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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Thanks! I even have that book somewhere in my vault of seldom-read books.
  2. Not necessarily Braille, but being able to read a text using very sensitive fingers to detect the raised text on the page. What's the best way to do this? Touch perception bonuses offset the (probably huge) minus you'd have for trying such a thing? Analyze enhanced sense modifier applied to the touch group? Something else?
  3. "Weak and Powerless" by A Perfect Circle
  4. What? Destroy geek cred? Well... okaaaaay...! Never watched Babylon Five. When I was a kid I hated Dr. Who (It looked so cheap!). So recently I decided to finally catch a new episode. Better production values but I still didn't care. I've seen half of two Harry Potter movies and never read a single one of the books. Looks fine. No objections. I just can't bring myself to enthusiasm. Haven't read more than a chapter of a book in six years. Can't keep my attention on it! Maybe I need pills... I'm seeing a pattern. I despise transformers. New movies, old tv show, etc. I feel like Tom Hanks in BIG. "I don't get it! It changes into a building! Who wants to play with a building?" It changes into car... wasn't it cooler as a robot than as a volkswagen?
  5. Serial Podcast, episode 9. I didn't get on board until a week ago but I love a good mystery.
  6. So old you've probably seen it before. Still cute though...
  7. "I don't know but I've been told Scrooge McDuck is really old Sound off!"
  8. And now, the UFC thing. I like punk and kind of fear for his safety. http://espn.go.com/mma/story/_/id/11991124/cm-punk-joins-ufc-fight-2015
  9. Here's the power I want a character to have... The ability to cause someone's danger sense to "trip" even when there's no danger. At first I thought about using a drain and attaching the special effect that it's always ringing and thus useless, but it's really not the same thing. I want the villain (a trickster) to be periodically tripping the danger sense and causing the hero to jump to conclusions about what's happening next. Hero A walks down the street, a woman gets out of a van carrying a cake box, the hero's danger sense trips. Hilarity ensues. How do I trip the hero's danger sense when there's no real danger. Some sort of images vs Danger sense?
  10. a combination of the Harmontown podcast and my dog snoring.
  11. he Nerdist Podcast with Adam Savage as Guest.
  12. Harmontown Podcast. Dan Harmon just murdered superman with a kryptonite knife. I guess the simplest ways sometimes work the best.
  13. Techsupportman! I show up and instantly the failing computer stops doing evil. It's scared into acting right! Or so everyone tells me.
  14. Lack of aspersions. Your city is what you want it to be. My campaign city is a per planned city that would have benefitted from geomagnetic lay lines if it hadn't gone so wrong; a failed utopia essentially. Also, if it's your city you can put it anywhere. We already know where Chicago and Miami are, but Loothaven, TX, home to more robberies per capita than anywhere else? That's where you want it.
  15. Dang! Finally home to come download all my old purchases for safekeeping and I'm a week late.

  16. Queens of the Stone Age, "Like Clockwork"
  17. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Merry Xmas from me and my puppeh. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45355[/ATTACH]
  18. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Thats awesome
  19. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Don't you just want to hug it? Or that other thing. Run like hell! Yeh, that's it.
  20. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... [ATTACH=CONFIG]45136[/ATTACH] Never tried to post a pic from my iPad before. Last see if this works. This is my dog/Dragon Henry. He refused to wear the head piece.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hollywood Babble-on podcast with guest John Lovitz
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