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Everything posted by MisterVimes

  1. Re: It's not easy being iconic I think you've hit the Head on the nail (or something like that). All of this goes back to the CORE icons. What is Superman but a modern Hercules? One's an alien from another planet, the other is an alien from Mt. Olympus... yeah, I know he's a demi-god, but you get the point). Batman owes his roots to the Shadow and the Spider who trace their roots back to Sherlock Holmes and C. Auguste Dupin. I think that League of Extraordinary Gentlemen has shown us that...
  2. EXACTLY! That's the crux of the whole argument. If it is a tight enough group to be defined as a SFX and can be Dispelled, Supressed, Drained, Transfered or Absorbed based on that special effect, then into an EC it goes.
  3. I'm with you on that. But I see the argument against EC (Magic) as well. If everyone in my campaign were mages, I don't think I'd allow it. But if you have a Light Elemental and an Ice Elemental in the game... why NOT a Magic Elemental?
  4. Re: The Outsiders? Whoa.. nostalgia They had a second run (with nice art by Paul Pelletier) that I actually liked a lot. The team was: Geo-Force (original team), Faust (the son of Felix Faust), Technocrat (Geoffrey Barrow; an inventor and business magnate), Wylde (Charlie Wylde; Geoffrey Barrow´s bodyguard; magically merged with a bear; ); Katana (original team), Halo (original team), Looker (original team). and later the Eradicator (from the death of Superman )
  5. Um... can't we start a petition to get a new hat for Blue Falcon and better shoes for Tinker-Brick?
  6. Starburst? Isn't Sunburst the badguy with the god-complex?
  7. Well keep it between you and me (and 666 other registered users)
  8. I feel so much better now... I wanted to vote for Mother Raven:o
  9. Ok... I've been trying to think of a way to say this without hurting anyone's feelings. I have been voting for the Champions in the Champions vs. SAS battle... but I didn't want to. I voted for the Champions because I am a team player... but I really don't like our Iconic Characters very much. I like Defender... and I like Kenetik (even though he's not officially one of the team)... and that's it. I don't like Ironclad (I miss Obsidian), I don't like the rest of them. Honestly... I didn't like most of the last team. Then in CU we'd be introduced to all these other interesting characters. You see, I was hoping for a team of Champions that looked like this: 1) Defender (l) 2) Crusader 3) Obsidian 4) Solitaire 5) Kenetik 6) *insert energy projector here* But alas, I got the new team. It's not that the new team is BAD... they just don't excite me... they don't thrill me and I don't have the feeling of familiarity of the old team (even if I didn't like 3 of them either). I know this is a minor issue... heck, it's not even an issue. It's just me expressing an opinion. I love HERO and I worship Champions... but couldn't we have had The Protectors instead? *dons flame retardant suit*
  10. It was the thought that counts... I feel your pain:D
  11. And for those that can't wait... Terran Empire at RPGshop
  12. Actually with that Lim, you can be caught without the suit (requiring time to put the outfit on) but it simulates a bunch of suits back at the house. It's not a focus and can't be 'taken'. This is the 'Iron Man' Effect. If the suit goes blooey he heads back to Stark Ent. and grabs a new suit... this Lim (since it is a -1/4) is less likely to crop up than the OIF (a -1/2). It's the best way to go with an advanced power armor guy.
  13. Only in Hero ID (it prevents naughty people from prying your suit off) it's a -1/4 lim.
  14. I think the simplest solution is to define the Power Armor as OIHID (as Monolith and I so often do) rather than OIF and that would end it.
  15. In reference to the Soviet Angle (which I used once in a Campaign). Here's DC's take on the Proletariat Superman...
  16. You could link two energy blasts and have time delay on the second, like this: Cost Power END 29 Blob Gun: (Total: 65 Active Cost, 29 Real Cost) Energy Blast 6d6 (vs. ED), 16 Charges (+0) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 15) plus Energy Blast 4d6 (vs. ED), 16 Charges (+0), Time Delay (+1/4), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2) (35 Active Points); OAF (-1), Linked to Energy Blast (-1/4), Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value (-1/4) (Real Cost: 14) Powers Cost: 29
  17. The name of this one just called out to me. The focus is a pack of Cigarettes... this should be really annoying to your PC's... Cost Equipment END 20 Brick-otine: Density Increase (1600 kg mass, +20 STR, +4 PD/ED, -4" KB), 16 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+1/2) (30 Active Points); IAF (Pack of Cigarettes) (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value)
  18. Not my artwork, but I found a great resource for George Perez JPGs that might be helpful to some of you. George Perez Archive
  19. Re: Re: Discrimanatory question I've always viewed Discriminatory Touch as the 'Daredevil effect'. I even seem to recall that back in the old days (before Enhanced senses were so modular) that it was defined exactly that way (and Discriminatory Taste would allow you to pretty much define the ingredients in whatever you tasted, etc.)
  20. Re: Discrimanatory question That's the way I've always handle it.
  21. Maybe an Autofire, Usable on Other with PSL's? Nah... that's not going to give you the effect... nevermind. *concentrates hard on problem*
  22. I remember that from 4th Ed Fantasy Hero, I was just checking to see if it had been updated for FREd. I have a feeling that it MAY be presented as an optional combat manuever, but if it isn't (barring a house rule), rapid shot may fill the bill.
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