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    DoctorImpossible reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Jokes   
    How long did Cain beat his brother?

    For as long as he was able.
  2. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    A father finds his son looking starry-eyed and asks what he is thinking about.
    "Dad, I think I am in love" his son replies.
    "Who is the lucky girl?" the dad asks
    "Our next-door neighbor, Julie." the boy says.
    The father gets an uncomfortable look on his face and says "Son, you can't date Julie.  Her mother and I had an affair some years ago, and it turns out she is your sister."
    The boy is crushed, but youth is resilient, and within a month the father finds his son again with a dreamy look on his face.
    "Looks like you found another girl!  Who is it?"
    "Christine from up the street.  I thought I loved Julie, but Christine is perfect."
    The father clears his throat and shifts from side to side.  "Son, I hate to tell you this, but Christine is your sister too.  You'll  have to break it off.  But don't worry, there are plenty of fish in the sea."
    Of course the boy is devastated, and mopes around for a couple months before the father finds him with that look in his eye again.
    "Dad, this time I am sure I found the right girl.  Jennifer from around the block is everything I could hope for."
    The father sighs.  "Son, I don't know how to tell you this, but Jennifer is your sister too."
    Three strikes in a row, and the boy runs off crying.  He is still sobbing in his room when his mother finds him and asks what is wrong.  The boy is reluctant to tell his mother about his father's infidelities, but finally the story comes out.  The mother pats him on the back comfortingly.
    "Oh honey, don't worry.  You can date whoever you want.  He isn't your real father."
  3. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to mattingly in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Have you seen the What We Do in the Shadows TV series?
    She's the Turkish-Delight pusher herself -- the White Queen.
  4. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Currently watching a handful of my favourites of Tilda Swinton. 
    Only Lovers Left Alive - A slow paced emotional drama with John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Tom Hiddleston, and Tilda Swinton. Tom Hiddleston is a vampire with depression. He's currently going through a small period of suicidal thoughts so his old friend, and fellow vampire, Tilda Swinton, travels from her home in Tangier to visit him at his house in Detroit and keep him company, hopefully dissuading him from acting on it.
    Orlando - The life of a person born a man in the 1600s, quite androgynous and a skilled poet, as he becomes Queen Elizabeth's confidante, ceases aging because she told him to, romances a Russian Princess and an American rebel (who may or may not be the spirit of freedom and adventure), and one day wakes as a woman, still being very androgynous, because the masculine world was no longer suiting her.
    Constantine - A DC action film that totally butchers the DC trickster wizard and his world, not even pronouncing his name in the right way. But, at least it makes good use of Tilda Swinton as the appropriately agendered archangel Gabriel, who advises Constantine on the will of God as he tries saving the world from Satan's rebelling son.
    The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe - Tilda Swinton plays Jadis, the White Queen. She's an immortal, albino, giant, who created Narnia after destroying her last world in order to have somewhere new to conquer and currently reigns over it as the Queen of an endless winter without a christmas. (Yeah. Fun fact: when Aslan said "Don't quote the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written!", what he's carefully not mentioning is that, though he was there, it was *her* who wrote and cast the deep magic. She actually *is* Queen of Narnia, rightfully, and the Humans from our world are colonial invaders.) 
  5. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Currently watching a handful of my favourites of Tilda Swinton. 
    Only Lovers Left Alive - A slow paced emotional drama with John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Tom Hiddleston, and Tilda Swinton. Tom Hiddleston is a vampire with depression. He's currently going through a small period of suicidal thoughts so his old friend, and fellow vampire, Tilda Swinton, travels from her home in Tangier to visit him at his house in Detroit and keep him company, hopefully dissuading him from acting on it.
    Orlando - The life of a person born a man in the 1600s, quite androgynous and a skilled poet, as he becomes Queen Elizabeth's confidante, ceases aging because she told him to, romances a Russian Princess and an American rebel (who may or may not be the spirit of freedom and adventure), and one day wakes as a woman, still being very androgynous, because the masculine world was no longer suiting her.
    Constantine - A DC action film that totally butchers the DC trickster wizard and his world, not even pronouncing his name in the right way. But, at least it makes good use of Tilda Swinton as the appropriately agendered archangel Gabriel, who advises Constantine on the will of God as he tries saving the world from Satan's rebelling son.
    The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe - Tilda Swinton plays Jadis, the White Queen. She's an immortal, albino, giant, who created Narnia after destroying her last world in order to have somewhere new to conquer and currently reigns over it as the Queen of an endless winter without a christmas. (Yeah. Fun fact: when Aslan said "Don't quote the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written!", what he's carefully not mentioning is that, though he was there, it was *her* who wrote and cast the deep magic. She actually *is* Queen of Narnia, rightfully, and the Humans from our world are colonial invaders.) 
  6. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in Jokes   
    There are 10 kinds of people. Some can understand binary, and some don't get this joke.

    There are 2 kinds of people. Some of them can extrapolate from incomplete data. 
  7. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in "Neat" Pictures   
    Wait, did Ragnarok start already!? Dang it! I'll get my boots.
  8. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from mattingly in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Currently watching a handful of my favourites of Tilda Swinton. 
    Only Lovers Left Alive - A slow paced emotional drama with John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Tom Hiddleston, and Tilda Swinton. Tom Hiddleston is a vampire with depression. He's currently going through a small period of suicidal thoughts so his old friend, and fellow vampire, Tilda Swinton, travels from her home in Tangier to visit him at his house in Detroit and keep him company, hopefully dissuading him from acting on it.
    Orlando - The life of a person born a man in the 1600s, quite androgynous and a skilled poet, as he becomes Queen Elizabeth's confidante, ceases aging because she told him to, romances a Russian Princess and an American rebel (who may or may not be the spirit of freedom and adventure), and one day wakes as a woman, still being very androgynous, because the masculine world was no longer suiting her.
    Constantine - A DC action film that totally butchers the DC trickster wizard and his world, not even pronouncing his name in the right way. But, at least it makes good use of Tilda Swinton as the appropriately agendered archangel Gabriel, who advises Constantine on the will of God as he tries saving the world from Satan's rebelling son.
    The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe - Tilda Swinton plays Jadis, the White Queen. She's an immortal, albino, giant, who created Narnia after destroying her last world in order to have somewhere new to conquer and currently reigns over it as the Queen of an endless winter without a christmas. (Yeah. Fun fact: when Aslan said "Don't quote the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written!", what he's carefully not mentioning is that, though he was there, it was *her* who wrote and cast the deep magic. She actually *is* Queen of Narnia, rightfully, and the Humans from our world are colonial invaders.) 
  9. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from DeleteThisAccount in Usable as 2nd form of movement (6E)   
    I think this seems like the perfect time for a multipower. Two powers that are achieving pretty similar things, with strong thematic ties, that you don't want to use at the same time as each other? Two fixed slots in a multipower
  10. Thanks
    DoctorImpossible reacted to DeleteThisAccount in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    I've not finished yet, (not even started technically,) but I've got plans for a complete rewatch of The Librarian, including the three films and the four season long sequel series The Librarians. Kind of like, Indiana Jones if he was James Bond. An omnidisciplinary genius gets the job of "the Librarian", the sole field agent of a secret society running an interdimension safe storage and study of magic, in the form of artefacts too dangerous for the world to know about. 
    In the first, The Librarian And The Quest For The Spear, he is recruited and must go looking for the spear of Longinus before a cult of snake themed ninjas can find it.
    In the second, The Librarian And The Return To King Solomon's Mines, he meets quite possibly the only person in the world who might have more education than him, and they team up, along with his estranged Uncle, to find the Key Of Solomon, an ancient mystical text.
    In the third, The Librarian And The Curse Of The Judas Chalice, he goes on vacation to New Orleans, after dreaming of a woman there, only to realise that she summoned him through his dreams, as she is the guardian of the Judas Chalice, which is the Holy Grail for vampires. Someone has stolen Count Dracula's coffin with his corpse still inside it, and they may be searching for the Judas Chalice to bring him back to unlife!
    Very fun, family friendly, pulp action adventure. The main character is like Indiana Jones but less action oriented and way more knowledge and intellect based, getting through his adventures with information and quick thinking. Great inspiration for a Pulp Hero game.
  11. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to DeleteThisAccount in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    None of the above, to be honest, just "horror", as in the genre of fiction known as horror. Not really scary, but themed around the idea of being scary. Giant insects, lots of sudden natural disasters, animal attacks, plants that attack you *like* animals, a man with a huge gun and the face of your father commanding you to face death like a man, and even the unexplained disappearance of a young child from his parents' house while they were away for the night.
  12. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to DoctorHammersmith in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    That seems to be the six, so should the last person to post one of the Syndication Six post the next team idea/writing prompt?
  13. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from DeleteThisAccount in How is Reputation determined?   
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  15. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from DeleteThisAccount in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    The Straight And Narrow is a dangerous path for the Morally Inflexible. 
    - Said by the resident anti-hero, when arguing against black and white morality.
  16. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from DeleteThisAccount in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
    Personally, I'm laughing at the foolish male elf, who doesn't understand the multi-species appeal of the Gnome Bards. He's definitely about to lose his (wife? fiance? girlfriend? whatever).
  17. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from CaptainCoulson in Usable as 2nd form of movement (6E)   
    I think this seems like the perfect time for a multipower. Two powers that are achieving pretty similar things, with strong thematic ties, that you don't want to use at the same time as each other? Two fixed slots in a multipower
  18. Like
    DoctorImpossible got a reaction from DeleteThisAccount in Does this character do 9d6 or 12d6 with his club?   
    I'm not sure why a str requirement to use a weapon would mean that the weapon does less damage when someone strong enough *can* use the weapon effectively. Could somebody explain what that rule means, please?
  19. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to Gnome BODY (important!) in BODY of Water? + Power Strength Based on available water?   
    I'd wonder why you're using Transform here.  You want to turn water into ice for a reason, right?  To make a barrier, or to walk across something, hit somebody with sharp ice objects, whatever. 
    So build that power, with "Turning water into ice and" as the SFX. 
    Also everything dsatow said. 
  20. Haha
    DoctorImpossible reacted to CaptainCoulson in Widening Gyre   
    Thank you, but no.
  21. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to CaptainCoulson in Mutant Cure   
    I am actually a player. Handwavium was not useful. However, the note about how Transform always, by default at least, works on a cumulative basis, was handy.
    The fact it works *only* on curing mutants or inhumans (or some similar but copyright free version of a person whose otherwise dormant powers have to be 'activated' in order to appear) was simply a part of the special effect of this as a device for treating mutants or inhumans who don't want their activated powers. It would not work on Superman, for instance, nor would a version of this power that was designed for use on mutants (say, one built for Rogue in the comics) work on an inhuman exposed to the terrigen mists unwillingly, nor vice versa.
    Having said that, it turned out that making the device limited in ways that made sense for the noncombat role I intend it to have, since my pc designed it for use only on willing targets, made it quite cheap, points-wise, and such a low cost device would probably be quite easy to acquire in multiple forms, reconfigured to affect different forms of unwilling recipients with different sources of super-powers.
  22. Haha
    DoctorImpossible reacted to CaptainCoulson in Destroy Your Geek Cred!!   
    Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!!

    Get out!
    ( I kid, I kid!)
  23. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to CaptainCoulson in Destroy Your Geek Cred!!   
    It might not be that you've seen too few to make sense. They cut a lot of necessary plot out in favour of nice looking setpieces that don't exactly make a cohesive film together.
  24. Haha
    DoctorImpossible reacted to CaptainCoulson in Champions Complete. Max Human Strength.   
  25. Like
    DoctorImpossible reacted to CaptainCoulson in Destroy Your Geek Cred!!   
    Speaking of the Big Bang Theory, how did the show writers expect a bunch of nerds to empathise with a nerd like Leonard, who doesn't want to be open about his nerdiness, and laugh at Sheldon, who is probably more similar to all of us?
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