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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q - Matter-Eater-Lad is on Prozac? A - That's the dumbest supervillain code name I ever heard.
  2. The vampire/werewolf/Sidhe noble/witch/Chinese geomancer/9th-dan martial artist/nanomaterials researcher/neurosurgeon's d*** little yapdog. New Topic: Things Foxbat is thankful for this Thanksgiving.
  3. Who says life is fair? Where is that written?
  4. Three words: Sparkly sadomasochistic vampires.
  5. Q - The Charity I know would never hang out with those O-chem nerds. A - I have no idea why he's not in an institution yet.
  6. Q - What's that Viper team leader saying? A - Nobody's business.
  7. Was it cancelled after what's-his-name promised that it wouldn't be?
  8. "I'm a chemist! I don't need someone else to mix sugar and boric acid for me!"
  9. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terra Haute recruited me out of high school.
  10. Q1 - Where are your arms?! Q2 - Are you seriously suggesting that Star Wars encourages bullying? A - We have no more cookies. Eat a cracker.
  11. I'm not confessing to anything, all right?
  12. Q - Okay, I stepped on her toes a few times. Is that really a reason to kick me right out on the middle of the dance floor? A - That's it. Now I'm going to have to smack someone.
  13. Just like this. Oops, I wasn't supposed to do that, was I?
  14. Short school day today Football team's in state playoffs Less instruction time
  15. Um....have you read the title of this thread?
  16. Q - Wendolene, why do we have all this bloody wool rationing? A - No, they're the right trousers. You have the wrong legs.
  17. A high school student, unhappy with a grade he had received from a teacher, confronted the teacher and asked, "Do you know who my father is?" The teacher replied, "You should probably ask your mother about that." (The teacher in this scenario is one of my coworkers.)
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