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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Just saw "Guardians" on Amazon PRime. It's a Russian MCU styled Superhero movie, about a cold war era group opf Superheroes, called back into action to fight one of their creators, turned Supervillain. The powers are interesting, in that the Supervillain has Mental domination, only versus machines, pus something around 60 str. Here are the fight scenes Four Heroes, and most of the Champions Archetypes are there. The Dub is pretty awful, but I have not found it subtitled in it's original Russian. Nut the visual are quite epic, and fulfill my MCU Fix.
  2. System buttons should probably remain black or white. Also pick subdued shade of the blue and green for invalid options.
  3. Flag switch turning it green or blue as a visual cue as to what edition is being used. Ive had to do interface design for video games. Not my favorite task but had to be done so I am aware of the concerns.
  4. However the new interface is much smoother. Very clean. Suggestion. Have any function associated strictly with 5th ed. displayed with 5th ed. ‘s green color, while the rest remains 6th ed. blue.
  5. Please don’t get rid of 5th ed support. I have a number of old characters, and have not made the jump to 6th ed.
  6. Exactly. The Expanse illustrated a vibrant setting with no FTL that worked just fine with only a couple of tweaks. This is the course I took with my Solar System game. No artificial gravity. No FTL, and no aliens. The new gold rush in the Solar System.
  7. Changing physics to remove chemical weapons is kinda dumb because we need to survive in the same environment with our exchange of oxygen, nutrition and hydration. Talk to someone who was worked with the fire department, it’s difficult to have things not burn. Oh and and anyone who has watched The Expanse, or played Traveller, knows enough to suck up the internal atmosphere to minimize fire damage, and reduce the chance of explosive decompression if a compartment is breached. Also ships built in space may not need the sort of weight saving that aircraft or ground to orbit craft need, so Incould see more defense, or even tunneling and balancing an iron rich asteroid, sticking drives on the end and calling it Martha. (I don’t do space romance, or comic book sci-fi).
  8. This has been a failure for two main reasons. The first is that the “Diversity Push” has aimed at re- inventing already long established characters, which devalued the lore and is seen by the fans as either a snub to the current fans, or a cynical money grab. They have not followed the old formula of introducing a new character in an established book, and then responding to popularity by giving them their own book, with the first episode co-starring Spider-Man. The second problem is writing. The biggest problems are the “new”’ or remade characters are created as “types” rather than people, with their attributes derived from their physical categories. As such they cannot be flawed, because they are “models” of representation of their types, and as such cannot have flaws or internal conflicts, and their victories in external conflicts are given to them. They become insufferable Mary Sue characters (or Gary Stues) that outshine the original characters they are replacing. Then laid upon them are the agendas that those “writers” use the characters for, writers and artists now hired for having identical physical characteristics as the character, rather then for talent. Comics from Marvel rarely tell stories any more. They have become joyless, smug propaganda. The exception that proves this is Miles Morales. He was written as a likeable kid with family issues, under confidence, and made mistakes, but didn’t quit. But Miles was created by a veteran comic writer who knew the form. The other recent retreads were written by people with limited industry experience pushing an agenda. They write for an audience that will praise their intentions, but not actually part with their money to actually pay for the issue. Those “high numbers” for Lady Thor were because of the novelty. Comic book companies will drop a novelty of one sort or another in an attempt to goose sales, but it’s a temporary replacement for good quality stories. I used to work in Independent Comics, before Inworked in Video Games, and I loved the industry, even if it didn’t pay enough, and Instill keep an eye on it. Comichron tracks the sales, and things are in a decline turning 70 years of comic stories into 5-10 years of T shirt and coffee mug sales as Lifestyle brands will be a sad end, but they killed it themselves. The future will be boutique issues produced by independents; and manga that still tell focused stories.
  9. Mary Sue characters, carrying a hard agenda, drawn by people that badmouth the fans. And Didio wonders why old reprints sell better.
  10. ..and info from a former Top D.C. artist, Ethan Van Sciver
  11. That's the Waty of the World was a daily signoff for a DJ one one of the stations here in the bay Area, and, it was kind of a way to go to sleep as it was 10 PM. As for the repeat function, it was something certain turntables could do. Also 8Tracks never rewound, so they would play as a cycle over and over.. I guess the biggest factor of annoyance was, and still is repetition, and stations in the 70's (Im looking at you KFRC 610AM), where they had to play X number of hits every hour, and other songs would cycle out of rotation fairly quickly.
  12. Later Decades had their share, though
  13. Lordy.. Feelings.. Yeah that's a bad one. Your first one, I've heard, but as a dance mix that isn't too bad though. But really annoying?
  14. Another from the Tar Pits of the 1970's
  15. ... thinking about this... I could do this all afternoon... <__<;
  16. The Night Chicago Dies by paper lace? Yeah that's was really annoying
  17. Later Decades had their share, though
  18. The Seventies were a wastel;and of annoyance:
  19. I am not a fan of swords on starships. Axes might work better, but I would prefer short barreld shotguns. Tiny pellets dont do much past the walls, but do a number on unarmored flesh. armoured flesh means switching to slug rounds with shaped charges, XD (Not a fan of the "Rule of Cool")
  20. Part Two has been found, Scanned and posted here in it's correct location. Some of the artwork from the place holder will be returned to this post: This concludes the Jaggiri material published in Rogues Gallery. If you have any further questions, Please post replies. Thank you. Scott
  21. Oh, the medium will survive, and even thrives, but Marvel and DC, won't. I for one tend to pick up crowd funded comics. Digfital reads are... ookay, but I prefer the feel of paper in my hands. I hear the Shonen Jump Ap ios the best for reading manga. But with the end of marvel and DC (Well DC may continue their $3 reprints in Walmart), that will be the end of the "Direct market" and will probably take Diamond with it.
  22. It's no secret that the Comics Industry is in a steep decline. DC Comics new owners, AT&T< seem to think the same way. As they are pruning former Time Warner Inc. properties, from Niche straming channels to Mad Magazine. Forbes has opined on it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robsalkowitz/2019/07/31/where-does-dc-fit-in-atts-vision-for-warnermedia/#26bd664b79b7 Expanding on this was Clownfish TV, speculating on a near term end of the "Direct market" and the demise of both Marvel and DC. This is not to say the form, is dead, it's just that the Corporations are no longer willing to subsidize a money losing proposition, and will just retain the IP as a source of Lifestyle branding (Batman T-Shirts, and Wonder Woman Coffee mugs, and Funko Pop figures), and reprints. Even Dan Didio has wondered why their reprints sell more than their new material. Marvel is farther down this trail, as its sales have attenuated, and comic shops are closing rapidly. here' s Clowfish TV:
  23. All good questions. Good point Not too be to topical, But going back to the beginning, other than the use as an introductory combat, Why not make it something less "cliche'd" than a simple bank robbery where "reasonable people" will shy away" and let the police deal with it, and instead maybe an active shooter situation in a Mall, where the characters already are? Be the ones to opublically take down the threat, with plenty of witnesses and Cel Pone footage. Unfortunately, that won't work. We are dealing with , at best, people coming in from D&D 5e, and at worst, No experience what so ever, and as such we dont have to design characters, as playable examples. we need to think in ways that do not rely on our 35+ years of experience with the system. So, example characters. More good questions, What is the Skull going to do whehn the activate the guard and the Sheriff's Department? Exactly. The Dome is conceptual. as it keeps the participants thinking of the resources and distances available to them within the Dome. It mentally focuses the action and location for the participants. Yes, we need a basic map. Yes, we need detail Maps for the set piece battles. The Model was, yes, these. We may also need to evaluate other company's similar products for D20 style games, and even look back at GURPS books. Thugh I think Four Volumes wouled be one to aim at here. I was thinking that "The Dome" was the first Volume. Each Subsequent volume would build on the previous one, but I think we need to hammer out the first one. Not sure, though,, at the minimum, we need one, that is mostly complete, and it comes in the hypothetical box with Champions Complete. (along with Dice and other materials.). That's kind of the opposite of what i imagine, it's "Training" only in the sense it's an introductory. It may be necessary to stat up a police car, a truck, and Raven's Motorcycle. but tyhe Stat blocks would come up in the relevant description. This is why I want to have my Film director Friend have a look and set up the pacing. How long is each act, What should be in each act? He knows well enough not to dip his toes into Hero mechanics and combat. I just want him to help us structure the thing, and also deal with the "What happenes if the heroes lose", portion of each set piece battle, and what needs to be done to salvage the story. These are the first heroes people have heard about, in a world very like our own. The First Iron man Movie 10 years ago started it, with just an ever so slight cgloss of super tech here and there, over contemporary events. *I would almost say the opposite tack. Fairly detailed characters, with a background paragraph each, and not as much falling into the typical Hero Games (tm) Archetypes, but more as examples of a "Dangerworthy"< useable, heroic character. Have them as not just "build" Examples" but "Character Examples, that people can play, that would not be out of place if two or three people built their own and the rest used the Pregenerateds. What sort of folks do we see in the movies? Powered armor suits, Pure bricks. brick/Martial artists, energy blasters (Many with flight), Illusionists, Telekinetics, superspies, and the like. I mean building Expies of early Career MCU heroes would work, as well. Remember, new players have no idea about how Hero settles into efficient build patterns yet. Agreed,, No previous Lore, No other super being, yet. (other than maybe an elevated talk about UFO's, which may be foreshadowing for the next "movie" adventure). Everything rests on the shoulders of our new Heroes.
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