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  1. I see how increased number works, it's pretty straight forward. What I'm wondering is if I have an expanded class that say allows for the character to summon bears, tigers and lions how do you limit how many of each that can be summoned. The way I read it you can summon up any number of bears, tigers and lions as long as the total number does not go over your max increased number amount. What if you want to put a limit that says 1 bear, 2 tigers and 3 lions. How do you go about doing this?
  2. Re: Who died in the 'Who Will Die ?' story arc What's really funny is that they killed them off but still have them in missions they were in, and didn't have them replaced on the task forces they give when the released the parts that they died in. It was a good story arc, but poorly executed within the over all world view of the game.
  3. Re: Abortable advantage, leading to a more general question of resolution mechanics You can abort to turn on your damage reduction. If an offensive power is linked to a defensive power, so that the defensive power can't be used without the use of the offensive power you can still abort to it. There is an example given for this in the book, but I don't have the book in front of me atm.
  4. Re: Power Word Ni! I would say it's a Psychological Complication of the knights and not an attack others would have.
  5. Re: Second Best Game System ? I really like the Savage Worlds - Necessary Evil. It's both a setting book for the Savage Worlds game system. Basically Aliens come to earth act all nicy nice and then blam kill all the superheros in one fell swoop. The only ones left to defend the planet are the villains, which is what the PCs end up playing.
  6. Re: Strength Minimum sort of How would you work in the idea for increased effect, much like strength minimum has. That one is already built in because it's strength, other characteristics don't have that built in ease of use.
  7. I had an idea for equipment that was created with Attribute Minimum instead of using Strength, and was just wondering what you thought would be appropriate limitation values. The idea being that the character needs to have a certain level of the attribute selected for the power before they can use it, and maybe have any amount of the attribute above the minimum increase the affect. I could see DEX, INT, EGO, and PRE all as possible attributes that could be used in this manner.
  8. Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You? The books that I was really looking forward to were, Mythic Hero, HS Vehicles, Horror Hero, Cyber Hero, Victorian Hero, and Cthulu Hero. I had plans to buy those.
  9. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? What I would like to see is a section on, Suggestions for how to create your own pantheon. Suggestions on hierarchy of the gods. Suggestion on types of spheres of influence or domains. etc, etc,
  10. Re: Hero System Vehicles: Sailing Ships Steve has stated under the 2012 releases thread that the new Hero System Vehicles book will be an amalgamation of HSVS and TUV. Personally I can't wait for it's release. I want it yesterday.
  11. Re: Evasion Talent Use teleport, no noncombat, trigger (about to take damage from an aoe), AGI roll, only to teleport to a location in the direction the character is facing, or withing a 180 arc or something like that, only for a distance just outside of the aoe.
  12. In the post about simplified healing you mention errata for 6e1 and I was wondering where can this be found? I went to the free stuff page and selected "errata and missing pages". There was nothing listed for any 6e book.
  13. Re: Limitation: Only Versus Stunning Blows You could also buy COM as a power with the limitation "Only used in determining if the Character is Stunned" This doesn't decrease the amount of damage you actually take. Which buying PD, ED or Damage Reduction would do. I don't think it would be worth much, as that's pretty much all CON is used for now.
  14. Re: Enchanted Items How much has changed between 5e and 6e that would affect the contents of this book? Is this book going to be updated to 6e?
  15. Has anyone created any 6e sailing ships? If so, would you mind sharing the stats? I'm looking for something that would be in the 16th century for design. Small to medium sized cargo carrying merchant man style ship Anyone have a website they like for ship blueprint type stuff usable for gaming? Thanks
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