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Everything posted by Blue

  1. I lived in Ohio where tornado warnings off of Lake Eerie are so common that you start to ignore them. I moved to California, where anything below a 5.5 is ignored by everyone but the media. I guess I'm saying so far they're both pretty disappointing. Fortunately! (Did I just jinx myself?) Volcanos or Tsunamis?
  2. Lime! Good god why does anyone enjoy coconut? Time to tell time... Digital Clock face or Analog clock face?
  3. What's she going to do... touch his face and absorb his money? And so on: Winter Soldier vs Nightwing
  4. Gravity does indeed cause things to fall, while I'm not sure if a Phineas can Ferb. The battle of the guys who can't shoot straight... Imperial Stormtroopers vs Thugs from every single John Woo film
  5. Adamantium because it's named after Adam Ant. Have we had an Eastwood on Eastwood crime yet? Forgive me if we've done this... Dirty Harry Callahan vs Man With No Name, The.
  6. Can't scissors beat both of them really? Let's cool off after that one with a cool-off!... Who is cooler: The Dude (The Big Lebowsky) or Jules Winfield (Pulp Fiction)
  7. Not up on my Brainiii, but everything's better with robots. The battle of the tacticians, a couple guys who use each other's abilities against them... Deathstroke (Teen Titans) vs Karnak (Inhumans)
  8. I was just at the dog park. While I was shocked at the temperature, I said Awww at least six times. Awe wins. A scorching indian summer or a long cold winter?
  9. I'm talking' 'bout shaft. (I love Rockford, but part of his appeal was that he was losing half the time) Keeping it in the family... Sherlock Holmes or his (smarter) brother, Mycroft?
  10. My natural tendency is to replace "optimal physical condition" with "whipped cream". But I'll be slightly less of a pig than usual. That kind of leaves... er... uh... (flips a coin). Batgirl. Batgirl wins! Galactus vs the Phoenix (any version you like, Dark or otherwise)
  11. Not all that familiar with a Flumph. Upon review they both seem like offspring of the flying spaghetti monster. I'm going Grell because Mike Grell was a great comic artist. (I'm pretty sure he was only half grell, on his father's side.) Speaking of the FSG... Pastafarians vs the Church of the Sub-Genius.
  12. Mr Freeze, despite Ahhhhnold. Better backstory. Cap always felt a tad generic. Ladies fight night... Big Barda vs She Hulk (Just cuz I like the imagery)
  13. Storm Giant. Because you couldn't mockingly call him a Gas Giant. Painful self-expression... A piercing though the tongue or a tattoo on your inner forearm?
  14. Swish from downtown! DH is just a term for codling your pitchers. Villains acting like good guys... Suicide Squad vs Thunderbolts
  15. Pretty sure the Grim Reaper kills Living things, that would include lasers of the living variety. Battle of the punchable extras... Advanced Idea Mechanics vs Cobra
  16. Trans fats! There are plenty of better sweeteners than HFCS. Dueling voices... Morgan Freeman vs James Earl Jones
  17. You guys think too much. I just likes da purdy pictures. I finally saw it and enjoyed it a great deal. I think I still like Gaurdians 2 and Logan a little better but then that might be my Marvel fanboyism showing a bit (I barely read any DC as a kid and very little now).
  18. Hard one to judge. H comes before L. One is high minded and the other is artsy. (Obviously I haven't see either one.) Winner is... Emma Stone. If miss stone would like to stop by and pick up her award she can do so ANY time. Day or night. And now for something I could personally never decide... M.A.S.H. vs Cheers!
  19. Night of the Lepus hops up and down on both! Wine-making Pacifist vs Chocolate Egg Magnate Jesus vs the Easter Bunny
  20. Rifles! Bayonets look silly on a pistol. Which is weirder... The state of Florida or the Country of Japan?
  21. Jason had a much better sense of direction. Love at first bite... Jaws (Moonraker) vs Jaws (Spielberg/Benchly)
  22. What I really hear is "Dee Wallace or Karen Allen". Karen Allen because freckles. The great creators... Stan Lee or Zeus
  23. Carbon Nanotubes because NANO is a great sci-fi- buzz term. Both seem to have be made of swiss cheese, but... Arkham Asylum vs the Phantom Zone
  24. Gemini Man just because it's a more compelling name Its a race to dissect the truth... CSI Gus Grissom vs Quincy M.E. (You youngin's will have to look that last one up)
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