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Doug McCrae

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Everything posted by Doug McCrae

  1. Re: Amplifying Disadvantages It's a bit weird cause Disadvantages as a single category are a game concept rather than a world concept. Phobia of the New Brotherhood of Evil could heighten people's fears whether or not they got points for having a fear of spiders. You're kind of in the realm of Silver Age DC rules - stuff like Duplicate Boy who could duplicate any power whether it was caused by strange radiation, strange gasses or being from Krypton.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I think that means the thread is now indistinguishable from magic.
  3. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon Interesting tactical analysis, Intrope. Sorry to see the machine losing a few. Definitely feel the 18d6 blast is the way to go. Huge amounts of damage are just great in Champions, because of the threshold defense.
  4. Re: Okay, read it through, here's my view That's a feature, not a bug. The full-colour hardback SAS has two rather different looking pictures of Red Phoenix. One has red hair and is kind of tough looking (the one on the cover), the other has blonde hair and looks a bit more Silver Age apart from her 90s style bare midriff. I think they're Silver Age/Iron Age versions or maybe pre-Crisis/post-Crisis or something like that.
  5. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Unless the game in question is a solo, I don't think examples from Iron Man's own comic are appropriate. The vast majority of campaigns are analogous to the Avengers, or some other team book. In the Avengers I can't recall a single example of IM not having his armour when he needs it, which would mean it isn't a limitation at all. I have to admit though I can think of an occasion when it was damaged in Avengers #1 Vol 1. A blow from the Incredible Hulk disables his propulsion battery and he has to repair it. Still that was the crappy old gold armour, which probably got damaged all the time. I think what happened is that IM bought off his Focus limitation.
  6. Re: Villains versus Villains It seems to me that unless the fight was talking place in an inhabited area, PC superheroes, being the pragmatists they invariably are, wouldn't want to break it up. They'd wait for the fight to end then, once both sides were exhausted, arrest everyone.
  7. Re: Creepy Pics. Those dolls were waay creepy.
  8. Re: The cranky thread I have a serious, serious, SERIOUS problem with procrastination. Everyone procrastinates, I know, but I've got a real bad case of it.
  9. Re: Need (More) Help With Marvel Age Game A problem with vampires in a Marvel Age game is that the walking dead were banned by the Comics Code at that time. From the 1954 Comics Code General Standards Part B: The comics code was relaxed in 1971, opening the door for stuff like Werewolf By Night and Blade the Vampire Slayer.
  10. Re: accepting rules suggestions for 1st Annual Combat Wombat Steel Cage Grudge Match! As I think a previous poster mentioned you could keep every limitation provided it actually limits by the correct amount. So for example, for Power Doesn't Work On Tuesdays (-1/4), there'd be a 20% chance it was Tuesday the day of the fight. For OIF and OIHID I think I might rule that the character starts the combat in normal ID, without his power armour or whatever.
  11. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon The Champions should also abort to defensive maneuvers whenever they're attacked as I believe a previous poster pointed out.
  12. Re: Bad Girl Hero In order to determine precisely how bad a particular bad girl is you can use the Bad Girl Art Index.
  13. Re: accepting rules suggestions for 1st Annual Combat Wombat Steel Cage Grudge Match! The only rules should be those in the Big Black Book. I wanna see some *monsters* dammit!
  14. Re: The Legacy PBEM The Thirty-Something Titans
  15. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon You mean Killing Attacks?
  16. Re: Doom Patrol Champions She's a babe... she's a robobabe!
  17. Re: Doom Patrol Champions I think that's a great idea. It would have a very distinct period flavour. I hadn't heard of the Sea Devils but I looked them up and discovered they were very much in the FF mould (though actually preceded the Marvel team and almost certainly served as inspiration for them). Challengers of the Unknown - '57 Sea Devils - '61 Fantastic Four - '61 Metal Men - '62 Doom Patrol - '63 You might want to also look to the Fantastic Four for inspiration. The somewhat darker qualities of Marvel probably inspired the Doom Patrol. Being explorers, like the Challengers and Sea Devils, the FF are sort of a halfway house between them and the Doom Patrol. It seems to me that explorers were very much in peoples' minds in the late 50s and early 60s presumably due to the start of the space program. Sputnik - '57 NASA established - '58 First manned space flight - '61 BTW I love the Metal Men. The oldest comic I own is Metal Men #20 - 'Birthday Cake for a Cannibal Robot'. For my own historical superhero universe I was pondering a Silver Age explorer team composed of robots. Robot explorers make a lot of sense being expendable.
  18. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...)
  19. Re: Status of My Mixed Power-Level Campaign Sounds really interesting. It's fortunate you still have one of each type.
  20. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) That was a pretty good write-up. I'd give him Climbing better than 8- as he's shown scaling the side of a building in Action Comics #1. Good call on the Acting 13- to pretend he's cowardly and spineless most of the time.
  21. Re: Doom Patrol Champions Which version? The only one I'm familiar with is Grant Morrison's high weirdness run which had some amazing moments (Flex Mentallo, "You forgot the power to create escape-proof spirit jars") but missed more often than it hit I felt. I've heard the original run was better.
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