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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Generic Thugs are SPD 3, Con 15, and STR 15+ and have less coordination. Anyone Remember Thug #1, #2, and #3?
  2. I have seen a couple of Guns blow up on the range. One due to an obstructed bore which made it bulge and split. One that was an AK< that the cartridge detonated due to a stuck firing pin and blew out the bottom of its magazine, dumping the rest of the ammo in the dirt, quite forcefully. It happens, but that's two weapon in 40 years. The Arrow story seems mire than a little scary.
  3. The speed clock is not accurate. We just rolled with it. Also Normals were 10 across the board. 8 across the board I assumed was bad mediaeval nutrition or something.
  4. I don't like that. But then I made agents as a Challenge to the supers. so around SPD4 Dex 18, for most "Elite" Humans. and then I would wargame all over the battle mat. Fun times!
  5. Was a subscriber for about ten years. Been to Lee and Barry’s house. My regret was when I lived in Los Angeles, in their neighborhood, not making them know Inwas in the neighborhood. They put A&E on disk, which is the only way Incan get oldncampaign notes from the early days of Fantasy Hero b
  6. Almost bought one of those in the late 1980s. Beautiful, in the case model, Gold Plated with a Robert H. Goddard medalion in the case. I stopped because no one ws making ammo for it, as I tend to shoot what I have a lot.
  7. For a while, the experimented on liquid fueled firearms. You may have done it yourself with potatoes, or (flaming) tennis balls. With the adoption of flame throwers, and the explosive potential therein, talented engineers could bring consistency to liquid fueled firearms. Liquid explosive consistency of charge is now settles in the fuel injection of cars..
  8. Unfortunate news from Japan https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/japan-h3-rocket-fails-destruct-command-issued/ar-AA18itZ6
  9. Sweep was the three hexes to one's front, and a roll, I had characters who's levels and such were based on Sweep in the Fantasy Hero game.
  10. If you built a powered armor suit, your neighbors would think it’s just another Google project, and only complain it it’s noisy, or took their parking space.
  11. It's where the re-enactors found WW2 Surplus flame throwers in the 90's, from farm auction sales. Even in uptight California, Flame throwers are farm implements. mostly for brush removal and back fires. Modern flamethrowers have different mechanics than the WW2 types, due to vastly different fuel mixtures. Old flame throwers used Naphthalene, and Palm oil in the gasoline to thicken it and extend the ranges. Modern ones generallyu use an oil and gasoline mix.
  12. I gotta say, that this has been one of the most entertaining threads on this forum in years. Thank you all. As to the whole Martial arts thing. The old guys would remember Bruce Lee films, and talk about them, but when we "?post Star Wars" watching kids saw them, they looked like cheap home movies with spastic camera work. The visuals had all the cheapness of a television Western. Our preferences were more in the direction of Samurai films (see FGU's "Bushido" by Charette and Hume). So we were happily playing Champions and Bushido, when in the pages of Alarums & Excursions, Robin D. Laws poured effusive Praise on a Hing Kong Film Directed by John Woo that was showcased at the Toronto Film Festival (some time around 1986. The Microscopic budgets of the 1970s, had ballooned into something that allowed for much better cameras and editing, and a focus on the here and now. Every year John Woo had a new film out, and by extension, other directors like Tsui Hark, and Ringo Lam would show up at the Toronto Film festival, and through the distribution, that the festival granted, show up on repertory movie houses like the Alamo Draft House in Texas, the Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles, and The New Varsity in my home town. Concurrently with the Hong Kong renaissance, was the 80s action movies, often low budget films starring martial artists cast as ninja's. Carolco (Menachem Golan and Yoram Globus) made a pretty penny making these weekend starters, until they decided to try something artistic and the whole thing fell apart. There was a solid 10 years of films from the mid 80s until 1996, when Hong Kong was handed back over to the ChiComs, and the CCP Government declared several subjects in film immoral, and Chinese cinema became as boring as woke cinema is today, for the same reason. Hero, having Aaron Allston basically delivering his well loved houserules delivered to them on a Silver platter, decided to capitalize on the then current zeitgeist, published Ninja Hero, and Martial Arts became it's own subsystem. Gamers who had seen these movies, were very quick to incorporate martial arts into all the games. The Hero rules were less about comics and more about movies, with Fantasy Hero, Espionage, and Danger International, and JUstice Incorporated (and Aarons "Landws of Mystery")
  13. The backlash to Corridor Digital’s experiment. they want this to have the same visceral reaction the the abbreviation “NFT” does.
  14. Film Director usin g game engine to make short film:
  15. Keltecs has been around for a long time as well. But the one on top there is .556, and folds in thirds, which makes it really small.
  16. China is now copying Space-X technology, and apparently Elon doesn't have much of a problem with it, due to him not patenting anything:
  17. If the rules for the magic is consistent across the board, I would allow it.
  18. The old School, Gygaxian kind. MWah hah hah hah haaaa! (At least when running D&D)
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