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Matt the Bruins

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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    “Although it is the instinct of every district attorney to defend convictions, our job is to see that justice is done.”
    It's refreshing to hear a prosecutor express that principle, even in Texas. It's one that should be emphasized throughout the judiciary and law enforcement.
  2. Thanks
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    "The University of Memphis said in a statement that due to free speech, they cannot legally prohibit the event."
    That's garbage and they know it. The First Amendment applies to government censoring or banning speech. It doesn't require any private organization to provide a platform for speech that it doesn't approve of.
  3. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Biden just gave the best State of the Union speech I've ever seen.  And I've seen many.  Amazing energy level throughout an 80-minute speech for a man who was supposedly "too old". 
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Iuz the Evil in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Sweden ends a 200 year policy of nonalignment going back to the Napoleonic wars to join NATO. This is absolutely devastating to Putin’s dreams of empire reconstruction, and in my opinion a huge success for the safety and stability of Europe in the face of Russian expansionism. It’s also a repudiation for military adventurism as a political tool. 
    Good news in my book. Sweden is no joke, Finland either, when it comes to their military contribution to the alliance. As a deterrent force, NATO just got stronger.
  5. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I owe the author of A Handmaid's Tale an apology. I used to think it was too far fetched as a setting. I didn't know it was a 2025 plan for that many GOP members
  6. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Pariah in Foods for those that just don't care anymore   
    ot this book for Christmas, forgot about it asa soon as we got back from Colorado. Rediscovered it a few days ago and began reading. There's a lot of crazy recipes in here, but Dylan says he only included the ones that taste good (with the exception of five really awful ones at the end). Gonna have to try some of these soon.

  7. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    All I've seen of Joe Biden is that he's a little slower than he used to be, he occasionally forgets something but never anything important, and he occasionally  misspeaks, which frankly he's done his entire life. Nothing that raises any concerns for me. He's convinced me that he can do the job, and he's accomplished much more than anyone expected. As for his age, my landlord is 95 and still drives, mows his lawn and does home repairs. This is 2024, eighty is the new sixty.
    Donald Trump is obese, physically feeble, and doing his best impression of the local crazy old man ranting at the neighbors from his front porch. He proved he was unfit for the job even before all that.
  8. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Cygnia in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    'Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia': Expert points to new evidence
  9. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to L. Marcus in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Whoah! When did Doonesbury get all political?
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to starblaze in Nastiest Villain Of Them All   
    The original.  Not very complex but man that killing attack is brutal.  I used him several times when I just want a near unstoppable villain.
  11. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Nastiest Villain Of Them All   
    An argument could be made in favor of Taipan (CV3) for nastiness. Reputedly CU Earth's deadliest superpowered assassin, Taipan's SPD of 12 and HTH OCV of 18 (with CSL) are intimidating enough in themselves.
  12. Haha
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Your Character's Costume?   
    Real men RIP their shirts open before jumping into the fray!
  13. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from FenrisUlf in Champions Universe: Unique Character Origins   
    I used the Zodiac Working as the origin for my character Young Scratch, who's about midway between Daimon Hellstrom and Little Nicky on the devil-kid spectrum. Asmodeus was my demonic father of choice for him, and I threw a couple of Easter eggs into his background like the surname Woodhouse and occasional references to knowing "Aunt Yoko" from a childhood spent at the Dakota Apartments.
  14. Haha
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from DentArthurDent in Creepy Pics.   
    Ruh-roh, Raggy!
  15. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Is Teleport a "Mental Power?"   
    For what it's worth, Menton has Teleportation listed as an example power from his Vast Psionic Powers VPP under the name Psychokinetic Body Transmission. So it's at least theoretically available as a psionic power in the Champions setting, though there probably aren't that many powers Menton is unable to access as such.
  16. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to DShomshak in Holiday-Themed CU Villains   
    Back in my old "Seattle Sentinels" campaign, one of the PCs disguised himself as a villain to make contact with the vampire Lady Twilight (see Creatures of the Night: Horror Enemies). We ran it near Hallowe'en, so calling it "Trick or Treat" was inevitable.
    A year later, as Oct 31 approached again, I ran "Trick or Treat II: The Movie." The Seattle Sentinels agreed be consultants for a movie inspired by some of their adventures. They ran into some loonies who'd been enthralled by Lady Twilight, engaged in a "Scooby-Doo" scam against the movie (they were upset at her portrayal) -- then a pair of real ghosts, including the Haunt (CotN again) in the old house used as a filming location.
    In my first "Keystone Konjurors" playtest campaign for Ultimate Supermage, the heroes were trapped in a recursive series of horrific dreamworlds by Tappan Arkwright II (Arcane Adversaries), in "Trick or Treat: The Next Generation."
    The second Keystone Konjurors campaign ended near Christmas. Coincidentally, one of the PCs was pregnant with an infant that was the focus of a plan by Yahweh to escape Heaven. In the simultaneous escape of Yahweh from Heaven and the PCs from Hell, it was obligatory for the hasty EDM to deposit them in Bethlehem, PA.
    ADDENDUM: I almost forgot: During the second KK campaign, we gamed on Oct 31 but one of the players couldn't make it. So I just did a short, silly fill-in scenario in which the PCs (and Black Fang, who at this time was merged with his human side for a sane and controlled personality, married to a PC, and effectively an NPC hero) decide to crash the Emperor of Babylon's Hallowe'en party. Hijinks ensued and a good time was had by all.
    Dean Shomshak
  17. Haha
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Cygnia in A Thread For All Things Creepy And/Or Scary   
    Collateral damage is half the fun of exterminating wasps. Napalm the nest and watch the little @#$%!s fly away burning!
  18. Confused
  19. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Won't someone think of the debt collectors?!
  20. Thanks
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Certified in What Does Each Star Trek Series Do Best?   
    Discovery: Pissing off people who don't think Star Trek should "go woke", thus showing they didn't pay attention to the original series.
  21. Confused
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in A Thread For All Things Creepy And/Or Scary   
    Merry Christmas!

  22. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Foods for those that just don't care anymore   
    I am using today to discover if man can live by cookies alone. 
  23. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Oh, sadly, I think I can explain that one. Some of them, the attitude is fetus = baby. Baby = Innocent. Criminal however, has done something wrong, not only can criminals be punished, they deserve to be. These same folks avoid nuance much like unclevlad said.  So the 'let the punishment fit the crime' is a forgotten aspect of it. Just punish. Babies though? Innocent of crime, so even if a danger to the mother, well, too bad. The mother had sex, and that, like crime, has consequences by golly. It's an easy attitude to take if you have no personal skin in the game as it has the benefit of not requiring too much thought, AND you get to feel morally superior at the same time.   Sadly this attitude often skips the virtues of empathy, thoughtfulness, and humility.
  24. Haha
  25. Thanks
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    We've been on there for a while now. 
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