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Matt the Bruins

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Posts posted by Matt the Bruins

  1. On 6/30/2022 at 4:39 PM, TrickstaPriest said:


    I mean, it bothers me because literally everyone is fooling themselves at thinking they are making "the correct financial decision for their retirement" by supporting these policies.  Retiring is hard when your grocery bill is higher than rent.........

    Oh, the lack of air conditioning during a heat wave will probably get them before starvation becomes an issue.

  2. Being an antisocial hermit has helped me immensely in both avoiding the disease and in not being distressed by the protective measures needed to do so. I suspect my luck will finally run out on this October's trip to a family wedding in Las Vegas, but I'll be timing my next booster to peak at that time as the best thing I can do short of opting out. My GP just told me that vaccines adjusted to be more effective against the newer omicron variants may be available in the fall.

  3. On 6/3/2022 at 11:34 AM, unclevlad said:

    I'd also wonder if you're effectively shutting down your sense of taste from the overload.  


    It does seem to me that trying a second time shortly thereafter would unfairly benefit from his taste buds still being shocked from the first attempt. Of course I've never actually tried swallowing a lit piece of charcoal, so I don't know how that process works, exactly.

  4. On 6/11/2022 at 12:05 PM, DShomshak said:

    Disturbingly, the Russian ambassador who recently resigned over the Ukraine invasion claims that many Russian strategic policy people think, or claim to think, that Russia could achieve a quick and easy victor over the US by using nuclear weapons. Just drop a nuke on some small town in the US, and the cowardly Americans will drop to their knees and beg for mercy. The ambassador thinks they're insane.

    Like unclevlad, I think the ambassador is downplaying the divorce from reality. The US responded to a couple of very prominent buildings being knocked down by all but flattening the country hosting the terrorist training camps of said attack's mastermind (and incidentally invading another completely unrelated country we didn't like while we were riled up). The amount of [crap] we would lose at a hostile nuke detonating on American soil would be like nothing seen in human history.

  5. You might be interested in a similar VPP power I developed for my Young Scratch character:


    Through Me The Way Is To The City Dolent: Extra-Dimensional Movement (single location in the Netherworld), Area Of Effect (personal Surface—Damage Shield; +¼), Constant (+½), Usable As Attack (does not work on targets of good character or who have holy objects upon their person; +1¼) (60 Active Points); Gestures (both hands; -½), Incantations (-¼), No Range (-½). Total cost: 27 points.


    I set up the exceptions conditions on the UAA so that it wouldn't work on anyone who wasn't going to end up there eventually anyway.

  6. Phantoms by Dean Koontz. It's a really interesting premise (as seen in the film adaptation), but Koontz' writing style is so reminiscent of leveled readers I encounter in early childhood publishing that I was breaking out in laughter every time a chapter ended with an exclamatory one-sentence paragraph. If you want to introduce your kids in elementary school to horror, it will be much more readable to them than most books that aren't in the children's library.

  7. On 4/17/2022 at 11:45 PM, csyphrett said:

    Columbo has to deal with Oskar Weiner killing his mother in law as the invisible man, and George Hamilton accidentally killing the husband of a woman he is dating and then hypnotizing her to jump off her fifth floor balcony.


    Was this a crossover with Love at First Bite?

  8. I'm kind of rolling the dice with risk statistics. I have a family event to attend in Las Vegas this October, so unless a variant surge gets really bad in my neck of the woods I'm going to postpone getting the second booster until early September to maximize my protection while I'll be surrounded by the most people from all over.

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