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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Time for another root canal. In about five minutes. Huzzah!
  2. Q: Do you ever use Twitter? A: No job too big, no brain too small!
  3. Q: Excuse me, is this where the English horn convention is being held? A: I'm not as stupid as you look!
  4. Death Tribble was irritated by a guy from the Securities Exchange Commission, so he had him fired. From a cannon. Into the North Sea.
  5. > insert gratuitous comparison of Rob Gronkowski and the south end of a northbound horse here <
  6. This year's teaching assignment: 2 sections of Honors Chemistry 5 sections of Chemistry for Dummies* Next year's teaching assignment: 1 section of Honors Chemistry 4 sections of Honors Physics 1 section of ACT Prep (fall semester only) 1 section of Astronomy (fall semester), 2 sections of Astronomy (spring semester) I've got some prep work to do this summer! -- * I can't actually call it that, of course, but that's what it is.
  7. "And in today's most shocking story, President Donald Trump has resigned from the White House to take a position as the Cleveland Browns' starting quarterback. 'We love his hands,' one team official stated. 'They're huge!'"
  8. Death Tribble is wanted for questioning by Scotland Yard in relation to the illicit sale of dihydrogen monoxide to minors.
  9. Nestled in the mountains between LaVerkin and Panguich you'll find the Utah Food Museum, with expansive exhibits dedicated to fry sauce, funeral potatoes, and green Jello salad with shredded carrots. New Topic: Incredibly unexpected developments from the NFL in advance of Thursday night's draft.
  10. Ugh, what a choice. I'll have to give the benefit of the doubt to Dallas, because Tom Landry was a class act. (And Craig Morton, the first quarterback to lead my Donkeys to a winning season {and the Support Bowl} came from the Cowboys.) Evil Empires III: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Detroit Red Wings
  11. Deep Impact, because Morgan Freeman. Everest would be more fun to look at. Evil Empires I: New York Yankees vs. Alabama football
  12. The bigger question might be, what if they both turn out to be Goffs--that is to say, good quarterbacks, but not with that coaching staff? It doesn't make a great deal of difference how talented your personnel are, if they're not coached properly.
  13. I read an article the other day suggesting the Browns might use both of their top-4 picks on quarterbacks. Imagine if they drafted the guy from USC, and then three picks later drafted the guy from UCLA. Or vice versa. That would be, I think, the most Browns thing ever.
  14. Dracula will make you immortal! Who wouldn't want that? Numbers Game: Irrational numbers vs. Fractions
  15. ' Sonic armor ' has a nice ring to it. I've got a micro SD card in my phone that serves the same purpose.
  16. I bought a couple of CDs just last month. I like having the liner notes and the artwork.
  17. This is demonstrably false. (See: Pariah in Biochem {the first time}.)
  18. In addition to competence, patience, and humility, you also need confidence. There are times when the only way to handle a class or a project or a test is to walk in like you own the damn place. In any case, best of luck to you! You've got this!
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