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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Back when I was running an ongoing Champions campaign many years ago, I had 14 players with 10 or 11 showing up on any given weekend. One of the PCs had two Duplicates (with different DEX and SPDs), and another PC had 8 Multiforms* (with different DEX and SPDs), so my speed chart for the PCs alone was 22 characters! * One was a detective that had been hired to find a missing nurse -- which was another of his forms.
  2. Here are some that I've run frequently. Click through for the full game write-ups. HERO System Muppet fantasy. HERO System cerealpunk. Dresden Files (Fate System) monster-hunter team-up. The old Marvel "FASERIP" system.
  3. His name was Robert Paulsen. His name was Robert Paulsen.
  4. There's nothing wrong with a little silliness! It serves as existential armor against the absurdity of the uncaring void.
  5. It was a magic spear, and she was on a mission from God...
  6. That has my favorite line from any movie: "Try and pit your wits with me, you won't have a wit to pit wit'."
  7. https://www.designboom.com/art/ekow-nimako-afrofuturistic-cityscape-black-lego-04-21-2021/
  8. That's generally my strategy.
  9. I was such a Chris Knight growing up. The only teenage rocket scientist at NASA with a mohawk and a weekly radio comedy show.
  10. I liked it a lot, but I'm an easy mark since I've always liked Hit Monkey in the comics. I didn't expect to binge all ten episodes the day that they dropped, but there ya go.
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