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Everything posted by ogier300

  1. Damn! I so wish I had the talent to do that stuff.
  2. Anti is pejorative. "Alternative Crime Team" is much less offensive to the those engaged in acts that are not standard crimes.
  3. So I'm reading an old National Geographic from the late '70s in the bathroom today, and it mentions that the paint (just the paint!!!) on a modern mid-sized oil tanker weighs 400 tons. Just the paint on the outside of the tanker! 400 tons! Jeez Louise. So my vote for mismatch -- anyone who can casually lift a Supertanker vs. anyone who can't.
  4. ... they consider Bulldozer the Master Villain of the campaign. ... if they call in help to battle Green Dragon. ... if they take Foxbat seriously.
  5. It wasn't too long after that Robin/Batman confrontation that Dick took up the Nightwing ID, I believe. Marv Wolfman and George Perez really did a lot to make Dick into his own person in the early 80s. He's definitely grown more than Bruce Wayne/Batman.
  6. Wouldn't it be worth it to just buy Rapid Attack instead?
  7. HERO can do realism... just use most of the optional rules, like hit locations and the like, and you'll drop people in one shot. It can also handle people with MGs, tanks, and the like. However, the more "realism" you want, the longer the fight will probably take... though I think that's pretty much standard with any game system.
  8. Doc's 2516 pts. 310 of it in bases. Oh, and the really nasty attack combo... 10D6 RKA + 8D6 Speed Drain MPA...
  9. Has nothing to do with stat inflation, and everything to do with genre emulation. In the comics (at least, until Keith Giffen and JMD poked fun at it), even the out of shape supers are still incredibly good at what they do. They're simply better than "normal" folks, even if they're supposed to be normal themselves. Its part of what makes them superheroes and not just a schmuck in a spanex outfit. So yeah, Pulsar is a high school dropout (and that, btw, doesn't necessarily reflect a lack of intelligence), but is still fairly bright. Or Witchcraft can actually be really dexterous, despite a lifetime spent in study. Why? Because it makes them more heroic... they're cut from better cloth than the average person. Stat inflation, I think, is something that happens when people try to one up each other or their opponents with out regard to character concept. Witchcraft is DEX 20... which is on the low end of DEX in the CU, and fits the character and genre. However, if she's DEX 28 (and thus better than nearly anyone else on the team), while still supposedly a bookworm... that's stat inflation. The key is to compare the characters to other characters at their power level, not to the mooks and red-shirts they're supposed to beat up.
  10. I've always liked Dr. Destroyer. He's got that Darkseid/Thanos thing going now. You don't defeat him, you defeat his plans. And when you do finally defeat him, you know you've reached the pinnacle of being a superhero. He's the shiny brass ring, the top rung of villainy. As for him hiding out? Well, from the backstory, it sounds like when he was in Detroit, -every- superhero in the world pretty much came to battle him. And he was at his old power level, so no 30D6 + 20D6 MPAs... I figure he went into hiding just to let things cool down, as well as to uppower his suit.
  11. But your second version of Batman describes a different character than your first. The first version is a highly trained man who's focussed on training himself for combat. The second version is a man with raw talent that has a bit of fighting experience. Which matches the typical description of Batman? Sometimes the character you're building shouldn't be efficient. Also, I'm working on an Iron Man conversion: http://members.shaw.ca/ogier/forgeiron.htm I welcome comments.
  12. Go to Powers, pick Enhanced Senses, select Rapid and then choose Normal Sight as the option. Take it at two levels. Voila. Universal isn't worth more or less as a limitation, I don't think.
  13. I'd do it with: 6 Hypervision: Rapid (Normal Sight) x100 That'd pretty much cover it, I think.
  14. I think that Flash probably has Rapid on his Normal Sight, at least (3pts for x10 speed...). I don't like the use of Independent on the costume -- pretty sure that obligates a GM to take it away from you at some point. But it's a good idea to have the costume. Are you trying to fit this guy into 350pts?
  15. Museum and Auction House. Private mansion. Art Gallery. Post Office.
  16. An example of how I see the difference: For part of his run, Captain America would help out Nick Fury and SHIELD on various missions. He wasn't, however, a SHIELD agent. This is "Watched: SHIELD". On the other hand, Black Widow was a SHIELD agent for a time. She gets Social Lim: Subject to Orders. Basically, the difference is that while Cap could blow off Nick and do what he liked (with the main consequence being SHIELD getting pissy at him), Natasha could be fired and lose her job, as well as having SHIELD pissy at her.
  17. On the other boards, I suggested buying multiple dice of Luck as Recoverable Charges, where recovering was contingent on doing something appropriately dramatic. 6 Drama Point : Luck 4d6 (20 Active Points); 1 Recoverable (Do something dramatic) Charges (-1 1/4), Limited Power (Only useable in Dramatic Situations; -1)
  18. I'd allow 'can be missile deflected' as kind of moving things down on the MD chart -- so a SFX power blast with the limitation would be deflected as though it were an arrow or something. As for the 'unexpected collisions', I'll note that he doesn't have any Megascaled senses, so when he's using his Ultramove, he's likely going to be having a lot of unexpected collisions at around 420,000 km/hr (Mach 350!)... How many dice damage is that? Also, I'd suggest a name change for the running powers -- Hyper-sonic Running lets him go 126 km/hr, while the Ultramove gets him up to Mach 350... hmmm? Swap those. Also, shave some points, and build a Desolid linked to the Megascaled running, to prevent him from getting pancaked. Or, turn that into a Teleport instead.
  19. 1. Spider-Man (With Great Power comes Great Responsibility) 2. Iron Man (The Flawed Knight) 3. Superman (Alien Embodies the Best of Humanity) 4. Black Panther (King, Teacher, Scientist, Leader, Businessman...) 5. Daredevil (Justice vs. Law) 6. Jesse Custer (A Good Man with the Word of God) 7. Deadman (The Dead Live) 8. Spawn (Agent of Hell doing Good) 9. Dr. Manhattan (With Great Power Comes Detachment) 10. Punisher (Pure Vengeance)
  20. Okay, that's one fast runner... Ultramove is 1" Megascaled to 100,000km. SPD 7 x 100,000 km = 700,000 km a turn. 3,500,000 km a minute. 210,000,000 km/hr. Or, approx 58,000 km/sec. Or around 20% the speed of light. Or, Mach 175,000 or so. Somehow "Sonic Boom" doesn't seem to encapsulate the side effects...
  21. I always liked the Checkmate organization over in the DC Universe. Highly trained and extremely well-equipped agents who could do some pretty funky stuff. Also chess themed. Also loved the Suicide Squad concept. That's one I'd like to use as a tournament concept... "Okay, you're playing Pulsar, he's Ogre, and he's Chesire Cat. You're mission, and you WILL accept it, is to ..."
  22. I think you're right about it having to be left Constant... once he activates his Invisibility, it should stay on until he's attacking. What kind of game is this character for? I ask, cause a Martial Artist with only a 4 SPD and 5 DEF seems rather underpowered for Superhero work.
  23. ogier300

    Iron Man

    I'm working from this list on Advanced Iron, mostly, as my standard. Look under armor specs. Figure there's about 21 Marks (not including minor upgrades) and about 10 specialty armors. Lots of work ahead of me.
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