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Doug McCrae

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Everything posted by Doug McCrae

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Singer. It's Scottish slang.
  2. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen
  3. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen It's cause we don't read any books except sci-fi and fantasy.
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That last one was a minger.
  5. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe)
  6. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen If we accept villains, how about the Kurgan from Highlander?
  7. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe)
  8. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) This is an excellent breakdown of Superman's power development.
  9. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...) Klaatu barada nicto!
  10. Re: Killing Charachters/Villians in your games. Do you do it?
  11. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen Those are really good. Bizarre (particularly the inclusion of Bob Dylan) but good.
  12. Re: Campaign idea: Kirby's Fourth World homage In a way Jack Kirby's Fourth World is going 'back to basics' by being closer to mythology than most superhero stories. Features: 1) Complete fantasy worlds - Apokolips and New Genesis - rather like Asgard or Olympus. 2) No real world science. The power sources are allegedly technology, super science and weird energy sources rather than magic, but they are completely unrealistic. Its kind of fantasy technology. 3) Strong story elements. The babies swapped at birth to uphold the truce is absolute classic. Likewise I think you want to focus on family relationships and possibly steal plots from mythology - the death/resurrection of Osiris for example.
  13. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...) In Battle of the Planets they said 'Transmute!'
  14. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen 70s: Starsky & Hutch Bluto from Animal House (though Animal House feels really 80s)
  15. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen True, but in those days only the bad guys had kewl powers so Moore was forced to dip in to em for a bit more colour.
  16. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen Uh, dude? They were *all* fictional.
  17. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen I wouldn't allow traditional superheroes in a modern LXG cause they're not modern. Almost all of em date from the late 30s/40s or the 60s. The last decent superhero of note was Wolverine. Tom Swift would be right out for that same reason. He was created in 1910 or something, wasn't he? For me the modern LXG would include: Buffy - A No. 1 Harry Potter (don't care for the character but ya just can't ignore him) Neo from the Matrix - except he's a bit problematic, requiring our world to be a VR simulation A spy - Alias or 24 Someone genetically modified like Dark Angel or the movie Spider-man (now I'm breaking my own no superheroes rule) If not Neo then some other kung fu dude - maybe Beatrix Kiddo AKA The Bride AKA Black Mamba
  18. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen No. They were discussing a modern real LXG, based upon a Victorian/Edwardian real LXG. Admittedly it wasn't very interesting so we've had to hijack that thread.
  19. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) The utility belt? Now *that's* a VPP. Skills in a VPP are pure twink OTOH.
  20. Re: US civil awards? If it had its own special awards, like a profession, I think that would entail superheroing organised on a level you don't really see in the comic books. I mean they'd have salaries and bosses and working hours. And union representation. And then organised crime would get involved.
  21. Re: US civil awards? Yeah! Thanks a lot guys. (Figured I should also thank you seeing as I asked for the info.)
  22. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) Batman's player is obviously a very bad rules rapist. Skills monger, base, vehicles - *very* points inefficient in the HERO system. Superman's player OTOH kicks ass. All those -1/4 limitations that seldom come into play: Doesn't work versus magic, doesn't work while exposed to kryptonite, doesn't work under Krypton-level gravity, doesn't work under the light of a red sun. I bet he's got a Kryptonian elemental control too, which is practicaly cheating.
  23. The PCs in my game recently saved some New York dignitaries - councilmen, community leaders, local businessmen and the like - from death at the hands of a group of super-terrorists called The Family. I'm figuring the mayor will recommend them for some some sort of civil award. So what would that be in the US? Also could anyone provide a list of awards superheroes are likely to receive, for future reference?
  24. Re: Name for villain? Bloodsucker
  25. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) The first Champions campaign I ran (250 pts) had a character with a 27d6 attack and defences of something like 60/60 IIRC. Hey what can I say - I was a bad *bad* GM.
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