ask for, and bloody their metaphorical nose.
  2. Bad News: the FAA is dragging it's feet and will not clear for the launch until May 31 at the earliest: https://www.investors.com/news/technology/spacex-faa-blows-out-candle-on-company-starship/ EDIT: The FAA Completed their Environmental Review in 2022, and the curren tlaunch window is April 17th ior 18th
  3. Looks oike they may launch Starship on my birthday!
  4. Keep me posted. Very interested.
  5. Doing late classical as a play by post. No magic, other than healing potions, everyone is a fighter and…. Lot of spear fights, coordination rolls, but failed rolls hav lead to character killing results. The players seem to like it. Bronze tends to be the cheap armor, with weapons being mostly iron. The players want to get to civilization and buy good equipment, but they are armpit deep in horse archers who hhhhhhate them.
  6. Well, Bronze is more recyclable into other objects. Iron less so, and needs higher heat to work. But Iron is easier tro obtain, where as Bronze needs tin, and tin requires long trade routes to obtain. I think it was the Romans and Greeks having to go all the way to the British Isles, to obtain the tin for their bronze? The Japanese, with nearly no trade routes, were able to cook beach sand into Iron, though not of particularly good quality.
  7. Nasa has a much higher tier cable plan, because the tax payers pay for it.
  8. D&D movie was not particularly woke in terms of the script, other than it was WOTC of a year or two ago. Casting however. .. (A Bit of BBC Stunt Casting) Script was extremely snappy. Made sense. VFX were adequate but uneven. Sets were very impressive. Lots of D&D Easter eggs. Displacer beasts moved like my cats when they fight.
  9. Yes, thank you. Good luck with it. Thinking company stores and all that those entail. This will make the duty free shops for offworlders even more of a focus.
  10. https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/04/a-new-zealand-company-has-started-flying-a-rocket-powered-spaceplane/
  11. When I started, first with the Fantasy Hero Playtest rules, and then with 1st edition FH< all magic was homebrew. Later on I gave the players guidance with sets of culturally specific Advantages and Limitations, to make magic from different lands work differently. At the time, everyone was so sick of AD&D and its class systems, that characters were Mystic knights, or Arcane swordsmen types, or magical thieves, or Holy men with huge area of effect spells. But as to Genre enforcement, I wasn't going to do much of that, especially when some armies had early firearms and explosives, and Dragons used the intelligence the creators granted them, Mages had spells that created black powder, which made it cheap and plentiful. hence the Pike & Shot armies. So it did not resemble anything Tolkien or D&D for that matter. It was it's own thing, but that was how the rest of us Did Fantasy back then. Pete emulated some certain books. I emulated none, but ran with a few ideas, and Bob ran an early Iron Age fantasy, like just out of the Classical period. Another GM used Ars Magica as background and philosophy, but the bones of his campaign were pure FH. I could still run that campaign today if I could find the misplaced notes, but currently I am running a No Magic campaign, taking place in a late classical period, for an appreciative group, and the rules are still 1st 3edition FH, with some simplification.
  12. The problem with the metaverse, is that Zuckerberg';s vision is just a VR interface for the web we have already, and his version is primitive, especially when matched against VRChat, which has legs and user customized Avatars. I am not convinced that a VR interface for the web as we have it, would be efficient, or even desireable. As VRChat shows, it works great as a "social" environment, not so much an investigative environment.
  13. Just like how VHS won over Beta. The worst, but most popular.
  14. Worst, but also the most popular!!!😁. It’s like VHS winning the tech war all over again! Yaaay!
  15. What has been learned from the DART Mission so far. https://www.space.com/dart-asteroid-impact-smashing-success-scientists-say
  16. https://observer.com/2023/04/spacex-starship-orbital-launch-date/ https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/04/spacex-moves-starship-to-launch-site-and-liftoff-could-be-just-days-away/
  17. Daniel Kwan, contributor to a number of WOTC and Paizo publications gives his overview of the WOTC Content Creator’s Summit. https://danielhkwan.substack.com/p/dnd-creator-summit
  18. Looks like One D&D may be dead, in favor of incremental changes to 5e https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/12b3con/according_to_content_creators_at_the_dnd_summit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=10 details to follow.
  19. I had fun watching this one last night. Very convoluted plot, but fun.
  20. No. 6e brings needless complexity. Just stick with FH 1e and the Bestiary and you8 should be fine.
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