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Mr. R

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Posts posted by Mr. R

  1. Lithe and graceful!



    2023 Hero Super Temps 6 Dancer

        Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
        13    STR    3    12-    Lift 151.6kg; 2 ½d6 [1]
        15    DEX    15    12-    OCV:  5/DCV:  5
        15    CON    10    12-
        13    BODY    6    12-
        13    INT    3    12-    PER Roll 12-
        11    EGO    2    11-    ECV:  4
        20    PRE    10    13-    PRE Attack:  4d6
        26    COM    8    14-

        8+10    PD    5        Total:  8/18 PD (0/10 rPD)
        8+10    ED    5        Total:  8/18 ED (0/10 rED)
        6    SPD    35        Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
        6    REC    0
        30    END    0
        28    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  102

    Movement:    Running:    6"/12"
        Leaping:    2"/4"
        Swimming:    2"/4"

    Cost    Powers    END
    30    Armor (10 PD/10 ED)
    31    Animate objects:  Elemental Control, 62-point powers
    53    1)  Summon 2 250-point creatures, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Slavishly Devoted (+1) (124 Active Points); Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼)    5
    25    2)  Telekinesis (33 STR), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (62 Active Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (-¼)    2

    4    Martial Strike    +0    +2    4 ½d6 Strike
    3    Martial Throw    +0    +1    2 ½d6 +v/5, Target Falls
    5    Offensive Strike    -2    +1    6 ½d6 Strike
    4    Martial Dodge    --    +5    Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4    Martial Block    +2    +2    Block, Abort


    6    Money:  Wealthy
    21    Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-


    3    Acrobatics 12-
    3    Breakfall 12-
    3    Conversation 13-
    3    High Society 13-
    1    Language:  English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
    3    Language:  Japanese (fluent conversation; literate)
    3    Oratory 13-
    4    PS: sculpter 13-
    3    PS: Dancer 12-
    10    +2 with DCV

    Total Powers & Skill Cost:  222
    Total Cost:  324


    200+    Disadvantages
    10    Physical Limitation:  near sighted (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)
    10    Hunted:  8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
    15    Psychological Limitation:  honest (Common; Strong)
    15    Psychological Limitation:  Impulsive (Common; Strong)
    20    Psychological Limitation:  code vs killing (Common; Total)
    54    Experience Points

    Total Disadvantage Points:  324
    Earned Experience:  0
    Spent Experience:  54
    Unspent Experience:  0


    Julie Yama$hita started dancing by age four.  She was a quick learner and by age eleven she was taking advanced classes in her dance academy.  Then her father moved to a small town in Iowa and there were no dance academies nearby.  She tried to learn on her own, but was hampered by not having a partner.  So, inspired by Mr. Astaire, she tried to dance with a broom.  But she found it harder than it looked.  Finally, frustrated, she yelled "Dance!"  And it did.  Using this she practiced and even used the power to animate objects to face bullies in her school.  Eventually she left home for New York and tried for a number of shows.  But though talented, she was still uneducated.  Eventually she showed he power, and a dance number was choreographed for her with her dancing with the instruments.  It was a hit, but the fame had a dark side with stalkers.  So she joined SuperTemps.  Right now she is in the Guardian Division due to problems with the Musician's Union.  She would prefer to be in the Entertainment division, but is bidding her time.


    Enthusiastic and bubbly, until she gets on a job where she becomes focused and professional.



    Dancer can animate statues to do any activity within their form.  Also she can cause limbs to grow from the ground and walls to grab and move things.  Finally her dancer training has made her a competent Martial Artist.  


    Campaign Use:  
    Meet at a high society function.  Also she makes it a point to visit schools in cities where she is touring to fight problems like drugs and school shootings.


    Oriental female 175 cm and 59 kg with LONG black hair and brown eyes.  Her costume resembles dancer's leotards with dancer's style shoes.  


    To power down- Get rid of the TK power

    To power up- Make the TK larger, Add a Force Wall only on the ground. If that is still not enough, some Damage classes to the MA as an alternative to using her powers!





    He's Heavy Metal



    2023 Hero Super Temps 5 Blacksmith

    Val Char Cost Roll Notes
    10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6
    20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
    18 CON 16 13-
    12 BODY 4 11-
    20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
    15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5
    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
    12 COM 1 11-

    8+20 PD 6 Total: 8/28 PD (0/20 rPD)
    8+28 ED 4 Total: 8/36 ED (0/28 rED)
    5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
    6 REC 0
    36 END 0
    26 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 106

    Movement: Running: 6"/12"
    Flight: 10"/20"
    Leaping: 2"/4"
    Swimming: 2"/4"

    Cost Powers END
    48 Variable Power Pool, 40 base + 8 control cost, (60 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1), VPP Can Only Be Changed Between Adventures (-½)

    40 Metal suit: Armor (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points); OIF (-½)
    7 Metal suit: +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); OIF (-½)
    10 Flight 10" (20 Active Points); OIF (Metal suit; -½), Lockout (Cannot use metal control; -½) 2

    17 Metal control: Elemental Control, 50-point powers, (25 Active Points); all slots Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must use available metal; -½)
    17 1) Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF (50 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must use available metal; -½) 5
    46 2) Telekinesis (50 STR), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (94 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must use available metal; -½) 3
    17 3) Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must use available metal; -½) 5

    8 Metal control: Armor (0 PD/8 ED) (12 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (only vs metal; -½)

    21 Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-
    5 Money: Well Off

    3 Lightning Calculator

    3 Computer Programming 13-
    5 Electronics 14-
    1 Language: English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
    4 Language: German (completely fluent; literate)
    5 Gadget: Power 14-
    3 Scientist
    2 1) Science Skill: chem 13- (3 Active Points)
    2 2) Science Skill: elect engin 13- (3 Active Points)
    2 3) Science Skill: math 13- (3 Active Points)
    4 4) Science Skill: metallurgy 15- (5 Active Points)
    2 5) Science Skill: physics 13- (3 Active Points)
    3 Security Systems 13-
    3 Systems Operation 13-
    6 Metal powers: +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 284
    Total Cost: 390

    200+ Disadvantages
    10 Hunted: 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
    20 Hunted: TRADE 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
    20 Psychological Limitation: code vs killing (Common; Total)
    15 Social Limitation: secret id (Frequently; Major)
    125 Experience Points

    Total Disadvantage Points: 390
    Earned Experience: 0
    Spent Experience: 125
    Unspent Experience: 0

    Harold Wilkensom was a brilliant researcher facsinated by metals. In university he studied metallurgy and electrical engineering. Soon he got into a firm looking into firearms and silencers. BUT he went into a different direction and was making progress. This got him into the crosshairs of TRADE. At first they tried to buy his tech (at a ridiculously low price), but when he refused, they kidnapped him and forced him to continue his work. But he knew that he was expendable. So he arranged for his escape. But he became enamoured of using his tech to fight crime. But after a few adventures, he realised that some of his tech was just a focus and that he was really a metal-kinetic. So he retired to retrain. He also developed a metallic suit for protection. And he registered with SuperTemps. Now he works as a freelancer with other super scientist. Occasionally he'll help out with some particular case. And if TRADE is involved, he'll work pro-bono.

    He is more curious scientist than crime fighter.


    Blacksmith has control over all forms of metal. He can carry several tonnes, use it to wrap around opponents, or even send pieces fly at high speeds into opponents. His armoured suit gives him great protection and allows him to fly (though he can't use any other powers when he does so). In addition as a capable scientist, he has a number of devices and gadget he has developed. If he has an idea of the opposition, he'll bring something appropriate.

    Campaign Use:
    Freelance scientist. Gadget builder. Ally vs TRADE!

    Caucasian 175 cm and 68 kg with brown hair and brown eyes. His armoured suit is black with a old medieval look to it!


    To power down - Reduce Gadget Pool to 30 pts. Armour to 15/15 and Metal Control to 40 AP

    To Power up - Raise armour to 25/25 and Metal Control to 60 AP. To really power him up make them all 1/2 End.



    12 hours ago, Cloppy Clip said:

    That said, you're on page 19 of this thread and you've done a fair few characters. Are there any particular ones you remember fondly? Either for the backstory, or some feature in their mechanics?


    The Omlevex NPCs were an interesting bunch!

  3. On 10/7/2023 at 5:03 AM, Cloppy Clip said:

    Good stuff here! I appreciate the notes about tweaking power level for the characters, since that's one of the things I always like about official Champions builds. I don't have Super Temps myself, but are there any established villains for these heroes to fight?



    Thank you.


    As far as your question, none in this book, but a product called SuperThugs has numerous villains.  If you scroll up you will see examples!

  4. Martial Arts and a Brick



    2023 Hero Super Temps 4 Armator

        Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
        10+20    STR    0    13- / 17-    Lift 400.0kg/6400.0kg; 4d6/8d6
        24    DEX    42    14-    OCV:  8/DCV:  8
        18    CON    16    13-
        12    BODY    4    11-
        15    INT    5    12-    PER Roll 12-
        14    EGO    8    12-    ECV:  5
        15    PRE    5    12-    PRE Attack:  3d6
        18    COM    4    13-

        8+16    PD    6        Total:  8/24 PD (0/12 rPD)
        8+16    ED    4        Total:  8/24 ED (0/12 rED)
        6    SPD    26        Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
        6    REC    0
        36    END    0
        26    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  120

    Movement:    Running:    6"/12"
        Leaping:    4"/8"
        Swimming:    2"/4"


    Cost    Powers    END
    40    Density Increase (1,200 kg mass, +20 STR, +4 PD/ED, -4" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (40 Active Points)
    24    Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; -½)
    5    +10 STR (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-½), Linked (Density Increase; -½)    1

    3    Martial Grab    -1    -1    Grab Two Limbs, 40 STR  / 60 STR for holding on
    4    Martial Strike    +0    +2    8d6 / 12d6 Strike
    3    Martial Throw    +0    +1    6d6 / 10d6 +v/5, Target Falls
    5    Offensive Strike    -2    +1    10d6 / 14d6 Strike
    4    Martial Dodge    --    +5    Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4    Martial Block    +2    +2    Block, Abort
    8    +2 HTH Damage Class(es)


    21    Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-


    6    Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
    15    Combat Sense 12-


    3    Acrobatics 14-
    3    Breakfall 14-
    3    Computer Programming 12-
    5    Contortionist 15-
    3    Conversation 12-
    10    Defense Maneuver I-IV 
    3    KS: Buddism 12-
    3    AK: Seattle 12-
    1    Language:  English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
    4    Language:  Cantonese (completely fluent; literate)
    3    Oratory 12-
    3    Paramedics 12-
    3    PS: Accountant 12-
    3    Stealth 14-
    3    Trading 12-
    7    WF:  Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Off Hand, Three-Section Staff, Wind and Fire Wheels
    16    +2 with All Combat


    Total Powers & Skill Cost:  218
    Total Cost:  338


    200+    Disadvantages
    15    Psychological Limitation:  hero's code (Common; Strong)
    20    Psychological Limitation:  overconfident (Very Common; Strong)
    15    Psychological Limitation:  honest (Common; Strong)
    10    Dependent NPC:  8- (Normal)
    15    Hunted:  Nimba Cult 8- (As Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
    10    Hunted:  8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
    53    Experience Points

    Total Disadvantage Points:  338
    Earned Experience:  0
    Spent Experience:  53
    Unspent Experience:  0


    Ling Liau never knew his father, who died shortly after he was born.  His mother worked hard to raise him, and protected him when he first manifested his metallic skin.  To help him learn to control his powers, he took Martial Arts.  Eventually his teacher referred him to a man called Chong, who helped Ling develop the spiritual aspects of his training.  Eventually he entered University in Business Administration.  To help pay for schooling, he joined SuperTemps and was appointed to the Seattle Office.  


    An instence individual who is just now coming out of his shell.  




    Armour up and find the toughest opponent there.  Because he usually has a SPD advantage, he'll Block when possible to get an advantage on his next attack.  If the foe is exceptionally tough, he'll use the Offensive Strike.


    Campaign Use:  
    Martial Arts adventures, extra muscle if needed, 


    178 cm and 73 kg Chinese man with black hair and brown eyes.  He wears what looks like a white hoodie with white trunks and shoes.  When he transforms, he had a golden colour to his skin!




    So he's Bruce Lee crossed with Colossus (of the X Men).


    To Power down reduce DI to two levels, Extra Str to 5 points and Lower Combat Skill to +1.


    To Power up raise Dex to 27, make Armour +15/15 and extra Str to +15.  To really make him tough go Armour +18/18



  5. Now you see her..... 



    2023 Hero Super Temps 3 Apparition

        Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
        9    STR    -1    11-    Lift 87.1kg; 1 ½d6
        18    DEX    24    13-    OCV:  6/DCV:  6
        21    CON    22    13-
        12    BODY    4    11-
        15    INT    5    12-    PER Roll 12-
        13    EGO    6    12-    ECV:  4
        23    PRE    13    14-    PRE Attack:  4 ½d6
        12    COM    1    11-

        8    PD    6        Total:  8 PD (8 rPD)
        8    ED    4        Total:  8 ED (8 rED)
        5    SPD    22        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
        6    REC    0
        42    END    0
        28    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  106

    Movement:    Running:    6"/12"
        Leaping:    1"/2"
        Swimming:    2"/4"
        Teleportation:    35"/70"


    Cost    Powers    END
    5    Costume:  Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) (8 Active Points); OIF (-½)
    60    Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points)
    140    Multipower, 140-point reserve
    5u    1)  Teleportation 20", Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (50 Active Points)    2
    14u    2)  Teleportation 15", x4 Increased Mass, Ranged (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Usable As Attack (x4 maximum weight per inanimate target; +1 ½) (140 Active Points)
    40    Sunning touch:  Drain STUN 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Affects Physical World (+2) (60 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -½)    6


    4    Reputation (A large group) 11-, +2/+2d6
    21    Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-


    10    Animal Friendship (20 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (humans only; -1)


    3    Acrobatics 13-
    3    Breakfall 13-
    3    Computer Programming 12-
    3    Conversation 14-
    3    Paramedics 12-
    3    PS: Accountant 12-
    3    PS: Teacher 12-
    7    Shadowing 14-
    3    Stealth 13-
    9    Tactics 15-
    3    Teamwork 13-
    6    Stunning touch:  +3 with any single Strike


    Total Powers & Skill Cost:  348
    Total Cost:  454


    200+    Disadvantages
    15    Psychological Limitation:  hero's code (Common; Strong)
    10    Dependent NPC:  children 8- (Normal)
    10    Hunted:  8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
    15    Social Limitation:  secret id (Frequently; Major)
    15    Psychological Limitation:  Shy (Common; Strong)
    20    Psychological Limitation:  protective of friends family (Common; Total)
    169    Experience Points

    Total Disadvantage Points:  454
    Earned Experience:  0
    Spent Experience:  169
    Unspent Experience:  0


    Clarisse Jackson first manifested her powers when she saved her son from being hit from a car.  Her sons were totally captivated by have a meta for a mother, and encouraged her to go out a fight bad guys.  At first she resisted, but eventually she saw the money SuperTemps were offering and joined.  After some training, it was found she was a natural leader and she was placed in charge of her own team in Kansas city.  Since then she has gotten the nickname Mother Goose and she tries to help her team mates as much as possible personally as well as professionally.


    She's MOM.  She takes her responsibility very seriously.



    Apparition has a few powers associated with apparitions.  First is her desolid, which she will use almost immediately.  Then there are he teleport abilities.  The first is self only, but the second is usable against others, but only inanimate objects.  She will remove cover, or place cover, and in extreme cases tport something above an opponent's head.  Finally she has a stunning touch which involves trying to place part of herself inside an opponent.  This causes a feedback in her opponent, and if done often enough, will knock them out.


    Campaign Use:  
    Leader of an effective super team.  Any team she leads should be competent and will show a different team how it can be done.


    175 cm and 57 kg African American woman with short black hair and brown eyes



    To power down:  Not much.  Maybe the Stunning Touch.


    To power up:  Make Stunning Touch a ranged attack and reduce the endurance.  Dex 23 and SPD 6 would help also!



  6. High flyer type



    2023 Hero Super Temps 2 Ange Bleu

        Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
        10    STR    0    11-    Lift 100.0kg; 2d6
        23    DEX    39    14-    OCV:  8/DCV:  8
        20    CON    20    13-
        12    BODY    4    11-
        23    INT    13    14-    PER Roll 14-
        15    EGO    10    12-    ECV:  5
        15    PRE    5    12-    PRE Attack:  3d6
        16    COM    3    12-

        8    PD    6        Total:  8 PD (8 rPD)
        8    ED    4        Total:  8 ED (8 rED)
        5    SPD    17        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
        6    REC    0
        40    END    0
        27    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  121

    Movement:    Running:    6"/12"
        Flight:    25"/50"
        Leaping:    2"/4"
        Swimming:    2"/4"

    Cost    Powers    END
    22    Wind form:  Elemental Control, 44-point powers
    23    1)  Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points)
    40    2)  Flight 25", Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (62 Active Points)    2
    5    Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) (8 Active Points); OIF (-½)
    60    Wind form:  Multipower, 60-point reserve
    6u    1)  Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points)
    6u    2)  (Total: 60 Active Cost, 60 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (Real Cost: 30) plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (Real Cost: 30)
    62    Wind Powers:  Multipower, 62-point reserve
    6u    1)  Vacuum:  Energy Blast 5d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), No Normal Defense ([Standard]; +1) (56 Active Points)    2
    6u    2)  Wind Blast:  Energy Blast 10d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (62 Active Points)    2
    6u    3)  Whirlwind:  Energy Blast 7d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Explosion (+½) (61 Active Points)    2
    6u    4)  Wind hand:  Telekinesis (30 STR), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (56 Active Points)    2


    2    Reputation (A small to medium sized group) 8-, +2/+2d6
    21    Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-


    6    air attacks:  +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks
    3    Computer Programming 14-
    3    Criminology 14-
    3    AK: Minn 14-
    1    Language:  English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
    6    Language:  French (imitate dialects; literate)
    3    Science Skill:  Astrology 14-
    4    Science Skill:  Phys 15-
    4    Science Skill:  Nuclear Phys 15-
    3    Stealth 14-


    Total Powers & Skill Cost:  307
    Total Cost:  428


    200+    Disadvantages
    10    Physical Limitation:  near sighted (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)
    15    Psychological Limitation:  hero's code (Common; Strong)
    20    Psychological Limitation:  code vs killing (Common; Total)
    10    Hunted:  8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
    173    Experience Points

    Total Disadvantage Points:  428
    Earned Experience:  0
    Spent Experience:  173
    Unspent Experience:  0


    Born in Montreal, Paul Lalond wanted to fly.  Unfortunately his near sightedness made him exempt for the Canadian Armed forces.  So he settled for private lessons.  And he started getting a degree in Astrophysics.  After his PhD he accepted a position in Minnesota.  One day there was a planetary alignment and he woke up to find himself floating above his bed.  and when he looked in the mirror he found himself invisible.  Then his grand mere called and told him about the family history ever since a long ago member married a wind sprite.  Paul dismissed this idea, but practiced using his power.  Since then he has become a member of SuperTemps in the Minneapolis area


    Very much a nobless oblige attitude.  He has powers and so must use them!



    Ange Bleu prefers to stay airborne, and go into Wind Form (desolid and invisible), and use his Wind Attacks.  Favourites are Vacuum for single target and Whirlwind for groups.  Wind Blast is for those tougher opponents.


    Campaign Use:  
    Seasoned Hero.  


    180 cm and 88 kg with brown hair and blue eye.  His costume is blue and white. 


    My only gripe is the low PD/ED.  When he does get tagged, it is going to HURT!  But played right, he can be a real asset to a team.


    Power down:  Dex 20, Spd 4 and lose the Invisibility.


    Power up: Add a 15/15 Invisible force field and make flight 30".   




  7. While on my enforced move, I went to Sentry Box in Calgary and picked up a few items, including Gurps SuperTemps.   Enjoy!



    2023 Hero Super Temps 1 Alley Cat

        Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
        15    STR    5    12-    Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]
        30    DEX    60    15-    OCV:  10/DCV:  10
        20    CON    20    13-
        12    BODY    4    11-
        15    INT    5    12-    PER Roll 15-
        20    EGO    20    13-    ECV:  7
        15    PRE    5    12-    PRE Attack:  3d6
        16    COM    3    12-

        8    PD    5        Total:  8 PD (8 rPD)
        8    ED    4        Total:  8 ED (8 rED)
        5    SPD    10        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
        7    REC    0
        40    END    0
        30    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  141

    Movement:    Running:    6"/12"
        Leaping:    3"/6"
        Swimming:    2"/4"

    Cost    Powers    END
    5    Costume:  Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) (8 Active Points); OIF (-½)
    9    +3 PER with all Sense Groups
    5    Nightvision
    30    Silent move:  Invisibility to Hearing Group , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (30 Active Points)
    10    Clinging
    10    Luck 2d6
    13    Claws:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (19 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½)    1
    15    Regen:  Healing BODY 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points), Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (30 Active Points); Self Only (-½), Always On (-½)
    45    Cat form:  Multiform (200 Character Points in the most expensive form) (Instant Change)

    4    Martial Block    +2    +2    Block, Abort
    4    Martial Dodge    --    +5    Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4    Martial Strike    +0    +2    6d6 Strike
    5    Offensive Strike    -2    +1    8d6 Strike
    3    Martial Throw    +0    +1    4d6 +v/5, Target Falls
    4    +1 HTH Damage Class(es)


    21    Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (21 Active Points) 11-


    20    Animal Friendship
    3    Lightsleep
    6    Beast Speech (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (cats only; -1 ½)
    6    Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
    2    Environmental Movement (no penalties on)


    3    Acrobatics 15-
    3    Breakfall 15-
    5    Computer Programming 13-
    3    Deduction 12-
    3    Interrogation 12-
    4    KS: gangs 13-
    4    CK: ny 13-
    4    Language:  Spanish (completely fluent; literate)
    1    Language:  English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
    4    Language:  German (completely fluent; literate)
    3    Lockpicking 15-
    3    Stealth 15-
    3    Streetwise 12-

    Total Powers & Skill Cost:  257
    Total Cost:  398


    200+    Disadvantages
    15    Psychological Limitation:  Stubborn (Common; Strong)
    20    Psychological Limitation:  Impulsive (Very Common; Strong)
    5    Hunted:  Local Gangs 8- (As Pow; Limited Geographical Area; Harshly Punish)
    10    Hunted:  8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
    5    Reputation: , 8-
    143    Experience Points

    Total Disadvantage Points:  398
    Earned Experience:  0
    Spent Experience:  143
    Unspent Experience:  0


    Olivia Forrester can not remember when she could no become a cat.  In addition she had various cat like abilities.  But her parents impressed upon her that this didn't make her superior, and she grew up normal.  Went to University.  One day her and a friend got caught in a gang bang hit.  She tried going to the police, but they could do little.  So she went prowling.  It is amazing what a cat can hear.  She then turned over the info to the authorities.  Now she works for SuperTemps as an IT admin as well as a member of the Protective division.


    Avenge her friend and clean up the streets.



    Alley Cat has a number of cat like abilities like reflexes, silent movement and a set of basic claws.  Her greatest ability is the ability to become a regular cat.  She retains her intelligence and skill as well most of her regular powers.  This makes her a great infiltration person.


    In combat she will hit and run.  If badly injured she will retreat and trust in her healing.


    Campaign Use:  
    Street level ally!


    182 cm and 66 kg with shoulder length black hair and green eyes.  Her costume is a cat motif brown and black.


    I like it.  Not a combat monster by any means, but she can fill a number of slots in a team!


    To power her down. Reduce contact to 8- Dex to 24, SPD to 5

    To power her up. Str 20, Con 20, Double regen rate and increase PD ED to 12 each!



  8. I think what assult is referring to is that character in a series or novel or manga or..... that has no real use in combat and has no real skill out of combat.  What they are is a walking library.  They explain what the history/ politics/ lore/ .... of the world is like to other less educated characters.  


    In Fantasy Hero they are those people with the skill enhancers and a lot of skill.  

    They can speak/ read / write four languages idiomatically and another five fluently.

    They know the layout of every major town in the area, as well as the particular customs in each one (KS city, KS customs) We'll go with five.

    They know how to do at least three trades Ex jeweler/ whitesmith/ carving

    Scholar with cramming again five.  


    Can they fight?  Does hiding in a corner count?  At best they can use a club.  

    But when the party comes to a new town, they know all about it.  


  9. Well it has been two weeks.  School is back in session and we are hoping to help to a return to normalcy.  Smoke varies from day to day.  Some days it is very minor, and then we get like today, where it is almost like a fog (I literally can't see to the end of my street).  For once I am cheering the oncoming winter and hope the snow will totally dampen the remaining fires.  To quote the series "Winter is coming!"

  10. Killer Shrike has the following archetype I'd love to play:



    4Quick Study: WF: Common Melee, Common Missile

    20Puissant: +2 with Overall

    6Talented: Pick any 2 Skill Enhancers: (Jack of All Trades, Linguist, Traveler, Scholar)

    8Athletic: Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED) (12 Active Points); Not While Wearing Armor (-1/2)

    17Danger Sense (Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of Combat) 11-




    Keep the stats low like Dex 12 and Spd 2, Con 13, PD/ED 4.  And pack it with skills


    The package cost 55 +6 - 2 +6 +2 +1 = 68.  Even in a 125 pt game, that is a lot of skills!

  11. 2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

     He never expected the scheme to succeed, so the heroes won nothing. All that death, all those noble sacrifices, cheapened because they were pointless. :thumbdown



    In my last group where I GMed, I was explicitly told that if I set up a scenario where the fight was pointless as there were measurable benefits to it they would voice their displeasure!  Example I has a big fight with a Viper Mech Pilot that they LOVED, because it resulted in the shutting down of a weapon lab selling defective energy weapons to street gangs.  But if I had set it up as this fight was just a red herring and the weapons were still being sold... yeah table flips!


    Seriously, if I GMed this battle and then DD shows up later big a life and twice as mean, they would have walked out on me!

  12. So I have been told buy my Principal that I need to be back in YK by next Monday as we are starting classes that week.  (For those who don't know, my occupation is teacher High School).  Word is that the fire is being held and people are being asked to come back starting Sept 8.  So I will comment after I get back to YK and further update you people one the apparent situation!

  13. On 8/23/2023 at 8:00 AM, Cloppy Clip said:

    Thank you for the updates! With regards to the pantheon, do the people of Aerelios tend to worship one god in particular for themselves, or do they worship the pantheon as a whole? I'm wondering because, in the first case, would this affect how the worshippers of the chaos side of the pantheon are treated? I especially liked the addition of an NPC for each god, as it gives a more grounded view on how people relate to that deity than a more straight-forward list of mythological accomplishments might do so.


    How much does the average person from Aerelios follow religious practise? Are they quite strict there, or do a lot of people only worship as is convenient for them, in the way a lot of people today might go to church for special events but otherwise stay home on Sundays?





    I am thinking of going for an Old Pantheist feel.  Before you set out on a trip, you make an offering.  Want to avert the god of disease, make an offering.  Planning to make a sea voyage, make an offering.  Getting ready for the new plantings of the year on the farm, make an offering.  


    One thing the clerics can make are talismans.  These are low powered devices:  Examples

    Fortuitous Travel: Luck 3d6, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Season (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; +0) (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only to make travel easier; -1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), IIF Fragile (-½), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -¼) [1 cc]


    Vs Disease: Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only vs Diseases; -1 ½), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; -1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), IAF (-½), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -¼) [1 cc]


    Weather: Detect A Single Thing 17-/13- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range (25 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; -2), OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -¼) [1 cc]


    Crop Blessings: Change Environment 2" radius, Multiple Combat Effects, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Season (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; +0), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +¼) (19 Active Points); IAF Immobile Fragile (-1 ¾), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½)


    Sorry about the lack of up dates, but recent events have made things err..... difficult!




  14. Quote
    21 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:

    If it cheers you up any, I read the thread title with a medical-field perspective and was absolutely horrified that nine people wanted to discuss that with you....   :rofl:


    2 hours ago, death tribble said:

    My eyes and brain are playing tricks on me. Some times I am reading the title of the thread as Excavation Fun ! and wondering what digging is going on.





    Well thank you for the much needed laughs.  Appreciated!

  15. I live in the north of Canada and now with out really hot and dry summer we have had more than our share of wildfires.  


    One community called Enterprise was completely wiped out and the surrounding forests are black, soot covered and desolate.


    My community called Yellowknife underwent a forced evacuation.  Twenty thousand people (yes 20000) were ordered to vacate the city within 48 hours.  (cut off was Friday August 18 noon).

    Reason: a wildfire fifteen (15)  outside city limits.  Oh and the only road going OUT of town heads right through that fire.  (I wish I were making this up as a hollywood screen writer would be laughed at if he came up with this story)


    So packing the barest essentials (cell phone + charger, camera + charger, External Hard Drive for my desk top I had to leave behind, Work related lap top, clothing for 5 days, three books, and essential ID material) I managed to hitch a ride with a friend and we left on Thursday. 


    Finally as of 5 pm my time, I arrived safely in Calgary.  For now I am going to stay with my friend's family until I get an idea of how long we will be out for.


    I will say it has been an interesting experience, but once in a lifetime is more than enough!

  16. If you come in by ship, you may have to deal with these people





    There are two, one for each bank.  

    Malvil is the chief master for the west side.  He will place ships at the appropriate location so as to leave the river free of any ships sitting in the river too long.  He is mostly fair but some ship masters accuse him of playing favourites.  (Note this is true, for a small fee you can get a better spot)


    Selimna is chief master east.  Her duties are easier and harder.  She has fewer ships, but more of them are fisher folk.  Their…. Fluidity gives her headaches, as she has to deal with a disgruntled family/ captain.  Mostly she hears them out and tries to find a spot for them that was close to where they were before.  Also she has to deal with the occasional warship captain as they get priority for attention even if they have their own docking area.


  17. Gods of Chaos



    Chast The Lady of Luck/Trickery, the Queen of Chance.  Main Temple is next door to Toubaris in the east and west markets

    Storn is that guy who always seemed to be in trouble, but people liked him anyway.  But he was always pushing the envelope, and always seeming to have a new girl every few months.  It came as no surprise when he was accepted as a follower of Lady Luck.  Now he gets into even more trouble and looks for even bigger challenges.






    Bitva Wrath God. Blood, Suffering, Anger  Main shrine is near the Navy Yards

    Basra would be lauded as a fierce warrior, if she was a man.  But as a woman, she was judged unlady like.  She would pick fights and sometimes go so totally into the fight she'd attack anyone who came near her.  The only people NOT scared of her were the soldiers, she took to hanging out there.  She picked up some skills and finally felt some camadry.  When the priest at the Shrine to Bitva requested her presence to become his acolyte, she scoffed at first, but when he explained why he wanted her, she grew curious.  So she joined.



    Orchen Fire Lord  Heat.  Main shrine is in the Markets near major smithies

    Alakalin hails from the Bola Wastes. There people grow hard due to the harsh environment.  Legend has it that Orchen, the Fire Lord, helped set the Plains on fire and turned a rich grassland to a wasteland.  Alakalin was born with red eyes and many took it as a sign that the Fire Lord wanted to ravage the Wastes again.  He was forced from tribe to tribe, where he would be spat upon.  It could have made him vengeful, but instead it made him thoughtful.  He believes he is here to help fix the wastes.  Part of the secret lies in the Storm Protected City at the center of the desert.  But he'll need allies so is starting in Aerelios!



    Olea Goddess Revelry Thieves, Generosity, the Potlatch, Alcohol, Celebrations

    Chandra Mentioned Above





  18. Gods of Neutral bearing



    Kogano God of the Sky: Lord of the Sun Main shrine in the High Town area

    Not many people like Illinfar.  He was a blowhard when growing up and since he became a cleric of Kogano, he's almost insufferable.  He'll lord it over people especially when they need a potion or talisman.   Colleagues fear he's but one step from becoming that arrogant jerk who will use his influence to force you to do what he says.



    Selan  Goddess of the Night Sky: Lady of the Stars, the Navigator, Patroness of Sailors  Largest shrine is in the docks area.

    Olianas Mentioned above


    Tolar Lord of Storms, the Rain Bringer, Thunderer, Destroyer, Renewer.  Main shrine is just upstream of Aerelios where the river starts broadening out!

    It is said some people should never become parents.  That was true of Dianas' family, both near and extended.  For some reason no one liked her.  Insults were common and occasional beating became commonplace, especially from her father and uncles.  Some may have collapsed, but instead she became a hellion about it.  She became snappish and developed a very bad temper.  Then she ran away when her father tried to exercise his "Rights" over her. She wandered and hid for over a year before getting some kindness from an old man near the edge of Aerelios. It took two years before he even could start having normal conversations.  Soon he was teaching her the Mysteries of Tolar.  Now she is his assistant.  Life is looking better.



    Zylan Pestilence, Purges, Sickness, Shrine is in the main hospice/ hospital. Mostly to placate Zylan. 

    Some are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them.  Tara is certainly in the latter category.  Her beauty was her greatest asset, but she was hoping for more.  People never took her seriously.  She was asking herself if this was all there was?  She wanted more than to be a trophy.  Then the symbol appeared on her wrist and everyone distanced themselves from her. Her own family kicked her out. Her only refuge was the shrine to Zylan in the hospital.  Now she goes through the motions wondering why she was chosen!



  19. Shrines and Temples Gods of Order



    Toubaris God of Commerce and Travel  Temples are in both the eastern and western markets.

    Eladrin is from a family of jewelers.  Has traveled to the Steppes, stayed there for a few years, then went to the western coast.  Then he traveled to most of the Basin cities.  For now he administers the temple in the western market, but is planning his next voyage.  Will supply talismans for a reduced cost to help prevent cheating by the merchants.



    Themis Goddess of Justice  Small temple in both of the Guard headquarters

    Shadmar.  Victim of gang violence.  Raised by a childless guardsman.  Became a guard to protect others.  Is known for his honesty, but also not afraid to get his hands dirty


    Marilea Goddess of Earth, Agriculture and Transitions  Main shrines are actually outside the city in the farmer areas 

    Lady Lenora is from an upper class family.  Imagine their surprise when she just wanted to putter in the dirt.  Eventually she became an initiate of Marilea.  She wanders from town to town around Aerelios.  She supplies them with talismans and potions as needed, and will use the family's wealth to help those in deep debt.  Her family worries about her wandering in the farm and fields far out the city, but she claims she is fine!


    Reader God of Magic, Knowledge, Healing  Main temple at the Mage School

    Serafina is what one could call a professional student.  She likes learning, and if given time, can remember many esoteric facts years after reading them.  It was a toss up if she would go into law or medicine.  The doctor won.  Now she makes regular rounds to the city's hospices.  Also she has been summoned to help after any type of riot.  The only time she has been seen to lose her temper is when a child is harmed.  



  20. Warriors and such!




    Lochlan is a warrior from the Trammel Highlands.  Well educated and honourable, he is in Aerelios due to the machinations of a rival warrior.  He plans to return, but is biding his time and looking for allies.  Right now he rents a house in the Forest Gate area.


    Charlese is from Kerq.  The daughter of a merchant, she has finally persuaded him to allow her to try to go out on her own.  So he sent her to Aerelios to apprentice to a merchant there.  Right now she lives in the Merchant docks area.  Now just to prove herself to her father!


    Sheldron is a member of the Guard.  Given his ability, he should be higher in rank, but he likes to party hard, and will take a leave to go on some adventures.  But he always comes back and is always welcomed back into the Guard.  One redeeming feature about him is his noblesse oblige attitude.  He takes his guard work VERY seriously.


    Bartlett is one of the best bowmen in the city.  He’ll even tell you.  But his arrogance is tempered by a code of honour he follows.  Right now he is training a group for the city and so lives in the Guard area.


    Cott does not have a job.  But he always seems to have spending money, and always has a place to lay his head.  And he seems to know people.  Very charming and affable, he is also very self centered.  But his own personal code keeps him out of major trouble!


    Sagia makes her living as a calligrapher in the Craft District in the East.  But she seems to know a lot about a lot.  And she has some skills … unusual for a scholar.  She is constantly asking questions, and reading.  It is known that she has been to every major city in the Basin.  Now she wants to see the Steppes.


  21. On 7/15/2023 at 10:04 AM, Cloppy Clip said:

    I notice you've got some secrets mentioned for some of the characters, like Marlindia's Glorious Lotus training and whatever Leiria's got going on for example. Is there much backstory you've worked out for these characters behind the scenes? And if so, are there any particular tidbits you especially like?


    Glorious Lotus is a Martial Art that uses no weapons (I have a second called Splendid Fist).  It is big on defensive movements (Defensive Strike, Defensive Block, Martial Disarm, Martial Dodge etc)  Some mages like it as to use their art they can't wear armour, so this gives them an option outside of magic. 


    Yes, there are some abilities that I will allow if you have GL, like Combat Luck (-1/2 Not usable in armour).  But a dedicated GL practitioner will be able to get more that a dilatant mage.


    Leiria is just what she says she is.  She makes locks.  Yes her skill at picking them is impressive, but she just wants to practice her craft.  Whether others will leave her in peace .....



    Shamans and Runemasters




    Huldra lives near the Steppes Gate and is new to the city.  A grandmother, widow, and new Shaman, she has come to Aerelios to 1) help her people and 2) represent her people to the locals.  She is friends with Kuldhara, but he is young enough to be her son.  She lives in a small home she rents by the month, but she goes out once per week to sleep under the open sky.


    Trixie has the distinction of being the farthest from home.   From the Far Isles in the eastern sea, she is like a tourist right now.  Some underestimate her, until she shows she is very intelligent and speaks multiple languages.  Right now she lives in the docks area, helping the local fishers.  Her Shaman abilities have come in useful, so they accept her for now.  


    Shoshako is from the Northern Jungles.  He arrived in town a year ago has been hounded by the Guard.  This is because he practices Totem Warrior and travels with a partner, a fully grown panther he has bonded with.  Right now he makes money acting as a guard for caravans going to Danica, but is looking group to go see Tenryk!


    Roric is a local boy made good.  A master Bowyer and Fletcher, he has also learned Runemastery.  He despises Goblyn kind and will offer discounts to people heading to Tenryk or the Hrange Forest. 


    Hawna is a Runemaster.  Originally from Moregadore, she fell afoul of local politics.  Despairing of her country’s future, she fled and eventually made her way to Aerelios.  She has a small shop in the western craft district, as she is also a whitesmith.  She will cast runes for people, IF they can pay, and it is known that she has a Heal rune set up in her shop for emergencies.



  22. Well 14- is extremely competent,  it is like 90% in a percentile system.  So this is a person who KNOWS their infor or craft.  So Brewing at 14- means she can make just about any type of beer/ale and do it well.  Painting 19- to drive home the fact he is THE BEST (let us remember this is a point based system so 125 base his painting {assume int 15} is 17 pts, add the other art at 16- so another 11 pts)  Not everyone will have that.  


    The only skill I expect to be real high at the start is the Power Skill for Metier.  Since it has a RSR with a minus 1 / 10 AP, a starting caster with a 30 pt MP will have a minus 3.  So I anticipate this being at 16 to 18 at the start, and getting higher as they get more powerful.


    Everything else is 14- maybe 16-.  IF they want to be THE BEST, then pay the points!  Dex 18 and stealth 15-  SURE!  That's 31 pts.  

  23. Next




    Kolan is the BEST painter in the city ( Painting 19-, Portraiture 16-).  His shop is filled with his apprentices to whom he gives the lesser commissions.  At any time he is working on two to three projects.  Located in High Town.  He is always on the lookout for rare earths and substances to make his paints with.



    Shelra has a small shop in the crafts district.  She makes small glass beads, insets and decorations.  Like Kolan, she is on the lookout for rare earths to mix with her glass to make interesting colours!



    Leiria specializes in small locks for boxes and containers.  She is known for her honesty and will not divulge anything about a client or what she made.  Some in the Guard think she has a side hustle, opening boxes liberated from their owners.  She isn’t talking about this either.  She operates out of the home near the Tenryk Gate! 



    Al-Rakim’s shop is near the docks of the fisherman.  The smell of the liquids used to make his leather goods can sometimes be overpowering.  But he does make decent leather goods that do sell.  Occasionally he’ll take a special commission for a special leather.  Note he doesn’t make clothing or armour, just the leather.



    Willmia’s small shop has been around for decades.  Willmia says she’s close to seventy, but isn’t sure.  What is sure is that she can be found at her shop everyday weaving a pattern.  Currently she has two apprentices/ assistants, but she insists on doing special orders on her own.  “I’ve taught you everything you know, but not everything I know!”  Her shop is located in the craftsman district on the west side of the city.



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